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Posts posted by DMICS

  1. Before the shut down, I'd see Theo's ads regularly on BP MTL and sometimes Toronto. He was definitely cool in our brief conversation via text, sadly his price was out of my budget (not the price he has listed in one of those links) so I passed.

  2. This is a very interesting thread/topic. One I've always wanted to touch on but I remember seeing the same thing asked in a previous thread and it turned into a mini mob coming down on the client who felt like he shouldn't pay because he did not get what was agreed upon.


    I'm kind of in this situation currently with an escort I've wanted to hire forever. After doing a 411 on here I received some intel from 2 different members via PM stating that the escort in question couldn't stay hard or finish. This, despite his RM feedback being flawless, though recently someone left negative feedback and a day later it was removed (I still have the screenshots). @TheOtherGuy it sounds like you and I are into the same thing so an escort being able to stay erect and finish are very important


    With that being said....


    I respectfully disagree. These guys aren't machines. All kinds of things can haywire an erection even with ED drugs. Chemistry and attitude can play a big role on how successful a session goes and lets face it. Some people are just erection killers.


    This. They're not robots/machines so its definitely tough on their end to do that regularly, for an hour or more.



    I think a lot of it depends on how well you know the escort. One escort I know has been a regular call for over a year. We have developed a friendhip as well as a business relationship. On two occasions now neither of us has cum. But the time spent was so intimate and intellectually stimulating that I feel like I got my money's worth.


    My two regular hires have been great, but each have provided 1 session where they couldn't either stay hard or finish. But the overall experience was good, and in both cases I was offered a reduced rate by 1 and a free session by the other.


    A true "professional" can keep an erection when asked. One to two experiences with not being able to top with his client (one would think) would instruct any real professional to be prepared next time and get Viagra (or Cialis or Levitra) and have handy when necessary. Age, body size, looks of the client has nothing to do with giving an escort a pass on maintaining an erection. If the escort has difficulty with a consistent erection, they shouldn't be in the business of prostitution (or at least not advertising their penis size or that they top).


    And this is how I feel. Especially if during our conversations leading up to a session you say you can deliver. Especially after I've expressed my concerns, with an understanding from the escort's perspective.


    One angle that hasn't been mentioned: if it is clear that this is a problem 10, 15, or 30 minutes into a session, it is incumbent on the client to speak up at that point if it is taking away the value of the session for them.


    Up until then, it is basically a question of the provider matching their description. But once the client sees it and goes along with it anyway, without speaking up, the ball has been in their court. Paying less at that point would mean changing the agreement without informing the other party or getting their agreement -- which is obviously not fair.


    Pretty much. Agreed 100%. If within 15 minutes things don't seem right, I would stop and speak up.


    Another factor that can inhibit performance is the effects of PNP. Be wary of cliques of younger guys that travel together. If they party together and/or with clients all night they're worn out the next day.


    This too, and I try to avoid those. Going back to my one of my regulars "failing"....I knew something was "off" and had a feeling it was due to him playing with snow. I brought it up after the session, he apologized and he offered the next session at a reduced rate.


    They sure got endurance though. Albeit without an erection. :eek:


    Eventually I'll make a thread about this, because I want to educate myself on that part of the hook up culture. I'm confused and I'm encountering more and more guys that are into that stuff SMH.


    If I didn't know the guy or if the hire was simply for a particular sexual act and the escort broke his promise of performance, there is good reason to reduce payment. I know it is advertised that money is for time spent only but if a new escort takes that position he should expect no return visits.


    Thats how I feel.


    I guess in the end and moving forward, if I book a session and early on I'm not getting what we agreed upon I'm going to stop and speak up. I work hard, I'm not rich and just want a good experience from a "professional."


    Thanks again @TheOtherGuy for this thread.

  3. The shut down has definitely messed up my play life on the side. Craigslist was my main option for fun and while I have a couple of regulars from there....I don't see them as often as I'd like. The personals section came handy in those situations when I was in a "drought". Now I'm lost with no consistent option.


    A4A is wack and only works off wi-fi for me so I can't use it when I'm out and about. Grindr and Scruff are just headaches (Grindr especially) with guys who don't read and 90% musc looking for musc or straight musc looking for CDs, Trans.


    Doublelist eventually will be good (I hope)...I say eventually because currently there's way too many kinks that need to be ironed out. I can make an ad right now without a prompt to create an account/login, so if someone responds where does that email go? I barely get any responses to my Doublelist ads.


    About to be some tough times ahead.

  4. Ugh. Logged onto craigslist to throw up a late-night ad, and notice the personal section is now gone. So frustrating.

  5. Some of my best hookups were from CL. Be aware that if you had a recent good hookup that you can still send an email to the person for a limited time until CL retires the relay.


    Yup. Which is why I now ask for a email during early contact.

  6. Tried OnlyFans last month, subscribing to 2 accounts. One was an escort's page, another just a person from xtube who posts the unblurred versions of visitors to his GH on OF.


    Ended up unsubscribing after the 1 month. The escort posted videos somewhat regularly, but I was getting tired of seeing him and his partner in action. His group action videos I'm more into.


    The xtube guy doesn't post enough new content to warrant paying $10 a month. He'll throw up 1, maaaaaybe 2 vids a month.


    For me, it's about having content regularly and also mixing things up if I'm going to subscribe in the future. From what I've seen in previews on PornHub, Austin Wolf's OF appears to cover both. Knowing his history of high prices, a subscription probably costs $50 a month lol.


    It's very annoying OF doesn't provide previews of the content. You're making a blind purchase/decision. Hopefully someone can start a thread, listing the best pages to check out.

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