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Posts posted by Beancounter

  1. https://nysba.org/app/uploads/2020/02/BaerCollateralConsequences-WEB.pdf

    This  link to the New York Bar Association provides a good synopsis of how a felony conviction affects individuals in the State of New York.  It covers a myriad of topics.  

    I found it interesting that in New York you are considered “civilly dead” and not eligible to get married if you are serving a life sentence.  Who knew!

  2. I am a fairly decent tipper, 20% in most instances.  Call me a curmudgeon, though, when it comes to cash tipping so the individual receiving the tip can avoid paying income and other taxes.  In some professions individuals can shield thousands of dollars of income from taxes while people who play by the rules pay their fair share.  Granted, not all employees who depend on tips are getting thousands of dollars in tips but a large number of individuals do circumvent the tax laws.  When given the option to work for an hourly rate or a low base rate plus tips, a survey showed most employees want the low base rate plus tips.  I wonder why. 😉 

    This type of employee is only hurting himself.  While the non-taxed cash provides immediate gratification his social security benefit will be reduced in the future due to his not reporting cash tips.  And then he wonders why his SS benefit is so low.  I could go on and on about this topic but I’ll leave it here.  Bring on the naysayers.  

  3. I don’t have personal information to share on this couple; however I do have “heresay” information.  One of my best friends hired them and told me he had a great time.  I specifically remember my friend telling me that the African American guy’s cock was HUGE.  This seems to be true based on the profile pics.  

    I realize this isn’t much information to base a hiring decision on but this anecdotal information could be used to supplement any other information you find. 

  4. https://rentmen.eu/SeamusOreilly

    I recommend Seamus.  I was passing through Nashville about 3 weeks ago and met Seamus…a true gentleman and delight. He has a day job so is probably only available in the evenings. Nicely hung.  I plan on seeing him again.


    And, please!  All you vocal, anti-tattoo Forum members keep your opinions to yourself.  We already know your feelings on body art. 

  5. After clicking on his twitter link in his RM profile I continued linking to other sites.  One of those sites was asking for people to donate for Danny’s liver transplant.  Hope he’s okay.  A liver transplant sounds serious. 

  6. I’m curious.  The original poster is seeking information from people who have information on a provider and in the very next post the same original poster says he’s met the provider in question and that he’d recommend him.  

  7. The link below provides an analysis of what the projected I-bond rate will be, both the fixed and variable rates.  It’s a fairly long video (22-23 minutes) but it explains how the rate projections are arrived at.  

    For those not wanting to watch the entire video this video projects the fixed rate to be 1.2% and the variable rate to be between 1.98% and 2.8% (I think).  I’d have to rewatch the video to see what the upper-end variable rate would be.   

    Prosperity to all.  



  8. Interesting read.  I’m curious as to how this will play out.  Having sold a house and paying a 6% realtor fee, I always felt it was a bit excessive.  However, a good realtor is worth their weight in gold especially when it comes to the legal ramifications of selling property.  Bad realtors (and there are plenty) can cause a property owner numerous headaches.  

  9. Interesting.   The Whitehorsegunner ad shows him to have 11 inches while the BigTenTwo ad shows him to have 9.5 inches. Both impressive but an inconsistency to be aware of. 

  10. Quote

    Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in St. Petersburg, FL - Ricoeascobarr: Who wanna play?


    I was using the “search near me” function in RM and when the search results displayed the above ad displayed “only available to premium members”.  I don’t remember seeing this in the past. Is this something new for RM?  Do providers now has the ability to filter premium vs non-premium RM users?   

    EDIT:  I think I answered my own question.  I wasn’t logged in to RM when I did my search. After logging in I was able to view the ad in question.  I’ve learned something today

  11. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/828854

    My doctor in Dallas provided all of his male patients with information contained in the above link.  He neither encouraged or discouraged his patients from taking a PSA test but he said their reliability was suspect.  He based his opinion on the fact that the developer of the PSA test didn’t think it was an effective test.   

    I chose to take the test and as I remember my test result was 4.  He used that as a baseline and my subsequent 2 tests were about the same.  I’m now in my 70s and haven’t had PSA test in over 20 years.  

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