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Posts posted by BritSD

  1. Full service from this total cutie for $90 bucks and your complaining? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth! o_O Tell him to come to NYC! If you get up the coast a little this guy gives the best erotic massage ever.


    Your dick will be dripping (his too!) but don't be fooled - its a superior technical massage. Not to be missed if you're in the area. I was very disappointed when he left NYC.



    After two years, decided to give it a god and Just started seeing El a month ago. I regret waiting so long.

  2. Looking for recommendations or tips on a good masseur in Los Angeles. Visiting for work for the month, staying near LAX. Prefer outcall. Erotic, young (20-35), muscular and smooth preferred. Anyone come to mind? Feel free to PM me. Thank you all in advance!


    He sounds like almost everything you need. lean, not muscular, but fun. :D



  3. Looking for recommendations or tips on a good masseur in Los Angeles. Visiting for work for the month, staying near LAX. Prefer outcall. Erotic, young (20-35), muscular and smooth preferred. Anyone come to mind? Feel free to PM me. Thank you all in advance!


    He sounds like almost everything you need. lean, not muscular, but fun. :D



  4. Looking for recommendations or tips on a good masseur in Los Angeles. Visiting for work for the month, staying near LAX. Prefer outcall. Erotic, young (20-35), muscular and smooth preferred. Anyone come to mind? Feel free to PM me. Thank you all in advance!


    He sounds like almost everything you need. lean, not muscular, but fun. :D



  5. I have friends who have gotten STIs from boyfriends. I had a friend who married a woman who was cheating on him and gave him and STI and divorced her within the same year. I mean, be worried about those who dont disclose rather than someone who is puts it out there. The guy literally post videos where he discuss this, other things from his past as a way to be open and remove the very stigma we are discussing.

  6. Here is my question.. did he escort unprotected while hiv+ and if so did he do it knowingly ?


    To answer your questions, he’s public and vocal about his status and sexual health overall. Second, we discussed and he was open about it prior to meeting and we had talked for several months, including my concerns. Third, protection was used during my experience. I don’t have unprotected sex with People anyone... period. Now, if someone choose to not use protection with him and they are aware, taken precautions, etc, that’s their business. What I can say is that his openness about his status and sexual health made me comfortable enough to have an experience with him. As I said, for a small period of time, I had feelings and dated someone who was positive. That helped me work through a lot of the negative stigma associated someone who is HIV+.


    My main issue is that even if someone has concerns, that’s cool, but the other member of this page came out the gate with no real reason in why he was posting link. It came off as negative but that’s my interpretation


    What's the point of that? To try and shame or make a person who is out about their status look bad? I used to date someone who was HIV+ and we used all the precautions. Guess what? I am still negative. Also, Kayden is literally one of the sweetest guys you could ever have the pleasure of meeting and even answered questions I had. He is safe, our time was safe and I would highly suggest anyone who is interested to go down and see him. Let's not continue with the stigma. it does more harm than good and it's unnecessary.

  8. Which part of posing shirtless for Instagram in a fitting room at The Grove says “pretty successful”?


    lol good point. unless he is stunting in his stories. trying to set up something but want to make sure i dont get duped.


    maybe I should just stick to Kary

  9. Anyone familiar with these guys? I am looking for a good massage from an African-American male. I've been trying to move away from my usual suspects, but hard to find one with decent (or any) reviews. Any reviews on these guys (or any suggestions for other guys) is greatly appreciated.


    Lance: https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/35615/


    Fletcher: https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/37491/


    Trey: https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/35978/




    Jerome: https://rentmen.eu/Jeromedeep/


    Ronnie: https://rentmen.eu/RonnieXL/4

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