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Everything posted by pitman

  1. pitman


    Looking forward to seeing this
  2. Maybe it could be applied selectively to certain fora. I am just putting forward the general idea of limiting the number of posts (perhaps also the number of threads started?). How and where it should be applied and the numeric limit are certainly subjects for discussion.
  3. A friend of mine is dealing a number of serious health issues and is in need of financial assistance. A GoFundMe campaign was created for him by another friend of his who I also know and trust. I would not give to a fund for someone I do not know.
  4. A Modest Proposal..... The events which led to the shutdown of the politics forum were almost entirely the result of the compulsive and incessant posting behavior of one member and the reactions to it by others, which included a combination of attempts at friendly persuasion, harsh criticism which sometimes crossed over into personal attacks, ignoring said member, or departing the forums altogether. None of these responses had any effect whatsoever on this person. As others have pointed out, the problem was not confined to the politics forum, but extended to every forum where this member participated. In the time I have been posting here there have been a number of instances of behavior which resulted in timeouts but none rose to the level of the current crisis. We all can probably think of a few posters with whom we sharply disagree and whose behavior we find to be annoying. I think the difference this time was the sheer volume of posts, mostly trivial, diversionary, and/or attention-seeking, which this member made. My suggestion is to place a limit on the number of posts each member can make each day. I can tolerate annoying and/or disagreeable posts from anyone as long as they do not take over the entire forum. If there were a limit of, say 25 posts per member per day, that would force each of us to more carefully consider if what we are about to post contributes any real value or is just diversionary or repetitive. Whenever any discussion becomes dominated by one or a small group of posters it discourages others from participating and often devolves into behavior which devalues the forum for everyone.
  5. Not going to Sundance but going to Berlinale in February.
  6. pitman

    My Meds

    If he came to your house in 2006 why has he not done so after you being housebound for 8 months, but just keeps you overmedicated instead? Doesn't sound like such a great doctor to me.
  7. pitman


    And his partner https://rentmen.eu/ParkerLoganXXX/
  8. If you are interested in multiple orgasms without ejaculation, the amazingly sexy and talented WillSF should be your go-to guy. https://rentmen.eu/WillSF/
  9. I hope that someday I will have the opportunity to write a review of your services!
  10. pitman

    Boy Erased

    Just saw this at VIFF, followed by Q&A with director/actor/writer Joel Edgerton. I loved the film and was very moved by it. Lead actor Lucas Hedges carries the film with a brilliant and nuanced performance. I hope he wins an Oscar for this.
  11. Just saw a Special Presentation of this at VIFF. I loved it - brilliant dialogue, very funny, not as cringe-inducing as Lanthimos' other films.
  12. I’m going there in February for Berlinale. I also have an escort friend who lives there - can’t wait to see him!
  13. I recently discovered Babylon Berlin on Netflix. If you like Cabaret and are interested in the Weimar period in Germany this is a must-see. The most expensive German TV series ever produced, and it shows in the great recreations of that period.
  14. I think that it always rains on Mondays, except when it doesn't.
  15. I go to La Corneta when the line is too long at La Taqueria. It is also very good.
  16. When sushi first started becoming popular in SF in the 80's I recall being in a restaurant and glancing over at the next table. An obvious newbie took the entire ball of wasabi and popped it into his mouth. A couple seconds later he nearly went into convulsions.
  17. I second La Tacqueria (25th & Mission). The only downside is that they are always crazy busy, but once you've had their tacos or burritos you will know why. For a more upscale experience or a special occasion I love La Mar Cebicheria Peruana at Pier 1 1/2.
  18. I saw this again recently, expecting it not to have held up well over time. It does - a masterpiece
  19. I'm interested in seeing this mainly because its directed by Yorgos Lanthimos. He never fails to make the audience VERY uncomfortable. He will have us squirming in our seats, and many will flee for the exits before its over, which I love!
  20. He is cut. He is American but has made Berlin his permanent home. However he frequently travels around the US. He takes his work seriously and is committed to (and successful in) providing a great experience to each one of his clients.
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