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Everything posted by Zman

  1. http://www.mobilelikez.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/image_url_1454374800.jpg http://www.mobilelikez.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/image_url_1454374796.jpg http://www.mobilelikez.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/image_url_1454374785.jpg
  2. I can remember the gas shocks of the 70s. When gas first went over $1.00/gallon many gas pumps couldn't even display the price since they only had two numbers for tenth and hundredths of a dollar.
  3. I saw the lowest prices I've seen in a long time today....$2.19/gallon. But most places are between 2.40 and 2.60.
  4. LINK While I appreciate that he has a face pic and smiles , there's something weirdly airbrushed or photoshopped about his face pics.
  5. http://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/2015/08/24/956/n/1922398/6b66e4f956c6000c_anigif_original-14814-1396163341-10fGltlN.xxxlarge/i/Tina-Belcher-Hornytoons-GIFs.gif
  6. http://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/2014/03/26/791/n/3019466/e50f2f0fa42c6f1d_tumblr_n1z8u60My41tput0uo1_500.xxxlarge/i/Tina-Belcher-Hornytoons-GIFs.gif
  7. Makes you wonder what the scam is? Do they try to get people to send money in advance or something?
  8. I found his ad on RM (CLICK HERE) and I think he's dreamy : But he's probably too good to be true. He's not only a hottie but claims a ten inch cock too. His RM ad is in Dubai but a backpage ad (CLICK HERE) from Bangkok also shows up if you search his pictures. Has anyone had the pleasure? This is really just curiosity since if he's real he may never come to the states and he seems to charge about $400/hr if you convert from Dirham.
  9. IDK. It seems like a product that you can actually buy. CLICK HERE. It's probably just regular throat lozenges or mints put in "novelty" packaging. Of course, we all know you get rid of your gag reflex the same way you get to Carnegie Hall: practice!
  10. http://www.kalzenere.com/OLD_VERSION/media/k2/items/cache/18a30248707b02ced05d1e20645ce489_L.jpg
  11. Yes, deej, has it right. SoCal still has some of the highest gas prices in the country. http://www.ourgtn.org/public/style_emoticons/default/ahhhhhhh.gif The lowest I've seen lately is around $2.55. But it isn't hard to find places over $3.00 if you are hankering to pay more.
  12. My Living Will By Paul Rudnick 1. If I should remain in a persistent vegetative state for more than fifteen years, I would like someone to turn off the TV. 2. If I remain motionless for an extended period and utter only guttural, meaningless sounds, I would like a Guggenheim. 3. If I am unable to recognize or interact with friends or family members, I still expect gifts. 4. If I am unable to feed, clean, or dress myself, I would like to be referred to as “Mr. Trump.” 5. Do not resuscitate me before noon. 6. If I do not respond to pinches, pinpricks, rubber mallets, or other medical stimuli, please stop laughing. 7. If I no longer respond to loved ones’ attempts at communication, ask them about our last car trip. There's more if you follow the link above....
  13. Zman


    LYFT is now legal for pickups at LAX airport So is it worth it? Here's an article describing one person's experience.
  14. http://www.kappit.com/img/pics/201504_2311_ciege_sm.jpg
  15. http://img.memecdn.com/cannibalism_o_716308.jpg http://www.funnymeme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Animal-memes-kiwi-cannibalism.jpg
  16. ^^ http://img.memecdn.com/bitch-slap_o_1096799.jpg
  17. ^ Oh my, finally! A cure for my evil forebodings. Yay! http://www.ourgtn.org/public/style_emoticons/default/yay.gif
  18. I haven't had cable TV in many years. In fact, I don't even have any of the streaming services currently. I've had HULU and Netflix previously. But I watched them so little I decided the $8-$20/month wasn't worth it for me. You might check out SLING TV which you can stream for $20 a month. They don't seem to have MSNBC but they do have CNN. I attach a regular Dell Windows 10 desktop to my TV and control it with a wireless keyboard. I find there's plenty of programming I can stream for free to fill the few hours I watch TV each week. I buy whole series from Amazon sometimes to binge watch (Doctor Who for instance). I tried an old fashioned pair of rabbit ears to see if I could pull in over-the-air programming. The results weren't good. I can only get one of the network affiliates (NBC) and it comes and goes unless I constantly fiddle with the antenna. I find that most of the stations that come in loud and clear through the antenna don't have English language programming. It would be a great option (in LA) for a Spanish or Chinese speaker. BTW Can anyone recommend a good digital antenna?
  19. http://www.ourgtn.org/public/style_emoticons/default/rundoggie.gif Hot guys and cute pups!
  20. Of course, Lyft is now an option for pickup at the airport. I suppose I will try that next time. But I also think Uber will also be at the airport by the time I fly next.
  21. http://www.pensacolafishingforum.com/attachments/f137/563130d1439168639-why-im-not-allowed-back-nude-beach-uploadfromtaptalk1439168638620-jpg
  22. Boy I wish. Where I work they get promoted and probably even a pay raise. After all, the project is taking three times as long due to their incompetence so doesn't Senior Mgmt deserve three times as much.
  23. And let's not forget the many, many advantages of the flexibility he is exhibiting. http://www.ourgtn.org/public/style_emoticons/default/nod2.gif
  24. One good thing that came out of the demolition of the old Penn Station: it galvanized a lot of people and when Grand Central was similarly threatened with destruction NYC's first landmark building laws were passed. I believe Jackie Kennedy (and maybe Mayor Koch? or was this before him?) was one of the leaders of the effort to save GC.
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