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Everything posted by Nvr2Thick

  1. Canning can be pretty kinky. Properly stored, you could splosh those peaches for years.
  2. https://entertainment.theonion.com/entirety-of-hollywood-film-industry-replaced-with-40-00-1820307690
  3. Carlo Masi first appeared in an Advocate Men layout in 1998 about six years before his first porn shoot for Colt (appearing with the late, great Karim). I'm having a hard time finding pics online. The spread was listed under his real first name, Ruggero. He was so young and beautiful at the time; muscular, but not nearly as bulky as he appeared later as a porn star.
  4. The show's renewal is a testament to MacFarlane's power in the industry. I've been stacking all the episodes on my DVR in case someone reports a hot scene with J Lee.
  5. I'm dealing with cluttered house syndrome. I own a lot of nice, valuable, and/or sentimental things, many of which I don't use or need anymore. I have woodworking and other shop tools that belonged to my father or grandfathers. I have antique furniture and decor from several different eras as well as some nice newer pieces. I have some semi-rare books about music, and a guitar collection that is far more extensive than I need. I have some top quality outdoorsman's clothes that have not been out of the trunk for at least 15 years. That's just scratching the surface... I believe that those of us who were raised to depression-era and WWII-era parents developed values that include owning things of quality and making those things last, and not getting rid of things that are useful. My recent dealings with cancer and my desire to downsize into a more manageable home have forced me to change my perspective, but it has been hard. One of my younger friends is really starting to enjoy taking on home improvement projects, so I gave him some of my dad's tools. I'm happy to know that someone I care for is putting them to good use, and not wasting his money stocking his own workshop. I gave two unique guitars and a stack of books to a good friend's college-age son. This friend and his son are both better musicians that I'll ever be, and it's great to know where these treasures have gone. A married couple, well-known for local community initiatives, just lost their home to a fire. I gave them a bed, a dresser, a settee, two chairs, and a desk -- all family heirlooms or top-quality furniture I bought 20-30 years ago. I gave some very good warm clothes to a friend's brother and the brother's business partner, who run a year round landscaping business and who are both avid hikers. Letting go can be hard at first. If a guitar gets stolen out of the kid's car or he spills beer on a book I have to remember that it's his guitar and book. If one of these guys gets paint or grease all over a $350 coat, it's his coat. If the couple sells the furniture on Craigslist next year then at least it got them through a tough time in their lives. It's gratifying regardless, knowing that something I cared about has gone to help someone I care about. There's also a sense of relief knowing that I don't have to worry about the burden of these valuable artifacts, or the burden on my family to dispose of this stuff when I die. I now look forward to finding ways to help friends and acquaintances by giving away my valuable things. Your friend crossed a line or two with her desires, expectations, and entitlement regarding your Louis Vuitton luggage. I don't know that I'd feel good about giving it to her. Still, if you aren't going to use it (an assumption) and you have reached a point where you're just hanging on to it because it's very nice and you've taken good care of it (another assumption) and you aren't going to need the money or honestly go through the trouble of selling it, it might feel good to know that this beautiful high-quality luggage is helping a friend to see the world in style. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" is good advice. I never loan money to a friend; I give money to friends with no expectation of return. That's the principle I apply to these items of quality; I can spare them, I won't miss them, and I can't create expectations that these things won't be subject to accident, loss, or a lower standard of care.
  6. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/nvgymboy1.shtml Does anyone have experience with Brandon? He's based in Austin, but is currently on the road. I like a firm massage with sensual elements from a shirtless or nude masseur. Feel free to PM me if you can share discreet details.
  7. Anyone remember Gunnar of San Francisco? He was my first masseur. I believe he retired from a corporate job to massage. He eventually migrated to Palm Springs and then disappeared.
  8. http://liberaldarkness.com/2015/10/31/confirmed-gays-are-lacing-halloween-candies-with-homosexual-inducing-drugs/ Confirmed: Gays Are Lacing Halloween Candies with Homosexual-Inducing Drugs Posted on October 31, 2015 Posted By: Marion Uncmeier Categories: Lifestyle Halloween, commonly known in the homosexual community as ‘Gay Christmas’, is one of the most dangerous days of the year for heterosexual men. With men showing off their bodies with ‘Hunky Cop’ and ‘Egyptian Ab Pharaoh’ outfits, gays cannot help but salivate and have the times of their lives as they watch from afar, waiting to unload their tainted candies upon unsuspecting dads and frat bros just trying to enjoy a good night out. With drunken bodies showing off glimpses of hard-earned abs flashing beneath ‘Naughty Pharaoh’ or ‘Hunky Cop’ costumes, straight men do not realize that every Halloween gays are eagerly awaiting to see them in these fantasy outfits and to ply them with candies that increase sensuality and blur the lines between homosexual lust and moral behavior. While parents are often most focused on inspecting the candy that their kids may eat after trick-or-treating, the CDC reports the greatest threat actually involves candies put out at private or corporate Halloween parties, where inside sources report gays commonly prey on ‘lone straights’ who catch their eyes and casually offer them candy laced with elicit, homosexual-inducing drugs such as minced-up marijuana or liquid ecstasy/LSD. Being no strangers to intense raver and party scenes, most gays have great mastery of chemistry and mixing drinks and candies so that the taste of an underlying drug is concealed. These skills are routinely employed on Halloween to make lurid concoctions that will leave 1 out of 5 men waking up groggy and without memories — and sometimes without their costumes — the Sunday after Halloween. The CDC confirms that single, straight men are the most at-risk demographic to be the victim of tainted Halloween candies or party drinks this Halloween and should use the buddy system to make sure they return home safely. The Christian Defense League of Texas encourages party-goers to avoid any brightly, homosexually colored candies handed out at parties and to also be suspicious of ‘retro-candies’ that may invoke nostalgia, but are surely laced and primed to cause a man to become pliable in a homosexual encounter.
  9. http://cdn1-www.craveonline.com/assets/uploads/2016/09/Funny7.jpg
  10. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLkfQclUEAAZ6Pv.jpg
  11. http://c-8oqtgrjgwu46x24efp3-yyyx2eetcx78gqpnkpgx2eeqo.g00.craveonline.com/g00/3_c-8yyy.etcx78gqpnkpg.eqo_/c-8OQTGRJGWU46x24jvvrx3ax2fx2fefp3-yyy.etcx78gqpnkpg.eqox2fcuugvux2fwrnqcfux2f4239x2f32x2f35_hwppa_rjqvqu_32_32_39-3.lrix3fk32e.octm.kocig.varg_$/$/$/$/$/$
  12. I haven't been able to make a connection to stolen pics, but I find it suspicious that all of Simonhunk's pictures appear to be flipped. His mirror selfies have been corrected so that waistband logos and the Apple symbol are not mirror images. At least one of the pics that might have been taken by a third party (the white "VITALITY" tank top) is a mirror image. It's possible that this picture was taken into a mirror, however, either by a camera set with a timer or by a third party directed at Simon's image in the mirror. Still, flipping images is a good way to defeat Google Image Search. I did try to download a couple of Simon's pics, flip them back, and search them -- but I still didn't get any hits. This is curious behavior, but not necessarily a smoking gun.
  13. You might get a different impression about the intent of his message if you read or listen to it.
  14. http://www.theonion.com/article/adult-film-industry-replaces-500-porn-stars-hydrau-57126 Adult Film Industry Replaces 500 Porn Stars With Hydraulic Robotic Fisting Arm http://images2.onionstatic.com/onion/5879/6/16x9/1600.jpg LOS ANGELES—Rendered obsolete by the robot’s orifice-pounding abilities, nearly 500 porn stars were replaced this week by a hydraulic-powered fisting arm that industry reps said could go harder, faster, and longer than any of its human counterparts. “In order to keep up with the growing demand for the filthiest, most insane hole-stretching action imaginable, production companies have had to augment their workforces with machines that can be programmed to fist around the clock with only the occasional application of lubricant,” said adult film producer Spike Oster, adding that the German-engineered robot was designed to plow elbow-deep into even the tightest of barely-legal slits. “Obviously we respect the hard work and dedication of human actors, but having the option to employ just one fully detached arm that can be quickly customized according to the gender and ethnicity requirements of a film makes far more economic sense.” Oster went on to say that the laid-off porn stars would have no trouble finding new jobs, however, assuming they were willing to move to the emerging fisting markets of Asia and the Middle East.
  15. http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/39600000/Ned-Flanders-gifs-ned-flanders-39674710-500-361.gif
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