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Posts posted by Quincy_7

  1. My preference is use of a condom. I’m a bottom and a sex worker which puts me in a higher risk category. It’s very common for a client to ignore this preference and insist no condom use when I tell them I’m on PrEp. I get the feeling they think it is a free pass to do as they please. Frustrating.


    Sounds like you'd have an easier time not letting your clients know you're on prep.

  2. I cancelled a meeting last week with a new guy because his story seemed suspicious. He's an early 20s guy who lives alone in a nice part of a major city's downtown. If he can afford to live in a studio/1 bedroom downtown I don't see why he has to escort. It was a new profile too with no reviews or verified pics so that only added to my suspicion.

  3. I was very interested in one guy until I zoomed in on his pics and noticed those distinct scars that one gets from cutting themselves. I'm inclined not to get in touch now but I'm wondering if I'm being too judgmental. It might be in his past, for all I know.


    I've had this issue with one escort who I've seen in the past. I only noticed the scars during the session. They were off-putting but didn't really matter.

  4. Hmm. OK, you got me, a little. ;) But I think that's apples and oranges, Mike. I don't assume the hotel staff are huddled around a security monitor peering at the outside of my room, just in case a random fitness model makes a two-hour visit. And if I'm at my hotel for two days and have one visitor, that should not draw much notice.


    Conversely, an escort at a hotel doing in-calls will likely host several clients during his stay. A repeated pattern of short visits would be more noticeable. I like to take reasonable precautions, and avoiding possible scrutiny in an unfamiliar place is one of them. I also put my wallet and keys in my room safe, even though I don't expect to be robbed.


    I don't recommend hotel safes. There's supposed to be a universal code for those which anyone working in the hotel knows or could easily find out. I always lock my valuables in my suitcase when going out.

  5. Interesting; can I ask why you did this. I use to use an excel spreadsheet to remind me how much I spent. Then it got to busy. At the time I was concerned about the amount of money I was paying out over a weekend and felt guilty. The more I recorded the more guiltier I became! then I said, shit what I do with my money is my business


    I'm just keen to keep a record for myself to refer to whenever I feel like.

  6. No but I have a long memory... I would recommend escorts and clients NOT to keep any kind of journal at hand (or in your laptop) because of the new times we live on.


    I recently heard from an English escort who was stopped at the airport and sent back home because of TSA searched his iPhone and read his messages about appointments, contacts, etc.

    It's literally just a document with a number in it which is updated after every encounter. The title of the document doesn't have to be "list of escorts I've hired", it can be something completely inane like "ketchup".

  7. I remember reading about the Blanchflower v Blanchflower case in New Hampshire where a guy failed to get a fault divorce for adultery (his wife was having a lesbian affair) because the court said that penetration had not occurred and hence no adultery, i.e. sex, had taken place.

  8. May I ask what the difference is? Kissing is reciprocating, not just allowing your partner to lick your lips.


    I've had an escort before who would let you kiss his lips but wouldn't kiss you back. He didn't open his mouth to kiss back. It was a one-way kiss.

  9. Attractiveness is subjective. I do not find any of those men attractive. That said, here is my list in no particular order.


    1. Nils Tatum

    2. Torsten Ullman

    3. Christian Lundgren

    4. Ashton Summers

    5. Rocco Alfieri

    6. Kaleb from Sean Cody


    My dream would be to rent a big house on some secluded Caribbean or Pacific island and spend a week with these guys.

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