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Everything posted by pitman

  1. Which city smokes the most weed? Not sure if I believe these stats, but interesting. https://hightimes.com/news/city-smokes-weed/5/
  2. Since the show is about honoring great cinema, instead of lame musical numbers they should show more scenes from the nominated films, especially the documentary and foreign language films which are overlooked by most people.
  3. +1 The nominated songs are nearly always entirely forgettable.
  4. He was in San Francisco earlier this year. Wish I had hired him.
  5. Wow, thats very high potency. I'm overwhelmed by 10 mg.
  6. I was hoping that OF BODY AND SOUL (Hungary) would win for Best Foreign Language Film. According to friends who have seen it, it is very cinematic and unforgettable. It is viewable in the US only the Netflix. If it had won perhaps it could have had a theatrical release. Its sad that so many outstanding films cannot be seen on a big screen with an audience unless you are fortunate enough to catch them at a film festival. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-et-mn-on-body-and-soul-review-20180201-story.html
  7. I was expecting Agnes Varda's FACES PLACES to win Best Doc, and was surprised that ICARUS won.
  8. I haven't done any of these tests since I have access to a lot of information about both sides of my family. Both sides can be traced to fairly isolated rural areas of Norway, so I would be very surprised if anything other than 100% Scandinavian showed up. I would be more interested in any genetic information that would shed light on personal health issues. Would like to hear more about how others have used their genetic profile in this way.
  9. Two of the best films of last year have been totally ignored during awards season: Detroit Wind River
  10. My husband died two years ago today. He requested no service, which was a goddessend for me to not have to think about organizing a memorial at that time. Instead I met individually or in small groups with his family and friends, which I found very comforting without the pressure and hoopla of a larger gathering. He also requested that his ashes be scattered in Iceland. One year ago today I was there fulfilling his wishes. Its was a very healing thing for me as I was fulfilling his wishes and remembering the wonderful trip we had there in 1992. I would like to see something similar happen when I go.
  11. I'm in SF. Lots of construction going on here, but not sure how many of them are available. Also we rarely have hot humid days.
  12. A construction worker would be great - right after a hard days work outside on a hot, humid day.
  13. Jane Fonda in KLUTE knew how to do it - a real pro. Time is Money: Bree checking her watch in the throes of artificial passion
  14. Well written imho. If you have survived and thrived doing this work all these years, you ARE superior!
  15. I was offered this once in a restaurant. I thought it sounded like a very weird combination, but it turned out to be delicious!
  16. Mmmmmm....please invite me to your next brunch!
  17. Everything is better with avocado, although I've never tried it as a lube.
  18. Perhaps this discussion is more appropriate for the political forums, but I think this is an important point. Facebook Still Lying About Its Role in the 2016 Election By Josh Marshall | February 17, 2018 7:34 pm I flagged this on Twitter before President Trump started flogging it. But I’m not at all surprised that he did. Because, somewhat to my surprise, it revealed that Facebook seems still to be committed to lying, albeit now more artfully, about its role in the 2016 election and more broadly as a channel of choice for propaganda and misinformation. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/facebook-still-lying-about-its-role-in-the-2016-election
  19. I think its strange when guys have both 'PNP' and 'Safe Only' in their profile.
  20. https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/99-strange-collective-animal-names My favorites from the linked list: A sloth of bears, a romp of otters, a passel of pigs.
  21. I would love to play doctor with him.
  22. Libidinal Enhancement Engineer
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