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Everything posted by Truereview

  1. I like that you are looking for good chemistry! Your kitty is out there just waiting to make you his. Keep in mind some cats choose their owners, but some are just a little shy... it's hard to be yourself at a shelter! Try hanging out and see who comes to ya. And remember to have fun doing this! Keep us posted!
  2. http://cdn7.viralscape.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Male-Celebrity-vs.-Cat-2.jpg
  3. http://cdn7.viralscape.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Male-Celebrity-vs.-Cat-11.jpg
  4. I luv the forum! I learn something new everyday. Thanks!
  5. http://www.vitamin-ha.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/fashion-fails-2-081.jpg George's commitment to muscular calves went to great lengths...
  6. A fundamental difference between men and women..... http://wanna-joke.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/funny-gif-female-male-orgasm.gif
  7. http://cdn6.viralscape.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Male-Celebrity-vs.-Cat-31.jpg
  8. http://images.latintimes.com/sites/latintimes.com/files/styles/large/public/0/45/4598.png?itok=IswHrIMt
  9. Hysterical! Thank you @AdamSmith! I never really paid attention to Monty Python when I was younger. So it is great to have discovered its humor later in my life. This reminded me of David Ogilvy quote that goes something like the best ideas come as jokes, so make your thinking as funny as possible. It's really interesting to live our lives - particularly the dull parts of it - using a funny outlook. I call it Ellenating life. Anyway, back to funnies. http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/files/2012/03/belvedere.jpg
  10. Mr. Potato Head wanted to spice things up at home... http://www.commonsenseevaluation.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Potato-Stripper.jpg
  11. Magic Mike Pecs... http://media1.giphy.com/media/SHa1R94fPwu76/giphy.gif
  12. Shake your bon bon pecs http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l217/starfish32159/Friendship/malestrippers6tb.gif
  13. Maybe I should have a matching tank top that says: I'm long enough where it counts
  14. 26C/78F & sunny here this AM. Played early soccer match this morning. It was nice to be one of the taller guys on the beach - granted there were just 4 of us. Looked something like this... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Beach_soccer.jpg
  15. Bobby soon realized that his tough demeanor only made him infinitely more attractive...
  16. Sitting here in Uruguay, lounging around semi-naked, wearing my favorite T-shirt: http://image16.spreadshirt.com/image-server/v1/compositions/4892539/views/1,width%3D178,height%3D178,appearanceId%3D2/I-m-not-short-I-m-fun-sized-women-s-t-shirt.jpg
  17. If this thread has persuaded at least one (stoned) lovable Latin bear to save a kitty, it has served its purpose! Thank YOU! http://media.giphy.com/media/BoSb0NGnADoPu/giphy.gif
  18. http://cdn.viralscape.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Male-Celebrity-vs.-Cat-32.png
  19. http://vuing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/funny-hilarious-celebrities-male-stars-and-cats-pictures-12.jpg
  20. http://vuing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/funny-hilarious-celebrities-male-stars-and-cats-pictures-23.jpg
  21. Source: LovethatPet.com Benefits of Cat Ownership Pet ownership in general, and cat ownership in particular can improve your quality of life. Dr. Bradley Smith, one of many scientists who study human-animal relationships, recognises these positive impacts as something he call the “Pet Effect.” COMPANIONSHIP The most common reason to keep a pet is for companionship, so this benefit won’t come as a surprise to anyone. People who don’t have a cat in their lives often believe that cats are unsocial, distant pets. If you’ve ever been the recipient of an affectionate head-bunt from a friendly kitty, you know that the “unsocial” myth is indeed a myth. Cats are not the solitary animals that they had been believed to be. EXERCISE Cats might not need much exercise, compared to dogs and rabbits, but they do like to play with their human companions. Tossing a toy mouse around the living room can get you moving a bit, too. NURTURING People sometimes accuse their friends of turning their pet into a substitute child. By replacing a child or younger sibling as “something to nurture”, a pet often does serve that need. In today’s smaller families, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Everybody needs somebody to love, furry or otherwise. EMPATHY It might be noticed more with dogs, but children who grow up with cats appear to have more practice with considering what other people are thinking and feeling. This experience of empathy helps children learn to relate to other people, and to consider their actions in light of how those actions will affect others. PURRING Petting a cat who’s curled up and purring on your lap is a great way to lower stress and blood pressure. In fact, recent studies have shown that the frequency (or the “pitch”: how high or low the purr sounds to you) of a cat’s purr helps bones and muscles to heal after an injury. MEDICAL BENEFITS Earlier discharges from the hospital, fewer times when visits to the doctor’s office are needed, and lower levels of stress overall are some of the benefits that some researchers have found. Having a cat might also lower your risk of heart disease more than going on a low-salt diet would do, if current research proves to be true. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Even when social status, income level, and location are taken into account, many studies still showed a measurable advantage to having a pet such as a cat. Of course you wouldn’t adopt a cat only because you know that keeping a pet is good for your health. A cat is a big responsibility. These benefits are just more reasons for you to love that pet.
  22. A little history lesson about us, the pocket gays. Watch & learn, boys! We can be rather useful
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