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Everything posted by RubMyThighs

  1. This guy and I chatted on Grindr. Turns out he’s a masseur. Gave me the hard sell, which is a bit of a turn-off. Can’t tell if his aggressive description of his healing abilities reflects his actual skills or his delusion. I fear the latter. That said, I’m in no rush. Not hiring masseurs these days and only indulging in distanced outdoor jerkoffs off Grindr. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/318/
  2. “He doesn’t meet his clients more than once”...because he steals their identities?
  3. Finally someone who lays out all the correct procedures for Covid massages: “Due to the current situation with COVID-19, I am taking extra measures and precautions to keep everyone safe. I will provide hand sanitizer, temperature check, mask wearing, open windows for air circulation, sanitized sheets, towels and surfaces.” I wish more masseurs would do the same. (Plus, he looks hot. And: those nipples!)
  4. Do you believe in magic? You answered your own question a year in advance!
  5. Curious about this guy. I couldn’t find posts on him from when he was in New York. Thanks! https://rentmasseur.com/EuphoricTouchLA
  6. This attitude is exactly what is wrong with the gay male community.
  7. I wonder if the increase in no-shows has anything to do with Covid. People who want a massage but then get scared of by the potential risk? Just a thought.
  8. That led me to this, which has got to be the hottest massage video I’ve seen in a long time. Plus it’s almost Covid-safe. https://gayforfans.com/video/jordan-getting-a-massage-and-handjob-from-a-guy-jordanxbrandt/
  9. Who is this fine-looking man? https://rentmasseur.com/OliverCrew
  10. This massage by Jaxton Wheeler took a turn I didn’t expect: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5f404796ed73b
  11. Unfortunately antibodies are fleeting for some people and not others so having had it is no guarantee of immunity. I have a friend who got Covid twice.
  12. Boy, this thread went south fast. Since I safely go to the chiropractor and have an indoor, masked appointment, I figured I might be able to find a masseur who is being as cautious as my chiropractor. Instead I got a lot of opinions, some with very little evidence to support them. Thanks anyway.
  13. Considering he calls himself Creamcoach, I’d think extras are essential. Sigh. I do appreciate that he is doing massages masked.
  14. I have had some masked massages by a straight male massage therapist who helps me with some lower back issues. We have been doing it outside (probably not an option where you are, but I’m in Los Angeles). Instead you want to have good ventilation; whether that is an open window with a breeze or Hepa-filtered air, this aspect is important. I find that having the mask on while I’m in the face cradle isn’t bad as long as I use a blue surgical mask which is more breathable than some of the cotton fabric masks I have. I think the gloves are a bad move. Not only will they feel bad (and the happy ending with gloves?), they are not necessary from a sanitizing perspective. He should just wash his hands and not touch his face. I think it’s doable
  15. Oh! He’s on Scruff seeking someone to massage him, or so it seems. Hadn’t realized he is a masseur. Would love to hear how he is.
  16. I saw him for a massage right before the pandemic hit. I agree that he’s not as fit as in his photos but I found him to be kind and personable...and sexy. The massage was good and the extras were enjoyable. All good, not spectacular. But sometimes good is what you need.
  17. in my experience, you simply ask. It probably helps to have a thick cock.
  18. I’m impressed that he states outright that he is following the mandates on Coronavirus protections.
  19. In other words, he raped you. I’m sorry that happened to you and that gay male culture normalizes sexual assault. If you ever want to talk about it call the national sexual assault hotline at 800-656-HOPE.
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