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Everything posted by AdamSmith

  1. http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-i-believe-you-should-place-a-woman-on-a-pedestal-high-enough-so-you-can-look-up-her-steve-martin-84-44-63.jpg
  2. http://starecat.com/content/wp-content/uploads/introducing-smart-ass-phone-who-wrote-moby-dick-stop-wasting-my-time.jpg
  3. What I was first looking for... http://i.imgur.com/CiUhFnv.gif
  4. On the hunt for something entirely different, found this alarming thing:
  5. (Reposting.) http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/18400000/Julia-Hoffman-and-Barnabas-Collins-grayson-hall-18407555-640-480.jpg 'Julia, this connection to Adam must end. Every time he eats Mexican food, I get heartburn!'
  6. http://overpassesforamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/i-cant-believe-its-not-butthurt.png
  7. On the throne: what it's like to use the Guggenheim's solid gold toilet Putting the flash into flush, the museum installed America, a fully functioning, 18-carat gold toilet made by Maurizio Cattelan. And I can confirm that it works https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/sep/16/gold-toilet-guggenheim-america-maurizio-cattelan
  8. A real thing, apparently: a urinal cape, for the pee-shy! http://dlisted.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/peeshycape2015-500x486.jpg http://dlisted.com/2015/12/08/introducing-the-urinal-cape-for-the-shy-pee-ers-of-the-world/
  9. They also occasionally say: Big hat, no cattle.
  10. Actually a True Fact... Beefed-up Google Street View privacy blurs cow's face Google admitted their software had been ‘overzealous’, but didn’t begrudge cow for milking its newfound fame https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/sep/16/beefed-up-google-street-view-privacy-blurs-cows-face
  11. http://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/1301419076765_1161372.png
  12. "I feel well" could also be construed as "You will enjoy it when I feel you up."
  13. I feel good or I feel well ? Discussants, fall to!
  14. Exactly what my dog would do with them! Grape tomatoes in our case. If he broke the skin while playing with it, he would have nothing more to do with that one.
  15. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1519761891374726
  16. Eating non-Hebrew National no doubt.
  17. Hang upside down! Drain of all fluids!
  18. Direct opposite in fact of E corpo como...
  19. Could be worse... http://c8.alamy.com/comp/BRG6GP/a-german-chastity-belt-17th18th-century-belt-of-ergonomically-shaped-BRG6GP.jpg http://hybridtechcar.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/poyas_00.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5559/14425819021_bc32694540.jpg
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