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Chad Constantine

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Everything posted by Chad Constantine

  1. Though probably highly unusual for others I have always asked and said the first thing that comes to my mind. You'll either get a positive or negative response but at least then you can stop thinking about it and move on to anything else you are curious about.
  2. In the press conference the doctor said the virus can mutate so just like you can catch the flu more than once you can catch corona virus more than once. Though, if Rm is any indication by the reviews section, it looks like most people still have not curtailed their hiring practices.
  3. Since tied and bound are synonymous then which of these two are worse and would cause more anxiety and fear? I would have thought it would have been the autoerotic asphyxiation that would be the trigger for anxiety or fear. Though like you say I dont know how anyone wouldnt get freaked out especially when it's the first time your meeting them unless they have lost all sense of self-preservation. http://dreamsofspanking.com/static/free/musclebound/Dreams-of-Spanking_musclebound073.jpg
  4. Old news they have reported it staying on surfaces awhile ago unless maybe it was just on Spanish news stations. They have been saying to take off your shoes before going into your house because it can stay up to 8 hrs on concrete and I believe on your clothes for 24 hrs. It makes sense that it would survive longer on a cruise ship because all the moisture in the air would keep it alive.
  5. Yes, I saw a tribute show to her I think it was on C-Span. I was originally going to use the Muppets take Manhattan versions on YouTube until I heard the D-Day Darlings version.
  6. I had a similar yet opposite experience. I met up with a member that, at least for the time that I have known him, comes to my area. My thought process was this may be the last time I would get to see him for a very long time so I called and we met.
  7. Definitely was not expecting it to see this already in a bio: STD AND COVID19 FREE Crazy
  8. Maybe those Kathy Griffin allegations are true.
  9. I dont know what Claw or IML is or what goes on there but wouldn't they be the safest place where 50+ people would gather. I would have thought using either breath play, sensory deprivation, surgical, and/or doggie masks combined with leather gloves, fisting gloves, and/or doggie mits would prevent everyone from contracting the virus.
  10. You must have accidentally hit the link in Amazon to the Whole Foods Market. Why did you have to say quality? ? ? ? ? Oh man you have awakened my food cravings beast. Now I have a craving to try Jidori chicken meat and Silkie Chicken meat. You may have doomed me for the next couple of years:eek::eek: lol.
  11. I wish I had thought about it weeks ago but since I have never done it besides shopping on Amazon it never occurred to me. It makes sense the way people are stripping supermarkets and general stores of everything that the warehouses have not been able to keep up with demand.
  12. I just smacked my head 2 minutes ago because I cant believe I didnt think about it for myself. Have you looked to see if Vons, Freshdirect, or other supermarket sites delivers to your area? It may be faster and easier than getting up and waiting to be the first one in the store. If TP is a issue you may want to invest in a Japanese toilet seat. OMG it is so amazing having heated toilet seats and it has a bidet making clean up every easy. Some even have colored lights.
  13. Yes you are correct. However, the Maneki Neko is from Japan and believed to originate at Gotokuji temple whereas the Rooster's symbolism can be found all over Eurasia. The quick background is that a Feudal lord passing the temple saw a white cat that was waving its paw at him(beckoning him) so he followed the cat. As soon as he entered the temple a giant Thunder storm appeared and avoided getting wet or being stuck by lightening so he reconstructed the temple and they worshipped the Maneki Neko or Beckoning Cat. Now the Maneki Neko has many different colors to determine their purpose. The Calico/ tri-color: most traditional meant to attract good luck, wealth, and posperity. The White is purity and happiness. The Black wards off evil and negative energies. The Golden wealth, money, and materialistic benefits. There are more colors but usually these are the most common and they do have ones with both paws up. The Rooster in most of Eurasia is a lucky symbol that dispels evil due to its link with the sun. In Ancient China it was thought to be divine and able to fight ghosts because ghosts hate light and their crowing was thought to be able to summon the sun. The word for rooster in Chinese sounds similar to the word for luck in Chinese and thought to bring luck. It also symbolizes prosperity because of how fast chickens reproduce so in many countries was used during marriage customs and ceremonies.
  14. Unfortunately it is wagging the wrong paw for good luck. The left paw means to bring more customers the right paw is for good fortune and money. Hopefully, the sentiment will remain the same by safely bringing customers, @FreshFluff being one of them, back to NY
  15. As of this time it is now 217 deaths out of 14,366 cases means it is only at a 1.5% mortality rate and the global avg. is 3.4%
  16. If anything masseurs would most likely be asymptomatic, mildly symptomatic, or/and at the very least only 0.2% would seriously ill considering they all appear to be less than 39. Clients that are still hiring, I would assume majority are over 39, would be at higher risk with anywhere from a .4% to 15% lethality rate. I am just assuming but he must mean that if they dont go see the masseurs than their risk is very low.
  17. For myself it would depend on the person, time, and location. The technically furthest I have gone was Japan the Spain. In the USA I have gone as far as NJ, MA, and thought of going to DC. Within NYC I wouldnt go to Staten Island and I am standoffish with the Bronx but would go depending on the person. The rest it just depends on the time. I am not a morning person so me doing anything before 12pm is an obligation not fun with the exclusion of skiing.
  18. So is it back to business as usual?
  19. What virus was a BLS 4? Does HIV have a lower BLS level because it never became airborne?
  20. I hope not because people still need to work. I believe starting Tuesday most restaurants will only be able to do take out. If you have a dry cough or raging fever stay home.
  21. Not sure but @EVdude posted about an Alan at TSMS and @santosh108 posted about an Alan at Utopia.
  22. I don't know about an Alan but I know Alvin to be sensual. Maybe because I have seen him more than once.
  23. I would say Alvin sick tattoos, not fat, youthful, and good massage.
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