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Everything posted by PapaTony

  1. It happens constantly. It's bot activity. The intent is to get you to call the number because for land-lines at least you’re unwittingly calling a number that charges your account per minute, sort of like the old porn phone lines. I don’t know what the catch would be if one calls from a mobile phone - perhaps the same? I report each one I receive
  2. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59d36ab2d5a0c
  3. https://www.pinnaclehealth.org/wellness-library/blog-and-healthwise/blog-home/post/heart-disease-genetics-versus-lifestyle-what-a-new-study-tells-us https://www.northwestern.edu/newscenter/stories/2010/11/heart-disease.html .
  4. How about the second paragraph of the “Intro” and the “Bottom Line” section?
  5. I was echoing a comment made by a lecturer in a diet class; I’ll have to find references to cite here on the matter but the point being that as recently as 10 years ago genetics were scored as impacting ones health at something like 50%. Geneticists have in recent years re-evaluated that percentage significantly. This article does not address my point specifically but it’s good reading: https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/the-genetics-of-heart-disease-an-update
  6. It is available: https://top8antivirus.com/reviews/norton-security-review-ipad/?edgetrackerid=100328755861274&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwN6UoY_B5AIVgYbACh3zWghlEAAYASABEgJuHvD_BwE
  7. So Norton Anti-Virus is a scam?
  8. OMG, that is perfection right there!!!
  9. Thanks for all the replies. Your input added to what I’ve read online in my research seems to all point to the same conclusion of phony threat. On a related point; is anyone running anti malware apps on their phones or tablets, specifically Apple products?
  10. Thank you. So posting / pasting a pic is only possible if the image lives somewhere on the internet? I can’t paste a pic from my albums?
  11. I wish you only the best and you have to do what’s right for you but new info on this indicates genetics only play a small role (about 5%). Both my parents also had heart disease and bypass surgeries yet my health is improving following the Ornish program. There are still an unfortunately large percentage of doctors who don’t understand the value or reality of reversing heart disease with diet and lifestyle but fortunately that’s changing albeit slowly. Ornish has been proven clinically over the past 40 years and has operational clinics throughout the country including UCLA medical center in LA.
  12. You might appreciate these: https://www.amazon.com/Undo-Lifestyle-Changes-Reverse-Diseases/dp/052547997X https://www.amazon.com/Ornishs-Program-Reversing-Heart-Disease/dp/0804110387
  13. I’m glad others are realizing plant-based / vegan diets are not necessarily healthy. I’ve been fully vegan going on three years but following an artery cleansing low fat diet, consuming less than 25 grams of fat daily (as close to 0 saturated fat as possible) promoted by Dr. Ornish and other lifestyle medicine practitioners.
  14. So I received one of these threatening emails. Everywhere I’ve looked online tells me not to be concerned, that it’s a phony scam. Anyone else dealt with this? https://gizmodo.com/dont-fall-for-this-scam-claiming-you-were-recorded-watc-1827557323
  15. This doesn’t seem to work for an iPad. Can anyone offer advice?
  16. PapaTony


    How do I post a photo?
  17. Thanks for posting this...you beat me to it. I purchase a great deal of textiles in my job function and vendors have advised me of this operational fact related to textile production and industrial loom function.
  18. PapaTony


    Oh boy...where is this thread headed?
  19. Can You Actually Have An Orgasm In Your Sleep? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sleep-orgasms-women-men_l_5d66b25de4b022fbceb4f92e
  20. My absolute bucket list fantasy: double team session with Nate and Maus
  21. Absolutely agree and while it’s been a while since being with @nategrimes my memories remain as warm and cuddly as he is.
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