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Everything posted by snogaholic

  1. What did you think of James "Castle" ?
  2. Hmmm. Be VERY careful is all I can say here.
  3. snogaholic

    London Tops

    has anyone tried Leo/Liam, who used to be online but now is mostly on Grindr and the like? As with Diggory, he prefers it raw and would seem to have pretty ample equipment ....
  4. snogaholic

    London Tops

    That doesn't surprise me about londonrichboy who has exuded diffidence and disinterest on the few occasions I have tried to contact him. Have you thought of giving Diggory a go, if you can take his endowment? XX
  5. Sorry, William, to disappoint you (ah, a grammar catfight on this of all fora!) And, yes, that is what I meant. Sorry if he is your best friend. >> adjective informal. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary. not completely conscious of what is happening, often because of taking drugs or needing to sleep. I'm sorry, I'm feeling a little spacy.16 Aug 2016 spacy (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/spacy
  6. Good luck is all I can say. And spacy, not "spacey" - we're not talking about a certain Oscar winning actor !
  7. https://rent.men/THEDreamer His prices are laughably high
  8. Tried to connect with him recently but he's very spacy and we couldn't make contact.
  9. Tried to connect with him recently but he's very spacy and we couldn't make contact.
  10. That's one way to drum up business -- by insulting forum members.
  11. snogaholic

    411 on CURLY

    Wow, he is SO cute! Looks like a '60s London pop star
  12. LoganAus is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. Just sayin' .....
  13. he looked so much better then. oh well.
  14. snogaholic


    He sounds amazing, I agree; he and I have messaged but that's as far as it has gotten -- so far !
  15. The above poster must be getting me confused with someone else. He asks why I "keep asking this," when in fact I haven't asked it once and have precisely zero interest in the chap or in hiring him. What I *did* do was point out his extortionate price. Caveat emptor is all I can say.
  16. that ad is the one we were discussing the other day and it was shot down pretty immediately.
  17. I like the sound of Manny -- where is he from? x
  18. Ryan Steel here is asking £250 for an INCALL -- good luck to that!
  19. How is the Villa Gianni selection these days?
  20. Mine charges £120 an hour outcall :-) and is a keeper.
  21. No explanation?? Did he proffer a reason why?
  22. There's an American guy in London just now for four days who says in his ad that his hourly fee is $1000 -- why is that? "Because I'm awesome." That solves that then ! https://www.sleepyboy.com/uk/london/escort/EyeMLove
  23. snogaholic

    Saxon West

    He used to escort in London, where he had a European boyfriend but that was some while ago and I haven't seen an ad from him in ages now.
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