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  1. When Fox dumped Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, their replacements went right back into the usual Fox schtick with little or no effect on the popularity of the network.. Their biggest ratings challenge came when they (briefly) tried to inform their audience of the fact that Biden won the 2020 election. The audience was having none of it and started moving en masse to Newsmax and OAN. Fox quickly made an about-face and reverted to telling the audience what it wanted to hear. The core Fox audience, the source of the Murdochs' wealth, DEMANDS to be lied to.
  2. One of Carter's less heralded but most significant achievements... https://www.juancole.com/2023/02/carters-greatest-extinction.html
  3. This clip is mislabelled. Diana Ring did not join the series until 1966. In any case it was a great show and an unforgettable theme song.
  4. I agree that a high fiber diet is very helpful in cleaning out. It's also important to understand the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble actually may slow down your digestion but will ultimately produce a good clean result. Insoluble will move through you more quickly. I think it's best to have a balance between them. https://www.healthline.com/health/soluble-vs-insoluble-fiber#insoluble-fibersources
  5. He has a twin brother who identifies as Bi. https://rentmen.eu/KingDigDeep
  6. I have for a long time expressed my wish to be cremated when my time comes, but once I became aware of the environmental costs incurred, composting seems like a much more sustainable option. The funeral industry still has tremendous influence and will try to keep people locked into the traditional (and more expensive) options for as long as possible. Green burials are now legal in Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, and Vermont. Hopefully they will soon be available and used in many more places. https://48hills.org/2023/01/after-death-returning-your-body-to-the-earth/
  7. pitman


    Saw a preview screening of this a few days ago. Its a hot mess - excessive, epic and over the top. At 3 hours its way too long, but has a few great scenes amidst all the trash. I'm not recommending it, but I know there is an audience for this kind of film. If you are interested you should definitely see it on a BIG screen. Its a BIG film, though not a good one.
  8. I really liked this film. In addition to the very compelling story of Giancarlo Granda, it puts the whole affair into historical context by providing lots of background on the origins of Liberty U and the religious right movement.
  9. I had some problems with this series right from the start, but it was compelling enough that I stuck with it. My reservations started with the title, since the show never attempts to explain the history of anarchism and the different views on what anarchism actually is. A more honest title would have been "The Anarcho-Capitalists" or "The Hedonistic Libertarians". The series is centered around a group of mostly privileged upper middle class Americans who decide to create their own little utopia in Acapulco, essentially a colonial village with little or no interaction with the local population. Over a period of several years we see the "community" fracture and attempt to regroup. Initially I found little to identify or sympathize with in any of the characters, but as it got darker it got better. The final episode was especially strong and at least somewhat redeems the series as a whole. I think its worth watching
  10. I've pretty much had my fill of true crime series, but I decided to take a chance on this one. Its only three episodes and its about revenge porn, a subject I pretty much ignored when it was in the news a few years ago. I'm glad I watched it. The villain was truly deplorable and the woman who relentlessly pursued him was awesome. Very entertaining. Its on Netflix.
  11. This is a Swiss drama about an ambitious gay man in the corporate world who is forced to return to the farm where he grew up to deal with a family crisis. Each member of the family seems to have a lot of secrets, and by the end of the second episode everyone appears to be on the verge of a meltdown. I have no idea where this is going but its off to a strong start.
  12. I watched the first episode and got the impression that the script was written by an algorithm. I'm out.
  13. His ad says he is 'Very Hairy' yet he has 11 completely hairless pics. Other than that he is exactly my type.
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