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Everything posted by ncc1701d

  1. So glad to hear you are doing ok. Did text early in the pandemic and didnt' hear back, but figured you were trying to cope like everyone else. Stay safe and healthy and here's to meeting you again when we can........
  2. my thoughts exactly....photoshop, steroids, or freaking good genes!
  3. ncc1701d


    noticed he's a lot more ripped and muscular in his recent scenes compared to a few years ago where he was a tad on the padded side ;-) too bad as I would be tempted given he bottoms in films
  4. Good for him for asking, and good for those who can afford. As long as he's professional about it, as his 15 min of fame will end, and Karma is a bitch. I happy to be a fan of his videos...that southern accent, the body, and yes the passionate kissing/fucking.....very nice.
  5. Nothing new..Talvin Demachio (used to the hot guy here) sent me a "form" email describing what he needed to hire him upon initial request. The list included rates for every 15 min beyond the hour. All i kept hearing was "tick tick" in my head as I was reading it.
  6. That's amazing and major kudos to him. His RM ad age is 45 so likely real age is higher. Now I need to put Boston on my post COVID list
  7. Ouch...that's what I was afraid of.....sorry to hear that
  8. Hired Adam once...not a bad experience at all...wasn't a toe curling one but would repeat...can see him being someone who gets better with familiarity
  9. He's on my short list....love how passionate he is on film. Please review or PM me....love to hear about it
  10. he definitely has been around...anyone with recent personal experience to vouch for the pics?
  11. Who is the hottie on the left??? Wow
  12. I see Carter changed his ad...his earlier version had the whole "I'm not usually around and even if i am i don't usually say yes" was a huge turnoff
  13. Saw Adam R once several years ago...would recommend.
  14. As a certified massage whore, I would say that the legit places massage are generally not as good in terms of even the massage part. They are too consumed with rules, draping sheets, and not letting their bodies get too close to really lean in for those deep knots. I've had plenty of "fun" massages where the first therapeutic part was so good that I almost didn't want that to end. I think once both sides are naked the inhibitions are gone and that helps even the therapeutic parts
  15. Alex husband is Carter Dane, who I would hire but after reading his odd RM ad I didn't bother...I mean why advertise and then say most of the time he's not free and wont answer...like really?!!?
  16. If Arad is available and bottoms I'd be there in a heart beat. Love his cum shots on screen!!!
  17. Skyy Knox was worth the high price tag..so down to earth and so in to the session (or at least very good acting)..and doesn't just run out the door right afterwards. Definitely repeat post RONA
  18. I just finished watching the film......loved that scene!!!
  19. I am in lust with him too (and Nixon)....pray tell how did you find out about his non porn life? My sleuthing skills are not as sharp...
  20. known as Ashton and Deacon on SC. Lots of hot video. Saw and OF one of them and Austin....seem to recall their listed rate was well above usual....
  21. Really...current version doesn't say that? How much? I'm assuming given his "status" at least US$400?
  22. would second Skyy Knox....great meeting albeit very high price for the location
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