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Posts posted by Bucky

  1. Well, THIS will open a hornets nest on here !! Am popping the corn now.


    I worked in an organization where my boss was extremely religious. She thought I was gay, which I am. She obviously didn't like that fact and didn't feel comfortable around me. To make her feel more comfortable in the workplace and ensure good compatibility within the organization I quit. I am happy I could make the workplace a better environment for her.
  2. well you certainly are efficient, latbear.

    Within 62 minutes of you announcing he would be there in 15, you logged on and let us know you "did enjoy" your time with him.

    who's next on your busy day ? ;)


    btw, those dreads are kinda cool, but did they get in the way at all ?

  3. From prior threads, it appears he started his escort career using a $600 hourly rate, but quickly lowered that to $300. Now he's down to $250 in LA.

    Would you guess that's a sign of increased supply of cute, adorable twinks in SoCal or a decrease in the demand for such? Or because his BMW got impounded? :)

  4. But the truth of the matter is...



    Is there a book entitled, "Like, I mean, you know"?


    These 3 terms are individually used by even the most intelligent people in virtually all walks of life. And it's everywhere. Millennials are the worst, but using "like" multiple times in a sentence is prolific. I catch myself doing it as well (and then roll my eyes).

    And I'm aghast that Cable TV interviews are filled with "I mean" over and over from both the guest and host, from authors, politicians, commentators, etc. Even on Charlie Rose! Same is true for "you know". It's becoming difficult to listen to conversations these days since these 3 terms really catch my attention.

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