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Posts posted by kewtex

  1. It's similar to the one I posted earlier, but this is the video about this summer they showed us during the briefing yesterday. Older brother swears he glimpsed Plebe twin in it somewhere, but I don't see him in it anywhere.



    That's fantastic. Thank you for sharing with us, @BasketBaller.

  2. Bich please. And Bich is how I'm going to abbreviate your name anytime you call yourself trying to address me. You're out your rabid ass mind to say I haven't achieved nothing in the business.


    Let me tell you something, you may think no one here likes me but trust and believe me...I have more respect than you know. Granted they don't recommend I get caught up in pointless quarrels like this, but I'm not as hated as you let these no name, no avatar having pawns have you fooled into believing. And you looking real dumb right now if you call yourself a professional, and yet you're coming for me for no reason.


    Listen bich, I've never met you, I don't know you, I don't have any reason to not like you because you're a non mother fucking factor to me. You keep finding reasons to instigate some bullshit so I can want to not like you. I'm telling you it's silly and pointless and makes you look real fucking dumb.


    I wish Mocha could be limited to 140 characters. The egocentricities are disturbingly similar.

  3. The only time tats really really turn off are when people tat up their face's as well... with the exception of Sean Duran. :)


    What is the tattoo on Mr. Duran's face - pliers, lobster crackers? Perhaps I'll meet him someday for an up-close and personal inspection.

  4. I know that Dietrich sang "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" in German in Israel. But, it must not be available on YouTube. She was told specifically not to sing in German, but Dietrich went ahead anyway with not one, but seven or eight songs in German.


    Dietrich sang "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" in German in Tel Aviv while touring in 1960. I couldn't find any clips on YouTube, but there is footage and some discussion about that concert in the documentary "Marlene Dietrich: Her Own Song."

  5. We've talked it over and are fairly resolved to wait for parents' weekend, mostly to spare him any unexpected exposure.


    Steel your resolve not to go to Annapolis until parents' weekend. While not equivalent, Plebe Summer is similar to boot camp, and is the first step of preparing your son (and you) for his military service. Learning to deal with separation from one's family is a part of that process.

  6. FreshFluff - your allusion to the Prison Study is appropriate, I think. . Zimbardo's study illustrates that, given the right circumstances, we ALL have the potential to do terrible things - and might help us understand (and maybe empathize, not condone) what happened at the frat house. It's what Zimbardo calls the "Power of the Situation." I like what Martin Luther King said in regards to understanding the evil that lurks in all of us:


    There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.

    - Martin Luther King, Jr


    Forcing the pledges to drink to excess was premeditated on the part of the fraternity's leaders. There is no defense for their actions. They must be held accountable for the consequences.

  7. And by September, it'll just be me here. As I've posted before, I've never really lived on my own! Lots of adjustment for all.


    While deafening at first, you may find you like the sound of silence that comes with being at home alone. I enjoy having coffee and reading the paper while sitting on the patio. Nature provides its own beautiful background music.

  8. Going to be relocating to Texas in late Spring for a new position.


    hope the mafia will agree to play nice.


    Congrats on matching!! xoxoxox


    Despite Oliver having mentioned his field of study in other threads, I didn't connect his post about moving to Match Day. Congratulations, Oliver! Best wishes for a successful residency.

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