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Everything posted by jonnychgo

  1. Doesn't really sound too pleasurable. But no anyway.
  2. I am kind of surprised how many providers in Chicago still have active ads and many with AVAILABLE NOW. Yes, still perusing the ads for visual eye candy and ahem, fantasy material.
  3. I'm kind of doing the same, tossing the clothes into the washing machine, spraying down the coat, disinfecting groceries and then the counter, double washing my hands and then washing my face. Now I might start jumping into the shower also. Also then wipe down all the doorknobs and light switches. Sounds extreme, but since it now seems to be spread by talking and breathing, well, if it gives me a bit of peace of mind, why not.
  4. You're going to RENO! Cool!
  5. If (ok, will be positive and say WHEN), things are under control or safer, though at this point I cannot imagine what that means, will you all be travelling more since we now know we cannot take freedom of movement/activity for grated? Yours in isolation, Jonny
  6. I haven't checked today but on Saturday I was curious, so looked at the Chicago listings. Only a few said "not available" and most were "available" including a well known Pornstar/Escort who, on his Facebook page just days before, mentioned that he is pretty sure he is getting over COVID-19. Scary times. Bored and horny as f-ck but guess fantasies, porn and memories will have to work hand in hand with lube and poppers for at least another month.
  7. Actually I have family in Hawaii and it's kind of like the rest of the US. Beaches are closed and all activities suspended. I guess if you have a nice place with a nice lanai and view, staying at home is not as bad as the cold Midwest and Northeast but not real glamorous now either.
  8. I don't think this has been discussed on here yet, but if so, apologies. So I live in Chicago, in the city, about 3 miles from my hospital. I am single, live alone and do not own a car. I am over 60. The few that do are older and in the high risk category. I have a phone appt with my PCP on Thursday so will ask his advice, but wondering. If I do contract COVID-19 and end up with a case which is resulting in my needing to get tested or admitted to a hospital, how would I get there? No Uber or Lyft or Taxi would be willing I doubt. I guess I could take public transit but that seems irresponsible. Would calling an ambulance be too extreme and taking one out of commission for someone truly needing it in a life or death situation? I know this sounds very extreme, but just trying to prepare, as it seems like it's going to rip through the population.
  9. I have always considered myself an introvert, even though when I am comfortable with people - say at work - I am very outgoing. Recently retired from a career in public service where I encountered lots of rude, mean and entitled people. So I thought I would be content with possibly very little interaction. I have always liked going to a coffee house alone, solo walks along the lake or in neighborhood shopping districts with people around yet not directly interacting. Perhaps a comment or two but basically alone. I would feel "energy" and less antisocial just being in a crowd although actually alone. The past two weeks of social isolation is making me rethink if I truly am an introvert as missing my "energy" greatly. I try to contact at least one or two other single people daily by text or phone which helps, but. . . . Anyone else feeling this way?
  10. A couple of pics on his Instagram appear that he has children and a wife?
  11. I've stopped for a while. Had to cancel on a wonderful escort just this week and it broke my heart to do that to him as I know this is his livelihood. But alas, my health and others around me took precedence.
  12. I do wonder, as time passes, if loneliness and self-isolation will drive some people to think they would be better off dead and act accordingly. As one who suffers from depression, it makes me scared to think of what tricks my mind may pull on me. Thus I am trying to contact other people who live alone daily for my mental health and perhaps the
  13. I guess my issue is how to do this without being noisy and disruptive to neighbors. If I were on the first floor it would be different, but any advice when you have people living below you? Thanks
  14. Also, even if I wanted to, could probably not get a treadmill or eliptical as how would it be delivered to the third floor (and then assembled).
  15. I live in a condo on the third floor of an older building (built in 1926). I guess I could walk up and down the front stairs but that would be really annoying to the other residents. Our floors squeak so not sure how much walking I could do in my unit without driving the downstairs neighbors mad. Any other urban dwellers got ideas. Thanks
  16. I too live in a small condo building and on our community email list, one of the other owners made a similar offer to help out if ANYONE (not just elderly) needed anything. Such a nice gesture.
  17. I'm the younger though by 22 years and gay. He was straight and fathered 10 children. Pressure for grandchildren was thankfully off me!!!
  18. I'm up in Edgewater so the one on Broadway and Berwyn. I too do not have a car and lugged four HEAVY bags nearly 4 blocks home and up three flights of stairs. Nearly killed me and I have done that twice before. I am stocking up so I don't have to go as often anymore.
  19. I too live in Chicago and went to my local Jewel on Friday around 2 to get some more things. It was packed. I did think that there had to be many people there who are carrying it although perhaps asymptomatic. And of course there was NOT six feet between people in line. I remarked to the young woman behind me that I was finishing up in case we got the lockdown and she informed me that it was coming to be announced later that day. I guess I was one of the few who did not get the advanced notice :-)
  20. Sorry, what is the DMV? Also, what is the scoop with Billy's new husband, Gage? Gage is very handsome and hot, why is he with Billy?
  21. He's incredible. HUGE, but can be very intimate and sensual or hard core pound it out top. He definitely is what he advertises.
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