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Everything posted by Nvr2Thick

  1. Contains spoilers: https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2017/09/will-grace-review-nbc-mccormack-messing-hayes-mull.html Oh, Honey, Time Has Stood Still for Will & Grace By Amy Amatangelo | September 26, 2017 | 2:00pm
  2. In general, sci-fi fans have come to prefer long story arcs over the self-contained episodes of early Star Trek. The Xindi arc could have worked. My opinion of why Enterprise didn't succeed has more to do with its aging theme and its overall look. The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise were all driven by the same creative team, who refined the same basic theme over more than a decade. The crews were all cohesive teams with roles that for the most part were duplicated from show to show with slight variation. Data, Odo, The Doctor, Seven of Nine, and T'Pol, for example, all explored similar themes. There was some conflict between some characters, but they all supported each other like one big family that was only barely dysfunctional. By the time they got to Enterprise they had squeezed all the juice from that concept. Television had also become a lot edgier and Enterprise played like an '80s or '90s drama. Younger fans expected something more gritty and intense, as did older fans who got tired of the same formula. That's why darker shows, such as Battlestar Galactica, where every single character was conflicted and flawed took hold where Enterprise couldn't. Also, it felt like you were watching the show in someone's basement. In most of the episodes everything was dark grey and slate blue. Still, I'd bet that Enterprise would have lasted one more season if they hadn't gone with that "Faith of the Heart" theme. ...and I sometimes imagined Archer and Trip taking turns servicing Mayweather.
  3. I've been trying to give The Orville a chance, but it seems like they don't know what they want the show to be. It was marketed as Spaceballs meets Galaxy Quest. It comes across like an homage to Star Trek: The Next Generation with weak plots, poor writing, and a little bit of snark.
  4. We've seen that escorts lurk on this forum and sometimes react to negative feedback on threads -- like the guy who changed his Rentmen profile name more than a dozen times as his critics discovered each new name and made note of it on the forum. Escorts can get quite a few hits on their view tracking as forum members check them out when a review is posted or when their Rentmen links are posted in threads. I can't remember the escort's name now, but I did once notice that I got blocked after I checked out a guy's Rentmen profile while he was getting slammed on the forum. He was probably following the thread and blocking anyone who viewed his profile during that period. Since most Dick Zayn threads end up with a lot of negative comments it's possible that he might be blocking people who check him out during these discussions.
  5. There have been some interesting threads about him. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-ahugeuncuthairy.115944/ https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-ahugeuncuthairy-currently-in-nyc.114865/ The first was interesting in that someone joined the forum strictly to make several emphatically positive and defensive posts on the escort's behalf. https://www.companyofmen.org/members/hirexxluncut.15253/#postings
  6. Jon Lovett‏Verified account @jonlovett Half of all boxing photos look like gay weddings
  7. http://c-7npsfqifvt34x24deo3-x78x78x78x2edsbwfpomjofx2edpn.g00.craveonline.com/g00/3_c-7x78x78x78.dsbwfpomjof.dpn_/c-7NPSFQIFVT34x24iuuqx3ax2fx2fdeo3-x78x78x78.dsbwfpomjof.dpnx2fbttfutx2fnboebupszx2fmfhbdzx2f3127x2f19x2fnbo_gjmf_2223905_ndepobmet-hmpszipmf.kqhx3fj21d.nbsl.jnbhf.uzqf_$/$/$/$/$/$/$
  8. Does Rio advertise anywhere other than A4A? If that's his only source he may not be getting the exposure he needs for good reviews. I was very interested in meeting Rio based on his look and his amazing performance as a top in a few videos. I found a porn blogger's video interview with him where he mentioned escorting, but I could never find any ads.
  9. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2017/09/09/bobby-cannavale-is-returning-to-will-grace-for-the-revival/ Bobby Cannavale is returning to Will & Grace for the revival Meka Beresford 9th September 2017, 4:11 PM http://www.pinknews.co.uk/images/2017/09/bobby-cannavale_640x345_acf_cropped.jpg (Photo by bobby_cannavale/Instagram) Bobby Cannavale, who played Will’s boyfriend on Will & Grace, is set to return to the revival of the series. Cannavale joins Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally in reprising their roles in the classic sitcom. Cannavale played Vince D’Angelo boyfriend and later husband on the original series. In 2005, he won an Emmy for his role on the show which ended with the pair living together. However, the revival of the show will have Will and Grace living together once again so fans are speculating about what has happened in the fictional world in the last 11 years. A trailer for the upcoming season does show Jack and Will discovering Grindr. Debra Messing announced the return of the actor on Instagram. Sharing a photo of the two, she wrote: “It just gets better and better. Another fan fav from our little show of yesteryear.” Other guest stars including Minnie Driver and Harry Connick Jr. will also come knocking at the door of Will’s apartment when the NBC series starts later this month. The 16-episode season has already been renewed for another season with James Burrows returning to direct with the help of creators Max Mutchnick and David Kohan. One much-loved character won’t be making a return, Karen Walker’s maid, Rosario. Mutchnick confirmed that Shelley Morrison, who played Rosario, had retired from acting. “Shelley has decided to retire,” Mutchnick said. “It was with a heavy heart that she gave us that information and that we received it, but it is the way that it goes. It is a choice that she has made.” The revival faced criticism as fans feared that the show would not do justice to shining a light on current LGBT+ issues. However, Messing pledged that the cast was trying to portray the LGBT+ community properly and even hinted that trans issues would be tackled. She said: “It’s a whole new world now where being gay and lesbian is not something that people are hiding like they did when we started almost 20 years ago. “I think that there’s an opportunity to now celebrate all the other initials of LGBTQ. “It will be great to come out of this next round and feel like we’re normalizing an even larger segment of underrepresented people on prime-time television.”
  10. I thought it was the cum, but I've come to realize that I'll get a slightly upset stomach after a good cocksucking session whether I swallow his cum or not. I salivate a lot when I suck, and I think the upset stomach comes from swallowing so much of my own spit. The first time I let a man cum in my mouth was such an exiting feeling. I still get that thrill with the right guy.
  11. http://media.spokesman.com/photos/2016/03/09/Fielder_Sleep_Study_Baseball.JPG.jpg http://mlb.mlb.com/assets/images/7/8/2/83681782/cuts/prince_cover2_kwwjrswa_stu7mo9j.jpg
  12. http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2216442.1431195032!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_635/summer-city-p67-yankees-yankeesp-joe-dimaggio-gallery-yog.jpg
  13. Cyndi Lauper's take on Joni Mitchell's classic "Carey" demonstrates exactly what an artist should try to do -- thoughtful interpretation, not karaoke. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hfw-NCqpB8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bulwl46vz9s
  14. I remember a masseur named Kimo who advertised "Kimo Therapy" with a tag line of "The good kind!"
  15. This is what comes to mind when I read "Dexterous" hands. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/deadliestfiction/images/0/0c/Dexter-knife-600x345.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130702235858
  16. No direct experience. Based on a quick Google of his phone number I'd definitely look into meeting him if I were in his area.
  17. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/part-time-escorts.46895/#post-430870 snippets can be found on social media.
  18. Praise should be directed to my facsimile in name, @Nvr2thick4me
  19. Steve Kelso had a falling out with Colt and attempted to strike out on his own. I bought some of his photos he produced with his own photographer. Sadly the new work only served to accentuate Rip Colt's skills.
  20. Thanks. I'll be borrowing some of these lines.
  21. http://cdn.teamcococdn.com/jokes/89409/1,1/650/jokes/june-2-2015-the-grateful-dead-are-putting-out-an-80-disc-live-box-set-no-word-yet-on-which-grateful-dead-song-it-will-be.jpg
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