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Everything posted by twinkboylover28

  1. This is incorrect boss. "Wednesday’s announcement from the U.S. means Michiganders won’t be able to make quick visits to Canada and back, at least for now as COVID cases have been rising across the nation."
  2. Again you don't know what you post. The land border for both Canada and Mexico is CLOSED to fully vaccinated non-essential Americans until August 21. Only flying is permitted. Wise up!!
  3. Back in May of 2016 when it was the Guv I stayed a week on the top floor corner room facing West over Ste. Catherine Street. Most incredible view I've ever had of the city, especially at night.
  4. News story I guess you can still fly to Montreal just not drive there.
  5. It housed some of Montreal's homeless population during the pandemic.
  6. Non-essential American travelers can't visit Canada until August 21st.
  7. Trump derangement syndrome much? You're the one who brought the topic up in the first place, then get triggered when your silly nonsense gets destroyed on the board. And thank you for gracing us once again with the presence of the EZ crystal ball. It's more entertaining than online casinos or Nancy Pelosi strolling through China Town at the beginning of the pandemic. Given the Delta variant, the border reopening is anyone's guess.
  8. Thank God for President Trump's Operation Warp Speed and the early vaccine rollout in the USA.
  9. I agree. It would have been nice for Canadians to have the opportunity to be fully vaccinated back in April like most Americans. Trudeau says no deal on lifting border restrictions after talks with Biden https://thehill.com/policy/international/americas/558223-trudeau-says-no-deal-on-lifting-border-restrictions-after-talks
  10. Are you kidding me? Without Operation Warp Speed you wouldn't even have the vaccine.
  11. Canada eyeing June 22 to begin loosening restrictions at U.S. border https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/07/canada-us-border-restrictions-492111
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/canada-set-to-relax-quarantine-rules-for-vaccinated-travelers/ar-AAKNYVR?ocid=msedgntp
  13. That's what he implied, as it already has been open to essential.
  14. One of the Canadian radio stations I listen to from Windsor says it looks like June 22nd might be the day the Windsor/Detroit border re-opens. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
  15. Le Gay Village as of May 14, 2021 Click video and this other video begins Thursday Click video
  16. As soon as (vaccinated) Americans can fly in-and-out of Montreal Trudeau International airport without the current quarantine and testing restrictions it will be a game changer.
  17. As always, making threads political with "GoGretchen" in a non-political thread. You don't speak the truth, you spread misinformation and lies. If you spoke the truth, EZE, you would show the "HATE" I have for Montreal. Further more, as pointed out to you several times by myself and other members, there is a big difference between "hatred" and the truth of constructive criticism. If you must know, I "thumbs downed" your post because ChiDude gave it a thumbs up. Are you scolding me for giving your misinformation a thumbs down? Don't forget to thank ChiDude since you're "keeping it real!" It's well known that for years the Montreal strip club scene has been in decline since it's glory days up to 2005. Why do you rejoice it rehashing the same s***t over-and-over again like a toddler. It was to the point there was a petition to take the word "GAY" out of the Gay Village. You could find more twink boys working at the local Culver's fast food restaurant than at Bar Taboo in Montreal. It was sad. If you like trolling threads that's fine EZE. Please keep your politics and "truth as YOU know it" in the POLITICAL section where they belong. I took the bait and forgot rule #1 of DON'T FEED THE TROLL! I hope you're enjoying the attention you obviously so desperately crave. God bless.
  18. Thanks for the kind words EZE. Naturally, having not traveled for over a year because of a pandemic, of course Montreal looks more attractive post-Covid. As always, nothing much has changed on the forum, as we can trust on you EZE to always look for opportunities to stir-the-pot of an otherwise pleasant thread per your usual mischaracterizations such as me "hating Montreal." I'm glad the forum can continue to benefit on your crystal ball regarding the US/CANADA border reopening. And of course, more importantly EZE, the forum can sleep well knowing that you're "keeping it real." God bless ....and get vaccinated.
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