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Everything posted by Truereview

  1. Yes, I'm guilty of watching Spanish soap operas.. But can you blame me? Telenovela Pecssssssssss...
  2. Are you sure? I was saving Tarzan for you...⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs4Hn-hHFqA
  3. Nice buns on this subway stripper...and watching some of the mortified passengers is priceless...
  4. http://theurbanrealist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/hot-guys-and-cats.png
  5. http://pix.avaxnews.com/avaxnews/84/d4/0000d484_big.jpeg
  6. http://www.anorak.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/men-and-cats-13.png
  7. http://d39kbiy71leyho.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/11132017/bow-tie-cat.jpg
  8. Awwwwww! So sweet! My Gato is a Scottish Fold, so his ears are funky. He looks something like this http://www.zastavki.com/pictures/originals/2013/Animals___Cats_White_small_Scottish_Fold_cat_045214_.jpg
  9. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140708173000/muppet/images/9/9c/Piggy_angry_eyes_Lipton.jpg Oh no, he didn't....
  10. Apparently Santa has been working... ....on his pecs! http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/02/21/article-2282081-1829DF3C000005DC-47_634x631.jpg
  11. Anonymous nips... http://hdwallpapers.cat/wallpaper/hot_guy_hunk_people_models_male_hd-wallpaper-71268.jpg
  12. @latbear4blk - hope you and Brownie are adjusting well to each other. Here are some tips from PetFinder.com First Days: Sit on the floor and let her come to you. Don’t force her. Just let her get acquainted on her own time. If she doesn’t approach, leave her alone and try again later. Some cats are particularly frightened, and she may retreat to her hidey hole and not come out when you’re around at all. She may only come out at night when the house is quiet. Give her time. Your newly adopted cat may not eat much or at all at first. It’s best to give your cat the same food she had at the shelter or in her foster home, at least at first. Keeping some things familiar will make her feel more secure. Be sure to change her water frequently and make sure that she is drinking. If your cat hasn’t eaten for a few days, call your vet to ask for advice. Following Weeks:It may take your cat a week or two to adjust. Be patient. Within a week of being adopted, take your newly adopted cat for her first wellness visit with a veterinarian. If you have a record of immunizations from the shelter, take it with you. Don’t have a vet? Check out these tips for finding the right vet for you and your cat. As your cat adjusts, she’ll show signs that she wants to explore outside her safe haven. She may be ready to play, so you can furnish some toys. Many cats like feather wands from the pet supply store, but homemade toys are often favored. A wad of a tissue paper to bat around or a paper bag to hide in can be fun. For more ideas on how to keep your cat entertained see Keeping Your Cat from Getting Bored. Hire yourself a stud...that will alleviate any stress you may feel as a new cat owner (well, that was my tip, since I'm a slut looking for any excuse)
  13. http://pix.avaxnews.com/avaxnews/28/d4/0000d428_medium.jpeg
  14. Ay Papi, you should try me with whipped cream...
  15. My kind of flight! http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/2e/03/052e037ce3a0a9a8d85cb2e5cdce5097.jpg
  16. Fly the friendly skies & holiday cheer to everyone! http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/e6IUWy_lqBg/maxresdefault.jpg
  17. At least they are walking down the aisle! Flight attendant seniority is reaching new heights...
  18. http://loffee.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/model-poses-men-and-kittens.jpg
  19. http://cdn.pophangover.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/RD623Kz.jpg
  20. Congrats! What a perfect act of kindness and what a lovely gift for yourself! Brownie is a lucky girl. She will adjust bit by bit. I can see it now... http://img03.deviantart.net/8afd/i/2013/028/3/b/bear_and_cat_love_by_kittychiii-d5t42on.jpg
  21. I'll take anyone's spoils between the Beave and the ZEfron. A cock is a cock is a cock An ass is an ass is an ass Me - a slut is a slut is a slut - gertrue stein
  22. There are all sorts of dragons... The wyrm, the drake, the wyvern,chimera.. but by far, the most astute and feared of dragons is the Iceberg Dragon!
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