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Posts posted by phildallas

  1. I grew up near annother Amish community in Missouri and my family often hired an Amish man for odd jobs who a few years after I left home, went to prison for molesting underage granddaughters. I and my family were shocked.


    I wonder if the strong patriarchal nature of Amish families has something to do with this sort of behavior.



    I don't disagree with the prosecutor for the original plea agreement. Young Amish men can be very nieve and unsophisticated. I think he's probably right, prison would probably be the end of them. If the local Amish community really did punish them harshly, Amish are rather well practiced at punishing those that break community rules, I don't think the prosecutor was wrong. But it looks like the young men didn't take the prosecutor seriously.

  2. The ask for money the next day sounds like the actions of an addicted person without a hit and cash to me.


    Blacklist you and report you to a prof org? Had that threat from a guy I walked out on because he looked nothing like the pics he used, and seemed like a meth head. Thretened to put my info on a email list shared by all the escorts in Dallas. No such list exists.


    Block his phone number and email address.

  3. I wish I HAD nails for a manicure. Have always had a bad nail-biting habit.... And I started pedicure last year when I became disabled and couldn't reach my feet....And now that I am recovering, I still go twice a month. Men with pretty feet are a turn-on..


    And shine, doesn't bother me, nor does Black polish on a guy.


    One of the reasons I used to get manicures was because I bit my nails. After spending some money on my nails and having them look and feel good, I somehow could restrain myself from biting them. Part of it was because they didn't get too long if I went every other week.

  4. Had a guy fixing something catch me and my boyfriend at the time fucking in a second story bedroom. He was on a ladder outside the bedroom and was looking in the window and smiling. We opened the window and let him in. Was a hot fuck and suck with a hot sweaty guy. His cock had some flavor to it, but I liked it. He pounded the hell out of my BF.

  5. I've spoke with him. He's on the outskirts of Dallas, and he does have a reasonably priced add-on charge for 'tantric-style'.

    Its that distance from most of the DFW area that I think is keeping his price down.

  6. The crowd isn't just different day to day, but varies based on the time of day. The clubs I'm familiar with have an older crowd along with a few younger guys who are into older men during the day. Late night after the bars close can be a crazy, crowded free for all with a good bit of group public play.


    And you never can tell what kind of guy is going to be interested. I'm quite middle aged with extra weight, but not ugly (at least with cloths on) and sometimes I get lucky and have a guy who's really into my type. Doesn't happen all the time, most of the time I end up playing with someone more my age and type, but happens often enough that it's really a treat.


    Best not to have expectations of making out with a hot, hot guy. Best to be ready to get it on and off with what you find there and not be picky. You never can tell when a guy you just find OK really knows how to kiss, fuck, suck or rim in ways you've not experienced.


    For me, group play makes me much less worried about what the participants look like.

  7. I've found you don't even need to put your hands over the edge of the table. Just put your arms where they just hang over the edge a bit or are just at the edge where the guy could brush your arm. If i get one crotch brush it might be a mistake. If I get a second, he's probably good for some touching; I maybe start by brushing his leg or butt when it's convenient. If I feel his crotch pressing against my arm for a bit, I know the likelihood of his shorts coming off is really good.

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