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Everything posted by PapaTony

  1. I don’t believe your doctor is well informed. https://nutritionfacts.org/2017/02/23/can-you-eat-too-much-fruit/
  2. But you’re still consuming something that’s processed and lord knows what process was used. This is a more healthful way to go: https://www.iherb.com/pr/Organic-Traditions-Stevia-Leaf-Powder-3-5-oz-100-g/81951?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIupbrjdLr3gIVlCCtBh1dsAhQEAQYAiABEgJ9SPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  3. I avoid family angst by inadvertently shaming them. Today, as in 24 past years, spent the day feeding the homeless. I just got home following 6 hours of organizing donations, dishing out food and distributing to the hungry. Now I get to take a shower followed by a nap and no one can or better not dare to judge me for not sitting down with them.
  4. I’m ordering an artificial foreskin TODAY!!!
  5. There is one possible consideration I don’t believe has been raised. Let the PRW forum remain with the caveat that it is a free-for-all and only adults are allowed in the room. Can’t take the heat? Too damn bad, stay away. The overarching rule would be; absolutely NO bleeding / overflow into other forums. Hurt feelings, bad personalities, Ill-will towards another based on PRW interaction ENDS THE MOMENT ONE CLICKS TO ANOTHER FORUM. Honestly I see no way of conditioning behavior. Buttons, warnings, likes, dislikes...people are going to be who they are, do what they do when it comes to devisive issues. Yes I like the PRW forum despite the heat and I wonder if it disappears many might express their energetic personalities in the other forums.
  6. and yet you pumped oxygen his way instead of ignoring
  7. I am vegan. I consume no animal products, no processed foods, no extracted sugars and the only added fat in my diet is minimal use of extra-virgin olive oil. Anything extracted: oils or sugars are indeed “processed”. Eat as much as you can foods in their natural state. This includes fruit. Natural fructose from fruit is low glycemic which does not spike insulin in the body and the presence of fiber in the fruit is key to metabolizing.
  8. The only people I blame for the loss of the politics forum is all of us who chose to repeatedly respond to @Avalon and his ilk as if any one of us could or would change his ignorant, short sighted, racist views. Using the igore button only created a mess of message threads as we all know. We ALL needed to JUST IGNORE him/them because it’s been proven trolls do not survive without oxygen.
  9. As a provider (you) advertising on RM do you know when someone (me) buddy lists you?
  10. Being of Italian descent I find the use of the term Guido as a definition of type offensive.
  11. https://www.lpsg.com/threads/delta-employee-suspended-over-mid-flight-bathroom-hookup-with-austin-wolf-caught-on-tape.526056/#post-7695414
  12. He hit me up last night. No offers, just a “what’s up”?
  13. Sent you an additional amount now that all is working well. More to come in future. Thanks for all you do with this site and “DR”
  14. Just sent a test payment; please confirm receipt and I’ll make a larger donation
  15. Start a conversation with me. If you do it correctly I will respond letting you know you have.
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