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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. Why do clients always assume the worst with name changes? Rebranding is harmless. Sometimes you just tire of a horrible screename and want to make another? No?


    He said he changed his name because he was in the business for quite a while and people get tired of seeing the same escorts over and over. Since there is not any bad press about him to begin with (at least that I’ve seen or heard), I accepted that reason; I don’t care that he changed his name.

    Rebranding isn't a very good idea business wise. You spend years building a good reputation, then change your name and start over? Do you think Coke would ever change its name?

  2. Everyone seems to very positive about Uriel, both on these forums, and via PM, and no wonder, look at him. And, I've thought about hiring him too. However, on the two occasions we briefly exchanged emails, his responses were short, and seemed lukewarm at best. Is it just me, or because he gets so many inquiries, he keeps initial communication brief and to the point?

    I would say that extends to appointments as well. Nice guy, willing to please, but keeps convo to a minimum.

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