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Everything posted by coriolis888

  1. In the U.S. that behavior (turning away a patient for being a few minutes late for an appointment) is classified as a medical error even though the patient was not seen by the doctor. How about the below cited article for the THIRD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE U.S. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/22/medical-errors-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-america.html
  2. Time marches on - https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&q=james+macarthur+cause+of+death&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-k8zkh8jZAhXuzVkKHRV5BmEQvQ4IKygF&biw=1344&bih=711 According to the photos at the above link, James Macarthur was unrecognizable near the end of his life.
  3. The Bozo using the fitness model's photos is clever using mostly photos that can be found only using Yandex - However, one photo slipped through and ruined his scam. Incidentally, the real subject of the photos is 5' 6", not 6' 4" as shown in the bogus ad - another thing about the ad is that the faker claims to speak English but does not mention Spanish. The real subject of the photos is from Cuba and speaks Spanish. Here are some photos that can be used to find out more about the real person whose photos were stolen for the fake ad (one of these same photos is in the bogus ad): https://mulpix.com/post/1502994542239702563.html https://mulpix.com/instagram/darianalvarez_dlabnutritionprogram_wehavetheformula_dlabteam.html The guy who placed the ad only today signed up with rentmen - unless he has had other ads with them. I recommend not to use someone who steals photos off the internet and uses those photos to deceive.
  4. I find it puzzling when I read his two ads. In his ad that is listed in post # 1, he has two ages - age 52 and age 54. In his ad that is listed in post # 4 (quoted herein) he is age 53. He might be the greatest escort or "hypnotist" in the world. However, when he does not accurately state minor data in his ad and/or does not keep his age consistent, what else in the ad is wrong? Maybe nothing. Maybe something.
  5. You got lucky. The guy eventually let his "real" personality be known to you before you two got together and it would have cost you money to find out how difficult he is.
  6. Here is something different in London - never a complaint - easy to locate - only a couple of blocks from tube: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/villa-gianni.130933/
  7. The photo goes back many years. https://i.pinimg.com/236x/18/e1/a6/18e1a6b6b21fbcd1700332b8173f6d26.jpg https://www.tineye.com/search/d4b41ce5b0babaab071fa547e384fbd74af57766/
  8. How about this link - only fifteen places to find the photos - ha https://www.tineye.com/search/9f2893dfcdf6ac7bcfe953d409359e64f8dc6159/ and here are dozens of his photos: https://www.yandex.com/images/search?url=http://images6.backpage.com/imager/u/large/596882467/2d994553955807753eabf1a30057bd51.jpg&img_url=https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/c0.134.1080.1080/15624055_1825337287724270_451097631960072192_n.jpg&rpt=imagelike I don't think the ad is genuine unless you mean a genuine fake ad. Oh, if you like the underwear he is wearing in some of the photos, here is a link to the company that makes the underwear. This link has dozens of photos of this guy wearing the particular underwear. This link also includes several other guys. https://www.google.com/search?q=zinchenko+dima+underwear&safe=active&sa=X&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=0ahUKEwjhnLOXgaDZAhVSxWMKHT8MA8gQ7AkIOg&biw=1344&bih=711 Whoever shows up from backpage most certainly will not be the guy in the photos.
  9. Not only that, I copied, pasted and reported a hateful comment he made about killing babies of a certain race. Within minutes of my report, the hateful wording was removed. Notice in post number 31, above, that he attempted to quote someone but what he wrote was deleted and his attempted post remains without any words. That is where his racial comment was.
  10. It also does not prevent someone from being civil. -
  11. You are more confirmation that the twenty something positive reviews he has on his rentmen advertisement means that the rentmen reviews are useless.
  12. Of course, the escort would not write "prostitution" as his occupation for tax reporting purposes or for any other service requirement. Many escorts buy or lease homes. Many buy and/or lease cars and other items. To do these and other day-to-day life activities, there are credit checks by banks and other companies that offer services to escorts. Cell phones, utilities are just a couple of other items that prompt a credit check. If a full time escort did not report escort income, the escort could not get credit or could not get even ordinary services. Escorts, when reporting income to the government or to creditors or for services, the escort uses a term such as "escort" "companion" or some other non descriptive word that does not lead back to prostitution. Not intending to appear condescending, but, you seem to not know that many escorts "have a life" so to speak. Or, you are "pulling our leg" and pretending to be unaware of alternative life styles. If you are not kidding in your posts, I hope you learn that many escorts blend into society rather well.
  13. Those escorts who file income tax returns and report the income they earn from their services, pay a "self employment" tax. This particular tax is equivalent to Social Security taxes that are withheld from regular employees. Therefore, I disagree with your statement "Unique to escorts is that there is no Social Security coverage either for retirement or disability.
  14. I have no specific information about the escort- - I have only a couple of observations concerning the ad. (1) He has been a member of rentmen for more than five years. (2) He has more than 31 thousand visits to his ad. (3) Despite the length of time advertising and the number of visits to his ad, he has ZERO reviews on rentmen. The above facts do not indicate that the escort is a bad escort. Most of us know that reviews on rentmen are often meaningless and that bad reviews can be removed at an escorts' request. On the other hand, he might be he best guy out there even though he has no reviews over the past five years. EDIT - While I was writing my response, the prior post came in and had the same observations as I had.
  15. I just looked at his ad. He has 39 all 5-star positive reviews. He must be doing something right. https://rentmen.eu/WarrenParker/
  16. Are you a betting person? I am. I would bet a high sum that you will hire again. You might not find someone of the caliber of person that motivated you to create this thread, but, you will hire again. Count on it. Good luck on your next encounter.
  17. My response may not be the reassuring words you want to read. I learned that in this exciting hobby we have (meeting escorts), many of us occasionally let down our guard and get too much emotionally involved when some special escort comes along. Of course, we know it is foolish and unwise to become emotionally attached to a paid companion, but it sometimes happens anyway. Then, one day, things change and the relationship comes to a halt. When this happens, it does not mean that one party did something wrong to cause the relationship to expire; it just happens. As I have said in similar threads, quite simply, the fire goes out and the close bond that seemed to exist, just vanishes. Others above said, you will get over the empty and puzzled feeling over time; I agree.
  18. "Please limit messaging me until you are 100% sure you can meet. Otherwise we'll end up chatting a lot and never meeting. I hope you understand ;-)" The client received the above communication from the escort while attempting to determine if they were compatible to meet. Can you tell me how a client can be "100% sure" (as requested by the escort) that he will meet while an escort sends a message (as above) and limits communication? It isn't a case of not liking how an escort replied to the client. It is what the escort said that shut down rapport.
  19. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NnnJkZJRmHU/U0gyIbnlzgI/AAAAAAAABX4/Zji8vofRe1U/s1600/d8dc973e15669fb0c6e0b343285fc6d2.jpg
  20. @Boomxyz - I have nothing bad to say about your new site. However, I have some constructive criticism. The other day when I asked about your business model, I did not get an honest answer. Rather than give me an answer that was not accurate, it would have been better if you had ignored my question rather than to give the answer you gave. Looking through this long thread with more than 260 responses, there is no question that you responded far more than you should have. As you know, the more you responded, the more posts were made. Eventually, the posts became hostile and negative toward you and your co-worker. I again say that it would have been better for you to ignore the posts you did not like, even though you and your co-worker had a tremendous urge to do so. It seems a shame that you feel that you and your colleagues should abandon your efforts to build a new site. You really should reconsider that fast and possible unwise decision. Clearly, some questionable things were done to get material for your site. However, I don't think there was malice intended. Why not work on building the new site in private and then, when the site is complete, come back with an announcement that will make many people happy. To show a comparison of your behavior in this thread, I can think of a different person (a crazy man who occupies the United States White House) who repeatedly comes out (via twitter and elsewhere) and stirs up scenarios that are either untrue or that antagonizes people. Learn from that lunatic example. Don’t keep stirring the pot! The best of luck to you.
  21. He seems like a one way street! He wants you to keep your communication short and to a minimum. However, he made his communication with you to be unlimited. Worse though is that he said he blocked your phone number because you did not answer when he called you. Does his behavior belong to someone you are considering paying several hundred dollars for an intimate encounter? I hope not. If we were at a casino and I were betting on the odds that your meeting would work out well, I would bet to the negative.
  22. Searches indicate that this photo came from a blogger who got the photo from BelAmi. The blogger had problems with Google over various things he presented in his blog including this photo and its related story. https://denniscooperblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Screen-Shot-2017-05-13-at-7.33.29-AM.png One more link shows up for the photo but that is the same link you used when you posted the photo (bananaguide.com). MORE: Here is a link to an article that discusses the seizure by Google of Cooper's blog. The blog appeared to have been seized and shut down for advertising of "male prostitution" Google and the attorney for Cooper worked out a deal where Google reinstated the blog. Read the below link, it is noteworthy that Google did not give a specific reason, instead, gave a vague reason for shutting down the blog (male prostitution advertisements). https://ww2.kqed.org/arts/2016/08/26/google-gives-back-blog-to-writer-after-removing-it-for-decade-old-image/ Excerpt from above article: "Why did Google remove Cooper’s blog? Google was vague regarding Cooper’s blog, forcing Cooper and other commentators to speculate as to why the blog was removed. All pointed to the same thing: Cooper’s regular posts about ads for male prostitutes." Keep looking for a link. Based on the Cooper blog, it is possible that the guy you are trying to locate, advertises.
  23. Many who use this forum travel a fair amount internationally. Some have the "trusted travel" program known as Global Entry. It is difficult to get membership in Global Entry because there is zero tolerance for members with criminal convictions. After a traveler is accepted into Global Entry, even trivial things can cause Global Entry enrollment to be revoked. Failing or forgetting to declare a piece of candy or food items while reentering the United States can get your membership revoked. Prescription medications that have a label dated more than one year from being dispensed is another revocation reason because prescriptions are legally valid only one year. There are a number of other seemingly petty reasons. Today, I was sent an article about another bizarre reason that caused revocation even though the Global Entry person was not involved with travel at the time of revocation. The revocation resulted from the person shopping at Amazon - Here are links to a couple of articles: https://lifehacker.com/your-amazon-order-might-lock-you-out-of-trusted-travele-1821964978 and another link http://www.elliott.org/should-i-take-the-case/global-entry-revoked-shopped-hard/
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