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Everything posted by OliverSaks

  1. A whole fucking lot more, sorry I can’t get more specific with numbers...
  2. I knew it was SOMETHING about this time of year...
  3. I think @Kevin Slater’s graphs confirm this, if I recall correctly.
  4. Fuck this victim blaming sentiment. Forgive the women for not putting up more of a fight against a presumably armed man who controls a large portion of her life. If you were joking, I’m sorry for taking you seriously. If you were not, shame on you.
  5. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know that! Should have guessed, since heroin/cocaine/cannabis/psychedelics/ketamine/analogs are all used medically too I heard stories of guy with severe ADHD who used to self medicate with street meth (after another doctor refused to treat him with Adderall because he was “probably drug seeking” - severe ADHD is serious, dangerous business)
  6. “As a phenethylamine, ephedrine has a similar chemical structure to amphetamines and is a methamphetamine analogue having the methamphetamine structure with a hydroxyl group at the β position. Because of ephedrine's structural similarity to methamphetamine, it can be used to create methamphetamine using chemical reduction in which ephedrine's hydroxyl group is removed; this has made ephedrine a highly sought-after chemical precursor in the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine.“ Mixed Amphetamine salts/Adderall is structurally very similar to methamphetamine (T/crystal), scary!
  7. Hint: ask one of the millions of children who are taking it / go to any college campus
  8. Also, a bajillion amateur photographers exist on Grindr / other apps - they will “practice” and you’ll get non-selfies for free/massage trade
  9. why????????? Does buying twitter followers, likes, retweets make a companion more or less serious? Do ya’ll even notice when there is definite “popularity-boosting” going on in someone’s social media? If someone is willing to buy fake engagement, do you think it is a stretch to think that they are also: writing fake reviews, faking forum posts, lying about stats?
  10. Multihour appointment or fair travel time compensation
  11. I would say that it is meant to be a description of yourself. However, non-paying users only get one choice of tribe, so I think certain people with niche interests will “spend” the allowance to broadcast what they like (like a younger guy with “Daddy” as his tribe, I think it is pretty clear that he is a younger guy who likes older guys, which is more useful than labeling himself as “twink” - I do realize that he misses guys who filter by “twink” type, but he would still catch people by his stated age)
  12. Too stupid of a post to respond to legitimately. Glad you have survived bb’ing for 30 years. You’re a real fucking pioneer. Thank your fucking stars for somehow staying alive through the epidemic.
  13. Apps absolutely have the right to decide if people can advertise. Hilariously entitled view to think that you are somehow owed this space because, yes, in fact, some people on the apps DO hire. Seriously: have you ever reached out to any member of the government about your career as an escort and what the various legislation/rentboy raids/etc has meant to you? Have you ever “reached deep down” yourself and put yourself out there in this same way that you are advocating? A single phone call or email and I would be blown the fuck away. You’ve been at this a long time, after all
  14. I have not found the need to come up with a strategy about dealing with photographers. I deal with them infrequently because my body and look have remained pretty stable, and I don’t see much utility in more pictures.
  15. I’m sorry about your bad experiences. Hire well-reviewed escorts from the review site or this board - I’m going to presume that you did not do this, if you did, my apologies I am NOT shocked to hear story after story (here and privately) about guys having bad experiences with the guys they hire. DO NOT put up with some hot guy’s bullshit - yes his body is amazing, yes he starred in some porn, but NO he cannot stand you up multiple times / fail to deliver the promised services / disrespect you. /rant
  16. Freebies are competition, especially for the one hour and less type of client needs (the wham-bam type of thing) I’d like to think that I am providing a memorable, unique experience, but sometimes a man is just looking to bust his nut and the apps suffice for a finding a quickie
  17. So many solutions!? What are your other solutions? I would love to hear some
  18. I just don’t see this as a useful thing to do. I appreciate the thought, though. “A universal rate raise is this only way to ensure survival at this point” ... what!? No way!
  19. Open a new forum / platform using Tor 0.02$
  20. Pro tip: Type “xxxrates” and have your cell phone automatically fill in your rate structure - on iOS, this is a simple (Settings -> General -> keyboard -> text replacement -> +) Saves a bit of time - I use this format to hotkey the questions most asked of me
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