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Posts posted by tennisjock

  1. 33 minutes ago, LocallySocally said:

    Ah, yes.  Another condescending jerk (that is, you) who I've never said anything to has decided to start shit with me.  You can shove it where the sun don't shine. If you and your buddies are trying to bully me, I can't be bullied.  Certainly not by the lame mob trying to insult me in this thread.  The only condescending people here are you and your noxious little gang.

    Wow … so much anger and turmoil in yet another rant how you have been done wrong by strangers . If you feel we are all beneath your lofty self there is always the delete button

  2. 8 hours ago, LocallySocally said:

    *Yawn*  I never said anyone was obliged to do anything.   And I'd rather be petty than be a condescending asshole.  Not calling you one, of course.  Just saying it generally.

    Of course, there's always "petty" people who think pointing out that you aren't interested in what they have to say constitutes some sort of attempt to silence them.   News flash:  I'm free to state that I'm not interested in what you or anyone else is saying, and I'm not "obliged" to meet anyone's "specific demands" not to do so.

    I am just making it clear that I personally am not interested in obvious and useless "fishing lessons."  And now you're added to my ignore list.


    why not ask a provider you know in Los Angeles who they know or know of that can meet your specific criteria??  

    I happen to know of one with a Boston accent in grad school here in Los Angeles on the DL that  I found on SA a few years ago.
    however  the way you have treated others on here in your condescending tone and vibe there is no way in hell I am referring you to him as I like him too much as a person and provider. 

  3. 3 hours ago, LocallySocally said:

    Are you being serious or are you joking? 

    Look everyone.  I'm well aware that I can contact every single provider in Los Angeles and ask them if they do a specific thing, whether it's an accent or something else.  I posted this thread to see if anyone has any direct experience.  If you all want to make jokes, that's fine, no worries.  But if any of you is actually being serious, then FYI, this type of "advice" is extremely useless, and I'm not paying attention to it.   If I wanted to contact every provider, I would have done it already.

    Seems like you need  to just fly out a “Boston provider” to you. Or you fly to them to get your “itch” scratched and satisfied 

  4. 39 minutes ago, MassageConneisseur said:

    I tried him out. Massage was fine/good. He’s a good looking guy, and fairly new in town. He was nude and he has a nice “muscle boy” body. Not 5’10” - more like 5’8” and more “puffed up” looking than in his ad photos. Endowment is strictly average. $300 for 90 minutes at my place. But he talked so much about how everyone in town thinks he’s so handsome and sexy, and his sexual history (first time fucked, old boyfriend(s), has slept with all the “hot” guys in West Hollywood) that by the time I turned over he just seemed uninteresting. TMI. It’s very easy for me to get aroused, but his attempt at giving me a hand job HE was so perfunctory that it left me literally limp. I took over and finished it off. Can’t say I’d call him again. 

    Oh wow . Def he is off my list now. Thanks for sharing 

  5. 21 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    the RM text review from the relatively new client member:  Really great experience and I highly recommend.

    the provider's profile write-up seems sincere......

    almost looks like he could be Ryan Gosling's younger brother......

    With a ass of perfection

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