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    + bashful reacted to + VictorPowers in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    If you're NOT maxing out annual Roth IRA contributions as an escort, then it's time to revisit your spending habits! HeHe!
  2. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from + VictorPowers in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    Consider whether this great offer will fund your future retirement, or will it just maintain a current lifestyle. If only for today, the money will be gone, but the porn is still there.
  3. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from gallahadesquire in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    Consider whether this great offer will fund your future retirement, or will it just maintain a current lifestyle. If only for today, the money will be gone, but the porn is still there.
  4. Like
    + bashful reacted to + Tarte Gogo in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    I agree with Victor, often one likes to hear a variety of opinions before making one’s own mind.
    Also some people might have facts or anecdotes that are relevant to put in the “what could go wrong” side of the balance.
  5. Like
    + bashful reacted to + VictorPowers in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    I'm asking for input. Isn't that why we all participate here? Maybe y'all will add more insight and other Pros/Cons I haven't considered.
  6. Like
    + bashful reacted to BaronArtz in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    It can go either way. I have looked at ads on RM, gotten interested in a guy then totally turned off when I saw his porn video clips - for various reasons. Being a porn actor does not necessarily make you more desirable.
  7. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from + jrhoutex in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    I think most of us would prefer a personal appearance.
  8. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from craigville beach in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    I think most of us would prefer a personal appearance.
  9. Like
    + bashful reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    It was only a matter of time before this thread took an ugly turn: If you've been here long enough, you know the drill.
    I like the style of this kid... He's got moxie. And, based on him not having US citizenship, I imagine he's only got a finite amount of time to cash in. Good for him for having the keen business sense to strike while the iron is hot.
    And frankly, threads like this one are helping keep that iron very warm
  10. Haha
    + bashful got a reaction from + Charlie in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    Not yet.
    (and they have both since passed away)
  11. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from liubit in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    The video clips help to retain interest too.
  12. Like
    + bashful reacted to liubit in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    The boy certainly knows how to put that gorgeous ass of his to good use! And, yes, he has us talking about him. We don’t often see 15-page threads on a particular escort around here.
  13. Like
    + bashful reacted to + Tarte Gogo in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    Well, maybe on Lautner, but even that would be a budget stretch.
  14. Like
    + bashful reacted to + Tarte Gogo in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    I don’t think @diehard_002 was judging, just telling us what he thinks is happening, and it is useful for us to know if we want to hire him.
    Especially since the hourly meets arenot of interest to him, then I can move on, because I am not spending 2500 on anyone.
  15. Like
    + bashful reacted to LADoug1 in Escorts And Rimming?   
    “Time ravaged old man’s ass”?
    Very harsh.
  16. Like
    + bashful reacted to Gvtire in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    My mom tried to. Everything was going great, until I asked her what's the difference between making love and fucking. She got completely embarrassed and kept saying why you have to be so vulgar why do you have to be so crude. My dad on the other hand when we got older handed me The Joy of Sex and told us if we had any questions ask your mother.
  17. Like
    + bashful reacted to TruHart1 in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    After having my first orgasm in the bathtub at the age of 10, I became obsessed with jacking off whenever and wherever I was alone. Developing sexually so early was most likely the reason I was such a social cripple in my interactions with so many of my peers through school. The fact that I realized at about 13 that I was generally attracted to hot men, (having had rare instances of finding certain women sexually attractive back when my hard-on would spring forth for almost no reason at all!) I became rather socially crippled, always fearful of being discovered a pervert, or caught looking at men's crotches and asses.
    I was a very nosy young man, though, and my father had a rather large collection of not only heterosexual graphic porn magazines which left no doubt how hot men with big dicks entered willing women's dripping vaginas or mouths, but he also owned Havelock Ellis' exhaustive study of sex and inversion, (what Ellis called homosexuality, bestiality, etc. back in the 1930's when he wrote it) "Psychology of Sex", which explicitly and graphically explained (diagrams included) all the various permutations of sexual acts, including detailed clinical case studies of various human subjects!
    Add to that my dad's collection of pornographic novels with "blow-by-blow" descriptions of all sorts of sexual acts and, after first being dizzy and light-headed at the understanding and realization of the actual mechanics of male to female sexual interaction, I was probably more educated than any of my peers at that early age. I remember earlier, back in sixth grade, being separated from the girls and seeing a slide-show which explained the basic workings of the penis and vagina and how babies were conceived, but my understanding of sex remained quite muddled and foggy until I discovered my father's graphic collection of porn and sexology studies!
    I don't actually remember if my parents ever tried to give me the "birds and bees" talk, but by the time I was 13, I was WAY beyond that sort of talk having any educational value for my horny psyche!!! Though I never asked my dad, who has been gone for over 30 years now, I will always wonder if he was sloppy-on-purpose in hiding his porn materials, hoping I would likely self-educate myself sexually, Or maybe I was just the nosiest son around! LOL!
  18. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from LADoug1 in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    Not yet.
    (and they have both since passed away)
  19. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from + pitman in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    Not yet.
    (and they have both since passed away)
  20. Like
    + bashful reacted to + othermanc in Four good reasons to visit Boston!   
    Yeah, sometimes I tire these kids out!
  21. Like
    + bashful reacted to Kevin Slater in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    We had the chat when I was 15. I think it was very informative for them.
    Kevin Slater
  22. Like
    + bashful reacted to + sync in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    No. I learned it from neighborhood boys the "hard" way.
  23. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from + quoththeraven in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    Not yet.
    (and they have both since passed away)
  24. Like
    + bashful reacted to Pepper Young in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    My dad tried to bring up the subject once, but I waved him off. "I got it", I said. Relieved, he went back watching TV.
  25. Like
    + bashful reacted to bigvalboy in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    NO...I was way ahead of my parents.
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