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Everything posted by AdamSmith

  1. I often overlook the first result likewise. Probably because I reflexively think it's going to be an ad.
  2. You must be using Bing instead of Google.
  3. You got your revenge on me, that's Watt. Your post set me to re-listening to this Firesign Theatre album for the segment where, in their quest to recover the stolen Zeppo Tube, the protagonists press deep into the jungles of Sumatra to the Temple of Ampere Watt. Cue sounds of sparking & arcing.
  4. A unit of force. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyne
  5. You could be a Hero! http://history.msfc.nasa.gov/rocketry/images/02.gif
  6. ...and now, something about the family joules.
  7. Not at all! I had been dyne to know that.
  8. I'll take the great tun at Heidelberg.
  9. Translation (from a former employer): Any least vulnerability you show will be used against you.
  10. Especially that it was Binkley. Opus likely wouldn't have had those qualms if it had been Milo.
  11. Opus's resorting to typo-ellipses when speaking in front of Binkley makes me think 'delicate mixed' just meant his embarrassment at having to discuss erections with a child in the room.
  12. Strongly second this advice. Having hired people into a small (~15-person) business, I have done this very thing myself, on two different occasions.
  13. Give me Chris Knight instead. AKA Peter Brady... ...met him a couple of times when one of his software companies exhibited at a tech conference my company held. Very nice guy. Just before our conference was to begin, I went into a briefing on his company with him (he was VP Marketing) and his CEO. This was 1990. I thought he looked vaguely familiar but it did not click. Even his name Chris Knight did not cue me. An hour after the meeting, three young women on our staff came running up to me: "Do you know who that is in the New Image Industries suite? PETER BRADY!!!" Came the dawn.
  14. The definitive discussion of this topic: http://www.companyofmen.org/threads/somebody-please-help-me-with-my-underwear.47482/page-2#post-440794
  15. http://41.media.tumblr.com/c41f2bb03d47378bacf2a1ba0d5f3085/tumblr_novm2o83B11thjbjao1_250.jpg
  16. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1KbJ3WoXeec/TyQlP6Rzu_I/AAAAAAAAAS0/6NY5z5tYkLU/s1600/01806.jpg
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