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Posts posted by BritSD

  1. Leave it to BritSD and a few others to unashamedly say Karl Kang whenever SF is mentioned. If he knew how much we talked about him here...... We really should be getting commission of this!


    HAHA I'll take one free 90 minute session

  2. I recognise that this is the Spa. That means it's about masseurs. But when someone says things about their interactions with a therapist, I don't read masseur, I read psych. A 'therapist' deals with your 'issues'. If those issues are knots in your muscles, it's a fucking masseur that treats it, not a 'therapist'. If you're going to drop part of 'massage therapist' it's the therapist part, not the massage part that gets dropped. *Ends rant*

    Calm down, bro. Why are you coming at me so hard? It's a forum, not a classroom lesson. You're definitely overthinking this one. Like, seriously.

  3. I have been seeing a therapist for a few years now and we have always respected each other's boundaries. We've always been respectful of each other. During my last visit, our session went from our normal play to full on. Without going into details, it felt more like an escort session than a massage session. At the end of our session, we laid there for about 15 minutes holding each other.


    I'm about to make another appointment and I am wondering should i talk to him about it or ignore it? I want to know if it's a one time thing or not? As much as I would love that sort of session on the regular, I want to make sure we don't change the dynamics of our working relationship. I rather have him for a great massage over anything else.


    Any advice?

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