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Everything posted by OliverSaks

  1. http://www.onlinejacc.org/content/71/22/2570 https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/routine-vitamin-supplementation-mostly-useless/ https://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/1789253/enough-enough-stop-wasting-money-vitamin-mineral-supplements If you need more sources, or help interpreting the research, I’m happy to help. I didn’t go to school for 8 years for nothing ?
  2. https://www.instagram.com/nimai_delgado/?hl=en This vegan bodybuilder dispels lots of myths, is easy on the eyes, and I think has lessons for ALL bodybuilders - he’s a smart, well-spoken dude
  3. No... soy is so demonized, so many myths, but just a couple of sources: https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/soy/ https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/soy/ Tin foil hat Dr Saks thinks there has been an effort to demonize soy (alt right peeps call liberals “soy boys” for instance) probably from the meat industry - we feed most soy in this country to the livestock you all eat!
  4. I do not eat eggs, nothing that is taken from an animal. The egg industry is a horrendous cause of animal deaths/suffering (google what happens to chicks that they find out are male ?) Tofu is made from soybeans and I eat it a lot. Wanna know something better than scrambled eggs, better for you and for the animals and for the planet? Tofu scramble (google for precise recipes... so easy to make) Silken tofu + nutritional yeast + turmeric + garlic / onion + chickpea flour + olive oil Pairs well with anything that scrambled eggs go with JUST Egg is a mung bean based (https://www.ju.st/en-us/products/consumer/egg) product that does so close to what eggs do, but I’m a frugal vegan so I avoid this product until it gets cheaper / I like tofu scramble a lot already and it is less processed and at least as nutritious (if not more)
  5. Vitamin C for immune boosting powers have been thoroughly debunked in the medical literature. Emergen-C is no more effective than Tang. Since many (upper) respiratory viruses are short lived, people *feel* like they knock out the infection with that stuff, but it would have resolved in the same time course without the vitamin C dosing. If it makes you *feel* better, no worries.
  6. I eat the same type of protein that the food you all eat for protein eats. The focus on absurd amounts of protein being necessary for satiety and muscle growth are just marketing schemes... Elephants and other big ass, strong animals eat only plants - it isn’t magic. I eat soy, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, pea protein, nuts, seeds, pulses, legumes - this is definitely the most common question I get asked being vegan. I’m not saying this to attack you, I just think it is funny how people suddenly become protein and nutrition experts when asking me to defend my food choices, but I am not the person with an unbalanced diet, and I am more intentional with planning every meal than most omnivores I’ve ever met. Last night at dinner, at Next Level burger in SF, 100% vegan dinner with 40 g’s of Plant protein because I’m on a bulking phase.
  7. Cranberry juice for UTI’s has been thoroughly debunked in the medical literature. If you like the taste and it makes you *feel* protected, by all means chug away.
  8. Multivitamins are sure fire path to expensive pee and little else. It’s so sad how this industry preys on peoples’ fears. A balanced diet is key, Vitamin D in the winter for much of the US is probably a good idea too.
  9. Just a small correction, because it gets repeated so much. CBD IS psychoactive, but it does not get you “high.” A Yale researcher made this point clear to me during a grand rounds presentation on his two decades of work with the substance. “Very simply stated, what is clear about CBD is that it must be considered psychoactive because of its ability to act as an anti-anxiety agent and an anti-psychotic agent," Russo said.”
  10. Mocha, I’ve been harsh towards you in the past, and there have been times where I did not recognize the unearned privileges I have even within the escorting world, and as a result I did not fully comprehend the experience that you had and diminished those experiences or attributed them to your personality/attitude. I apologize for that. Here though, I think the quoted post is spot on. It seems like you are always running from something. There will be no decent city until you’re at home with yourself.
  11. http://www.xbizmiami.com/ Is anyone going? I just found out about this and I’m in FLL so I’m thinking about going if I can still register, today only because I gotta get to appts elsewhere in the following days. Let’s link up...
  12. I’ll be attending this conference, June 1 and 2 in San Francisco. Looks like it’ll be an awesome, inspiring event. I’m especially excited about the talk covering the trial of oxytocin group therapy on MSM who use methamphetamine based out of UCSF. Info: https://chacruna.net/queering-psychedelics/ If anyone is interested in going, hit me up and maybe we can coordinate a meal or something.
  13. Nuts / Peanut / nut butter go great with a fair number of fruits. I realize it is changing the vibe a bit. Also cinnamon/turmeric/cayenne PB&Jelly type of smoothie vibes ?
  14. I’m hoping to take my first cruise on AMA waterways on the Danube in August - anyone with experience on their vessels?
  15. I hope that is an invitation. Show me Vegan Vegas...!!!!
  16. Trash post, dude. You clearly don’t understand the concept of harm reduction. I hope you are not a physician who treats pwud.
  17. I don’t hire escorts, but love the fact you think doing so is a requirement for suggesting ya’ll not be so cruel to a stranger. Tasty take lol
  18. I’m 0.0 % surprised at the dog pile here, and just wanna put out to any of you naysayers: the energy you put out into the universe is the energy you get back - think of that the next time someone makes you feel too old, too fat, not masc enough, not worthy of attention.
  19. I’m happy to answer questions, shoot me a text at the number on my ad (rent.men/OliverSaks) I lived there for 5 years starting in 2012 and will be moving back this year probably
  20. Take videos and prove these doubters wrong with a pornhub/Xtube link. 0.02
  21. Love my Vitamix - it is a plant-based diet game changer Kitchen appliance that gets the most use, by far
  22. You’re wrong. It’s being touted as a cure to everything, which it most certainly IS NOT, but it does have medical value. I listened to a grand rounds presentation about it from a Yale psychiatrist, two things that stick out; CBD: anxiolytic, anti-psychotic THC: anxiogenic, psychotomimetic Dose-dependent, but very interesting in the context of current cannabis trends of high THC / “knock your socks off” type of high with lower CBD levels. (https://medicine.yale.edu/psychiatry/people/deepak_dsouza.profile)
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