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Everything posted by Merboy

  1. Hi everyone! Happy soon-to-be Spring!!! I was just wondering if anyone had suggestions for really muscular, but also really talented masseurs in NYC... I always want to go by the reviews and recommendations here when making a choice. Thanks everyone - hoping everyone has a good Sunday!
  2. Darius should do porn again.
  3. Oddly, when I think of pecs in gay porn nobody comes right to mind. Cain from Corbin Fisher?
  4. I'm trying to get in touch with him. He's a very nice person.
  5. Large Penis Support Group, but its a forum to find hunky men photos and videos.
  6. Someone from LPSG met with him through the agency I believe.... the ad's back up by the way. Let's see if they answer.
  7. I guess one day the young'uns will be asking me if I really was alive when the Internet first went into people's homes and I'll say "Yep, my little grasshoppin' whippersnapper.... I was!"
  8. Desert Storm, VHS tapes, VCRs, Lite-Brites, Fisher-Price little people, Micro Machines, Power Wheels, Super Soakers, and Ross Perot
  9. A, but I don't really look at the butt.
  10. For me it has to be this fitness model I found on various sites from the early 2010s... just my GAWD. That face, that bod, that intense look in his eyes.... ?
  11. awww thank you.... I couldn't look further from that in real life haha!
  12. There was a recent book called "Kens" which was very out there but very intriguing.... it reminded me of "Mean Girls" but with gay boys instead.
  13. He reads as "gay" but he's not... and I've met a few like that. There was one chorus teacher who insisted he was not gay - and made up a phony romance with the horticulture teacher to "prove it". It was humiliating - for everyone - because he could literally fly across the room.
  14. lol He actually is from Zoom meetings.... but yesterday I bumped into him for real. His hair was phenomenal. Of course, he's only in his early 20s so he still had some left haha
  15. In the gay community I mean... I know there are "alpha" jerks and assholes -- bullies that are straight, but what about with gay guys? Have you experienced running into a total bitch that you just wanted to just give such a slap in the face?!
  16. Some straight men can be very in touch with their girly side. Just yesterday, in fact, I met a guy - I was totally expecting him to say he had a boyfriend when he said he was going on a date with "my significant other" but then he said "She and I have been dating for a few years now." He likes dolls, Shirley Temple movies, Bath & Body Works, and has the best hair on the planet - beautifully coifed. So ya never know.
  17. Not EVERYTHING of course --- as my grandma told me years ago, "Men are a dime a dozen, dollface" (she was a lot like the grandma in Pippin -- to my musical theatre fans, I happen to be watching this on Broadway HD), but An AWFUL LOT. Anyway, please post a picture of that heavenly man...and also answer the question if you might --- "What about him makes you really go berserk?"
  18. Too many boys growing up really don't have the freedom to even say how they feel...as if a word could make you "queer"... because to be girly/queer is the "worst thing a boy could be" as so many of us have heard over and over again. Very sad. ??
  19. Perfumes (I hate the smell of cologne), Bath and Body Works Pretty flowers Walking through Sephora (even though I think it's out of control and way too expensive), but the lighting is so fierce
  20. Maybe there's a tiny bit of Freudian theory in that some of us may look for features or qualities of our dads when we seek out men?
  21. I would definitely say my mother has set the standard of what I consider beautiful or attractive in a woman -- natural aging, warm inner glow, big smile, wavy hair, soft makeup... even though I have never been attracted to women in that way, I feel that straight women and gay men are very comfortable talking about women they find attractive. But do our fathers also set the standard for us (all those attracted to men) of what we might subliminally like or desire in a man?
  22. Not a news anchor but the dashing and openly gay husband and father Adam Joseph, a Philadelphia area meteorologist
  23. How am I staying in shape? lol. ? I'd let you know but I'm at Sea World right now at the beautiful aquatheatre and I'm just about to go on for Shamu, who always rests on Monday nights.
  24. My grandmother's cooking, the energy I used to have, the creativity I used to have, and Broadway/movies/TV/video games of the 90s...Blockbuster... the innocence, the soaps, the game shows, the newness of life.... before it got dull....
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