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Everything posted by Truereview

  1. I think clients say the darnedest things too: When it's late - "It's 2am, how soon can you get here?" When it is literally too late - "Does it hurt when I bite it like this?" How to kill a boner - "I could be your dad!"
  2. http://img.izismile.com/img/img4/20111124/640/funny_thanksgiving_moments_640_27.jpg I'm your Thankgiving Turkey and I approve this message
  3. http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/213828-Funny-Thanksgiving-Comic.jpg
  4. Awww, how sweet! They baked me a cake...
  5. How would you like him cooked? http://cdn.emgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Hot-Guys-Cooking-EMGN1.jpg
  6. Hide the sausage... http://aboutguyz.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Hot_guys_in_the_kitchen-13.jpg
  7. http://cdn.emgn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Hot-Guys-Cooking-EMGN20.jpg
  8. Wow, thanks for sharing! Unconventional beauty and cultural behavior! What else can you ask for in a thread? Oh, yeah, cock! http://media.giphy.com/media/ncXfkKLgn4HOE/giphy.gif
  9. . Well, if it is weird, I will make it weirder. While at boarding school, I met Connie, a Korean girl whose parents were on diplomatic mission in Buenos Aires. I loved Connie. She was direct, intelligent, caring. Her face was round, porcelain skin, deep set dark eyes, gorgeous eyebrows, and the most perfect lips/mouth ever. I recall her dad was the epitome of ambassadorial behavior: neutral, detached, yet cordial. Her mom, however, was a no-nonsense woman who, through her broken Spanish, would really call things as she saw them. I kinda think Connie i herited the best of both her parents. Anyway, Connie had a older brother who was also my age and pretty much looked like a male version of her. He and I had some great times playing with each other. I believe my attraction to Asian men is very much influenced by his physical look and my emotional attachment to Connie. That androgyny thing drives me bananas. Lol..more unconventional commentary that you might care to know.
  10. Talking about gorgeous men, Suga's face, IMO, is perfection in these kitty pics. There is this play on androgyny in his facial features that drives me wild. Those lips, cheekbones, perfectly adorable nose, and those sweet dark eyes. The second pic looks like he is ready to be kissed. I like his hair naturally dark tho. Anyway, QTR, thank you for bringing his pix! Yum, yum!
  11. I could not agree with you more, Rami is unusually attractive in my eyes. Btw, green eyes are not that uncommon in the Middle East, particularly if you meet Armenians and Jordanians. I know you travel quite a bit and that you like dark hair and light eyes. We share that in common. I would highly recommend a trip to safe zones in this region. There are gorgeous closeted gay men across the Middle East with those looks. It just takes good research & tour guides to travel there & meet them socially. Don't get me wrong, this is not like a trip to Thailand to meet "trade." -not my thing. It is actually a trip to meet highly educated, wordly, closeted gay men of means who are trapped in an LGBT unfriendly society(My view). Anyway, today, I still chat with two men that I met and one of whom is planning a trip to Uruguay next year. Here is a toast to gorgeously unconventional men!
  12. Last weekend, I binge-watched the BBC series, The Living and the Dead. I love period pieces, particularly if they have a mystery or thriller plot. I love those shows even more when they have a hottie as the main character. I had a bit of a crush on geeky Irish actor Colin Morgan - his ears, Adams apple, and blue i's in Merlin were dreamy http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/19800000/Colin-Morgan-colin-morgan-19845552-1016-570.jpg Well, surprise, surprise...put a beard & longer hair on a scrawny guy and a few more years and pounds, and you get Nathan Appleby, protagonist in The Living and the Dead....yum, yum... http://www.cultbox.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/9088557-high_res-the-living-and-the-dead.jpg http://www.cultbox.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/10587559-high-ab.jpg http://veja.abril.com.br/blog/temporadas/files/2016/06/TheLivingandtheDead71.jpg
  13. I've arrived late to this tribute, but it is never too late to recognize brilliance and legacy. What I take with me about Gwen and promise to upkeep to the best of my ability - though I'll mess up- is her quote: Cynics believe they have already arrived at the answers to their questions; skeptics hold out the possibility that there are always more questions to be asked. Gwen, watch us toil here below, smile upon us when we strive to be our best.
  14. I'm intrigued. Count me in. I like bravado. I'm all for putting my dick where a man's mouth is.
  15. Ok, ok, ok...I just couldn't help myself! http://lowres.cartoonstock.com/death-coroner-alligator-morgue-alligator_skin-crocodile_skin-jcen1121_low.jpg
  16. Now, that's an effective sign... http://www.dizzyboy.com/jokes/funny-pictures/crocodile-sign.jpg
  17. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DXQpk0K1v5Q/T74SDfAu-yI/AAAAAAAAT2s/9-dI_vdhtF0/s1600/funny+crocodile+picture+(17).jpg
  18. http://funny-wall.com/wp-content/uploads/Crocodile-Skin-Purse-590x442.jpg
  19. This is what happens if you stay on the ark for too long... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YIHRuTu93n4/UebV9fHhWvI/AAAAAAAAMik/4znqIQGSO48/s1600/funny-noah-ark-elephant-penguin.jpg
  20. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SbiZrX4lc-U/U2e6-NaSnKI/AAAAAAAAS1k/cIXnXD_oMis/s1600/eyes.jpg
  21. Lord! Did anyone else see the Virgin Mary on that Super Moon tortilla? http://a57.foxnews.com/media2.foxnews.com/thumbnails/i/040913/0/0/040913_edge_tortilla2_640.jpg
  22. http://cdn.funnymeme.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/funny-memes-new-yoga-position.png
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