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Posts posted by Yeahman

  1. If an otter doesn’t go to the gym he will turn into a cubs and later a bear.


    It’s a matter of time for a cub to become a bear, otters and cubs are usually younger bears are definitively older, at least 40ish.






    CUB or BEAR already?



    So now I know the type that turns me on is called otter. Love it.

  2. Circumcision of males has always been quite common in Muslim cultures, even though it is not a religious requirement. Mohammed circumcised his own sons. One of the differences from Judaic circumcision is that it is not automatically done on an infant, but often occurs when the boy is older. Therefore, wanting an UNcut cock might be considered a fetish in Iraq.


    That’s what I thought and why I don’t get what Bearofdistinction was saying.

  3. I would need to see his face. I've never been into truly "anonymous" sex in that sense. I know some guys love that, but to me it's more than about just the cock.

    Yeah, I definitely have to see the face. It really is a handsome face that matters to me. Even though i prefer cut cock, but if the guy is handsome, then that preference can be sacrificed.

  4. Life is full of risk. The joy and challenge is learning what you're comfortable with and building your life within those limits. Any sexual activity has risk. Safer sex is about being responsible for your health and safety and those you're sexually intimate with to the extent you can without infringing on their choices or letting their choices expose you to risk you're uncomfortable with.


    Oral sex is a vector for many infectious agents. The rise in chlamydia and gonorrhea are almost certainly linked to the increase in unprotected oral and anal sex in many nations around the world. Syphilis is up too along with many other STIs.


    If you're engaging in sexual activity with one or more non-monogamous partners, please understand the risks.


    Get tested regularly, at least yearly, learn the signs & symptoms of all major STIs, known that some geographic areas and demographic groups are much higher risk categories for exposure, and learn how to practice safer sex. That includes condom use, condom/lube interactions, and even PrEP if you're planning on unprotected anal sex or other high-risk activities.

    I only suck cock, nothing else. Is it very risky? Do I need to have him wear a condom?

  5. I have a couple of fetishes, but as long as I can remember, guys' pits have fascinated me. Getting a "sneak peak" of a guy's pit hair is always fun - and of course, love guys that wear tank tops and don't seem to care if the whole world sees their pits. (Curiously, I'm not a huge basketball fan, but I'll watch games just to see pits...lol). And yes, sweat/odor is a HUGE turn-on - a guy who will find a way to "forget" his deodorant for my sake is definite marriage material!:)


    Anyone share my enthusiasm?

    Yeah. Just like me.

  6. Only if you've taken it so far as to train to be a mohel.




    noun: mohel; plural noun: mohels; plural noun: mohelim; plural noun: mohalim

    1. a person who performs the Jewish rite of circumcision.

    As a high schooler, I did want to be a male reproductive doctor, so I can enjoy guys cock. But then if they have to see a doc for that tool, the tool may not be pleasant to look. ;)

  7. and I'm sure as a bisexual guy you love to eat pussy, don't you?




    Some folks puke about the idea of rimming.




    Back to subject I think the OP idea was seducing them but he was also willing to hire.


    you're straight like an arrow on your posts, I love it!


    That’s me. I never like rimming. It’s gross to me. ?

  8. He has face pictures on his ad.



    Yes. I was talking about MascJockNYC. I somehow messed them up. For privacy I almost only access such sites on my phone. So cross referencing is harder than on a truly multi task platform with a larger screen.

  9. Right. If there *is* a rule, who's going to enforce it?


    I flew a guy in a couple of years ago, he contacted me after I looked at his ad. He was in San Francisco, I'm in Michigan. He did all the legwork of the flights, found something very inexpensive, my only involvement in the logistics was paying for his tickets.

    What? You didn’t have to pay for the intimate time together?

  10. This makes me think what exactly is gender. He could be my coworker for decades without me knowing that he is actually biologically female. The company HR wouldn’t know it either. I guess this is why gender is less and less important now at work.

  11. I’ve been intrigued by this guy for a while now, but have yet to pull the trigger.



    I sadly really don’t really have the time to, but he piques my interest to no end. I find myself looking at the ad a lot. He has a Twitter and onlyfan account. I’m tempted to join his onlyfan to see what he’s like beforehand.



    I watched him at chatterbate. Very sane and nice judging from my chat there with him, even though I am not personally into transpeople. Was simply curious.

  12. met with Max a couple days ago.....lean, tight, very worked-out body.....energetic, eager to please and show off.....quick and friendly pre-meet communication......smart, sharp and playful


    review submitted!!

    Very handsome hot guy. I like hairy dude with cut cock. His ad says he is versatile, but private gallery pix are exclusively bottom only.

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