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    LADoug1 got a reaction from TruthBTold in This Is Why I Like Small Endowments   
    Know a guy who ended up in the ER because he couldn’t get a metal cockring off. Ended up having to have it cut off by the fire department. Imagine the embarrassment!
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    LADoug1 reacted to + azdr0710 in Hospital Check In - New Questions   
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    LADoug1 reacted to + Avalon in Vintage Bromance   
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    LADoug1 got a reaction from + Just966 in He's a little off-center, but who's complaining...   
    Number 7. OMG! Woof.
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    LADoug1 got a reaction from Walker1 in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
    Hot guy. Ridiculous picture. Lol.
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    LADoug1 reacted to + g56whiz in 23andMe DNA/health test   
    Yea and if Sen Warren turns out to actually be Native American she can expect to see Trump’s million right after he pays off the contractors and lawyers he’s stiffed for decades.
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    LADoug1 got a reaction from uwsman2 in RBG   
    Saw it last week. Excellent and extremely inspiring. A welcome respite from all the horrible politics happening in the country today. Gave me some hope for better days.
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    LADoug1 got a reaction from Inkdnaija00 in Nip/Pec Sucking   
    Work them both gently at the same time! Ecstasy!!
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    LADoug1 got a reaction from samhexum in DWE---> Driving While Elderly   
    My mother was never the best of drivers but drove until she lost control of her car in a parking lot and smashed into a wall. She was 85. She decided on her own to stop driving. She lives where mass transit is not available and now relies on her 84 year old husband for most rides. The loss of her independence still depresses her. But my family and myself very much appreciate and respect her responsible decision to stop driving.
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    LADoug1 reacted to + Just966 in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
    This is a hot one!
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    LADoug1 reacted to whipped guy in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
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    LADoug1 reacted to whipped guy in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
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    LADoug1 reacted to whipped guy in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
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    LADoug1 reacted to body2body in Housebreaking A Dog   
    If you use incontinence pads you will be teaching the dog to pee in the house. It is better to take the dog outside. A puppy has to go out every three or four hours. My last dog was not housebroken when I adopted her. I took her out often, but she still persisted in going in the house. I consulted a trainer who told me to put her on a schedule that I had to adhere to, basically walking her about 1-2 hours after eating, first thing in the morning, and before going to bed. I would put her favorite treats (cubes of broiled chicken) in a baggy in my pocket. Every time she would pee or poop outside, I would praise her and give her a couple of pieces of chicken. This was the only time she got treats. It took about two weeks, but after that she was fastidious. For the next 13 years, unless she was ill, we never had a problem. The only side effect was that for the rest of her life after “doing her business” outside, she would sit and look up at me, head cocked to one side, as if to say- “OK Dad, I did my part, now where’s the chicken”.
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    LADoug1 reacted to + Just966 in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
    Love this, gets the juices flowing for sure!
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    LADoug1 reacted to whipped guy in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
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    LADoug1 reacted to whipped guy in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
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    LADoug1 reacted to + VictorPowers in My neighbour wants to hire me?!   
    Go for it. If you feel like you’re compromising your anonymity with how close you live to the client, then steer away. Otherwise, casually running into a local client can and will happen from time to time. It doesn’t need to be awkward in the slightest.
  19. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to starman05 in Is being fingered without a glove safe?   
    Thx NYCMAN
    I’m mostly alone and don’t have people to talk to about this stuff
    I feel better ty
  20. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Nvr2Thick in Is being fingered without a glove safe?   
    I'd be worried about carpal tunnel syndrome.
  21. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to starman05 in Is being fingered without a glove safe?   
    worst case scenario? the guy had a cut on his hand and a fingernail tore at my butt lining or whatever it is and I got infected with HIV.
    It's unlikely, I know.
    Again, all I can say is I came of age in the '80s and fears were put into me that have never gone away.
  22. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to FTM Zachary Prince in Is being fingered without a glove safe?   
    Being fingered without a glove is low-risk, but there are a few factors that can increase the risks involved. Blood-borne transmissions are the highest risk with “bareback” fingering. And that risk is generally pretty low.
    Cuts on the hands or fingers, including microcuts that are too small for the naked eye to see, can open a passage to blood-borne transmissions. If the giver does anything rough with their hands on a regular basis, such as cooking, cleaning, carpentry, mechanic work, the chance of them having micro-cuts that cannot be seen by the naked eye is pretty high! Rinsing your hands with lemon juice before a date is a good way to determine if you have any on your fingers, as it will sting in contact wherever they are.
    Micro-tears in the rectum, including those too small to be consciously felt or produce any visible traces of blood, can open the passage for blood-borne transmissions from the receivers end. Rough sex without enough lube in the hours/days prior can easily leave these. As can improperly trimmed fingernails create them during the fingering process.
    Steps you can take to reduce chances of blood-borne transmission during bareback fingering:
    ~ the top could check his fingers for invisible cuts and scrapes using lemon juice beforehand
    ~ one or both parties could be on PrEP
    ~ both parties could test negative for Hep B
    ~ the top should make sure his fingernails are filed down smooth, so that there is zero roughness felt when scratching them across skin; a two-sided emeryboard is key here
    ~ plenty of lube should be used during fingering... even if fingers can be shoved in successfully without it
    I cook a LOT, so I always used gloves for fingering prior to starting PrEP. I no longer do unless it’s requested by my bottom OR my fingernails are not smooth enough to do it safely.
  23. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Kris Parkes in Is being fingered without a glove safe?   
    Yeah, unless he has a bleeding cut on that finger. I think the other purpose for gloves is to protect the person being fingered from sharp fingernails?
  24. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to samhexum in LOOK! Up in the sky... IT'S...   
    Planet formation isn’t exactly the kind of thing that happens in the blink of an eye. New worlds form over extremely long stretches of time, at least on a human scale. They slowly build up mass from the dust and debris nearest to them, eventually forming the spherical shape we’re all familiar with.

    Despite the fact that it can take ages for a planet to fully form, actually capturing the process of planet formation has proven to be incredibly difficult. Now, for the first time ever, astronomers have announced the witnessing of a planet in the midst of its own birth, and they’ve got a stunning image to back up the news.
    The discovery was made using the powerful planet-hunting tool called SPHERE, which is part of the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope. The instrument was able to spot a large mass of material — referred to as an accretion disk — surrounding a nearby star. Within that planet-forming cloud of debris, a planet is being constructed. In the image provided by ESO, the planet is seen as a bright mass to the right of its host star which has been blacked out by a mask that allows the surrounding detail to be seen.
    The planet, named PDS 70b, is careening through the dust cloud as it orbits its star, gathering material on its surface and slowly but surely maturing into what will one day be a fully-formed world. What makes this discovery so interesting is that it’s the first time that scientists have managed to spot such a young planet with utter certainty.
    “These discs around young stars are the birthplaces of planets, but so far only a handful of observations have detected hints of baby planets in them,” Miriam Keppler, the lead researcher on the project, explains. “The problem is that until now, most of these planet candidates could just have been features in the disc.”
    While a newborn planet might sound like an interesting place to visit, you most certainly wouldn’t want to set foot on PDS 70b any time soon. The young planet is absolutely scorching, with a surface temperature topping 1,000 degrees Celsius.


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    LADoug1 got a reaction from beachboy in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
    My favorite position both giving and receiving.
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