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  1. Thanks
    twinkboylover28 reacted to Luv2play in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Thanks for the new videos. Will check in tomorrow to see the latest being posted tonight. The recent one shows a very quiet street scene in broad daylight and the place seems devoid of colours I am used to seeing, having lived there from 1997 to 2010. 
    I was also a frequent visitor up until COVID struck so it looks rather desolate, I have to say.
  2. Applause
    twinkboylover28 reacted to Luv2play in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Hopefully that and the stripper bars reopening will liven things up.
  3. Like
    twinkboylover28 reacted to Luv2play in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    I should clarify that it was the Federal health advisory body on vaccinations that reported yesterday that the mRNA vaccines were superior to the viral based ones (Astra Zeneca and J&J) because of what they termed a "signal safety concern" with the latter. This of course alluded to the rare cases of blood clots, which have caused at least one death of a 54 year old woman in Quebec and a few dozen of blood clots that others have recovered from.
    Canada has not administered any of the J&J vaccines it has on hand and continues to give the Astra Zeneca doses, including to the Prime Minister and his wife who received theirs a week ago. Needless to say this has caused an uproar in Canada.
    In reality, the only vaccines arriving currently from abroad, including now from the US, are the mRNA vaccines. India has ceased shipments of the AZ vaccine, which was a major supplier previously because of their own emergency, and the US only supplied one shipment under a loan agreement last month, despite the fact they have not administered any of the stockpile they have of the vaccine to date.
    While Canada contracted more J&J vaccines, they have not shipped any more and the current unused supply in Canada is under embargo because one of the ingredients in it was from the Baltimore facility that is now closed down, Emergent, because of contamination issues.
    At this point it appears to me that Pfizer is the standout vaccine for Canada, because Moderna has been plagued by supply and delivery issues from the outset, and Pfizer has overcome their difficulties in February when they were overhauling their manufacturing facilities to meet the unprecedented global demand.
    I heard on the CBC today that Pfizer has single handedly redeemed the reputation of the pharmaceutical industry which has been under a cloud for several decades. Why that sentiment struck me rather oddly is that the industry did come through in the last major epidemic that killed a lot more people than COVID19 to date, namely HIV/AIDS, with their development of effective drugs to treat the disease.
    Oh well, people have short memories, I guess.
  4. Sad
    twinkboylover28 reacted to EZEtoGRU in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Thanks for your words and the thumbs down on my post:rolleyes:. I speak the truth as I see it...something I learned years ago in numerous places including on this forum from just-returned long time poster Glutes. Your history on here speaks for itself. Nuff said.
    1.I do not believe in god.
    2.I have been vaccinated.
    3.I certainly hope you have decided to be part of the solution and have been vaccinated.
  5. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    As always, making threads political with "GoGretchen" in a non-political thread. You don't speak the truth, you spread misinformation and lies. If you spoke the truth, EZE, you would show the "HATE" I have for Montreal.
    Further more, as pointed out to you several times by myself and other members, there is a big difference between "hatred" and the truth of constructive criticism. If you must know, I "thumbs downed" your post because ChiDude gave it a thumbs up. Are you scolding me for giving your misinformation a thumbs down?
    Don't forget to thank ChiDude since you're "keeping it real!"
    It's well known that for years the Montreal strip club scene has been in decline since it's glory days up to 2005. Why do you rejoice it rehashing the same s***t over-and-over again like a toddler. It was to the point there was a petition to take the word "GAY" out of the Gay Village. You could find more twink boys working at the local Culver's fast food restaurant than at Bar Taboo in Montreal. It was sad.
    If you like trolling threads that's fine EZE. Please keep your politics and "truth as YOU know it" in the POLITICAL section where they belong.
    I took the bait and forgot rule #1 of DON'T FEED THE TROLL!
    I hope you're enjoying the attention you obviously so desperately crave.
    God bless.
  6. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Thanks for the kind words EZE.
    Naturally, having not traveled for over a year because of a pandemic, of course Montreal looks more attractive post-Covid.
    As always, nothing much has changed on the forum, as we can trust on you EZE to always look for opportunities to stir-the-pot of an otherwise pleasant thread per your usual mischaracterizations such as me "hating Montreal."
    I'm glad the forum can continue to benefit on your crystal ball regarding the US/CANADA border reopening. And of course, more importantly EZE, the forum can sleep well knowing that you're "keeping it real."
    God bless ....and get vaccinated.
  7. Like
    twinkboylover28 reacted to Luv2play in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    I’ve been following the rates of vaccination here in Canada very closely and it appears if the imports of Pfizer and Maderna vaccines continue to increase as expected, everyone who wants one and is eligible will have received their first dose by the end of June. That leaves the second doses still to be done and they may begin early July or even a bit earlier.
    I don’t see bars and restaurants opening here in Ontario before people can show they have their second shots. Don’t know about how Quebec will play it.
    Interesting that today the feds conceded that the Pfizer and Maderna are superior to either Astra Zeneca or J&J and that if people wanted to wait to get the former when they become available that would be fine. Up to now they have been saying take whatever is offered first. Big climb down.
    There will be increasing pressure to open the border to those who are fully vaccinated but the imbalance between the numbers in the US and Canada will make this politically difficult for Canada.
  8. Like
    twinkboylover28 reacted to Boy4 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    From StockBar FB page...
    Yes! We will be open soon...
    We need the government`s approval to open and when those restrictions are lifted, hopefully, the USA/Canadian border will open too. We are looking forward to seeing everyone this summer.
    Stock Bar
  9. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from Luv2play in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Like many dancers, he sounds like a good salesman.
    At most strip clubs around the world, one could be super-morbid obese and straight-up repugnant; however, as long as they have the Benjamins it's all good.
    God bless America!
  10. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from n2guysnatl in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Like many dancers, he sounds like a good salesman.
    At most strip clubs around the world, one could be super-morbid obese and straight-up repugnant; however, as long as they have the Benjamins it's all good.
    God bless America!
  11. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from + Hoover42 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Pfizer vaccine "second dose" is 3 weeks apart.
    Moderna vaccine "second dose" is 4 weeks apart.
    Your brother is getting a second dose nearly 4 months later?
    Perhaps Canada has AstraZeneca which is 4-to-12 weeks for second dose?
    My mother is 78 and just received her second dose last week in Michigan.
    I'm 47 and was vaccinated today. I will receive my second dose in mid-April.
    Michigan was relatively late to the game as far as distributing the vaccine; however, everyone over 16 will be eligible for the vaccine beginning April 5.
    It appears Pfizer and Moderna are researching the benefits of receiving a "3rd dose" as a booster dose to fight off variants of the virus.
  12. Sad
  13. Sad
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    I'm thinking 14 months from now around May 2022.
  14. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from + Hoover42 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Resto du Village was open 24/7 back in the day.
  15. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from + Hoover42 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    It appears the McDonalds went out of business on Ste. Catherine near the old Adonis strip club.
  16. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from + Hoover42 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Montreal REM
  17. Sad
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Canada extends border closure until at least December 21st
  18. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from Chidude in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
  19. Like
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from + Hoover42 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
  20. Sad
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from Penn7 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    US / CANADA border closure extended to at least October 21st.
    Looks like next May 2021 will be the best opportunity to visit Montreal considering the weather and COVID..
  21. Like
    twinkboylover28 reacted to tsgarp in Has COVID-19 curtailed your lap dance therapy?   
    Yes. I am surprised to see the various venues in NYC still promoting their lineups as if everything is perfectly normal. Feels tone-deaf.
  22. Like
    twinkboylover28 reacted to EZEtoGRU in Has COVID-19 curtailed your lap dance therapy?   
    Well...I arranged a last-minute trip to Montreal last week (leaving Thursday and returning Monday). I drove rather than flying as I don't think its a good idea to fly right now. I decided I needed to get one final stripper trip in before curtailing all travel for what I expect to be months. I have zero future trips currently booked and I won't do any further travel until we are well past the peak of this virus. I assume that will be anywhere from 2-6 months.
    I did have some lap dances in Montreal. That will have to keep me satisfied for months now. No other hiring either.
  23. Like
  24. Verbose
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from Pd1_jap in Grindr scams?   
    I'm not the one with the screen name "Lonely John."
    As this is a forum on renting gay men, let me put it this way. .. nobody pays to rent a middle-aged balding obese guy no matter how great a personality he may have.
    If you feel people who disagree with your point of view are "less than" , and only here to "antagonize" you or have a "twisted mind" then you're the sad one. There's a reason people purchase beautiful fantastic pieces of art in art galleries... The same goes for sex and dating. Wars have been fought over sex and love over a beautiful woman...never over a fat chick.
    Best wishes.
  25. Applause
    twinkboylover28 got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Grindr scams?   
    If someone doesn't find me attractive and/or doesn't want to have sex with me and/or puts me in the "anything with a pulse category" then I simply MOVE ON to the NEXT!!!
    There are plenty of twinks in the sea.
    I'm not going to apologize for the universal concept, and biological basic common sense need, of needing to be attracted to someone before I screw them. That's why bees are attracted to the flower, etc. etc. etc. To bring it down to this level, that's precisely why people on Grindr say "no pic = no chat".
    You act amazed, and you actually said that most people on Grindr just want to screw "pretty" people." What's wrong with that?
    In that case, why not just put a paper bag over some ugly person's head in the nursing home, or a barnyard animal for that matter, and have at it?
    Yes, that's a vivid scenario but I'm making my point. Any thing "warm and with a pulse" is good enough for you?
    Do you really want to be charity or pity-f***ed>?
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