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Everything posted by augustus

  1. Vermont is over 70% vaxxed and they are having record cases.
  2. A recent Israeli study shows that natural immunity is 13 times more effective than vaccines in protecting individuals. SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccines had a 13-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected. And vaccinated individuals had a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease. Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections | medRxiv
  3. New Zealand will pay the piper soon enough. I thought you said if we all wore masks and 70% of the population were vaxxed it would be all over??? Israel has a 90% vax rate and there many new cases even among the vaxxed!!
  4. Yeah right. Like you geniuses have been right....WRONG. This is supposed to have been over by now. It's getting worse with more new cases even with 70%-90% of populations vaxxed.
  5. The masks are also a spreader of germs and diseases that accumulate on them.
  6. Vermont has the highest vax rate in the nation and is seeing a surge in cases and hospitalizations. People need to come to terms that life is not zero risk. In the quest to eliminate risks, we are destroying the joy of living for the vast majority of people with very low risk to COVID. For those at risk, it is your responsibility to protect yourself. After almost 2 years enough is enough.
  7. For males under 30 in fact, risk of myocarditis and hospitalization from the vax is greater than risk from covid. The FDA's own data shows that. Now vaxxing 5-11 year olds is going to end this?? Without knowing the long term effects??
  8. The delusion is that Covid-19 can, with enough mask wearing and card checking, be eradicated. That notion is far nuttier than any held by those who are against vaccine mandates.
  9. Hardly any charging stations. Not practical. And Tesla stock is going to crash. They also got into trouble with the NHTSA claiming the Tesla is the safest car out there. It is not.
  10. Israel has a nearly 90% vax rate and cases are now surging and breakthrough cases are also skyrocketing. Each successive covid vaccination shot becomes less effective. Natural immunity is much much stronger and protective.
  11. Don't see why. We are talking about the vaccines. Moderator's Note: NO POLITICS IN THE LOUNGE.
  12. I wouldn't be comfortable approaching him at all. Maybe he's a grave robber.
  13. @Danny-DarkoThank you for posting all these photos. You are a gem.
  14. This is getting terrible. Not yet $4 in my state but will soon be. Will grocery prices out of control, we are heading for double digit inflation. And they shut down the pipeline and put tens of thousands out of work! Wait until winter. What incompetent leaders we presently have.
  15. @Jarrod_Uncut I feel for you. Voyeurism is annoying and you got bills to pay. Some people need to get a life.
  16. Look at that POS Michael Avenatti. A long time scheister who has committed frauds against people since he was in his early 20"s and the Judge gave him a 2 1/2 prison sentence when the guidelines called for a MINIMUM of 9 years in prison for what he had done. This stupid/crooked Judge said Avenatti was sincere in his remorse at the sentencing hearing and hence the lenient sentence. What a joke!!
  17. The whole Judicial System is just awful. Avoid it like the plague. As to R Kelly, it doesn't matter really. He's not coming out of prison anyway. Delays like this aren't unusual anyway, especially lately. It keeps the lawyers busy, i.e., making money.
  18. $350 is too much. $250-$300 is very reasonable. Most clients are one and done so of course the escort will try to get as much as possible out of that one deal.
  19. I've had experience with quite a few straight men. It's mostly about the money and generally they will only allow you to service them. I ADORE THEM. First of all, they are as horny as hell (especially the ex-cons, who have the least inhibitions). Then they are keen to keep it on the down low. There is also little drama with them. You also need to watch what you say to them and not harp about what just happened. Talk about something else. Anyone who thinks a real straight good looking meathead won't pull his dick out when he's horny or needs a few bucks apparently has never lived near a military base.
  20. The guy is a moron. So many escorts wish they could have just regulars and then do something stupid like complain about 10 minutes. like he's a VIP. Penny wise and Pound foolish.
  21. Still much less than in April-May of 2020. Also very few people on ventilators and most are sent home after a few days. The death rate is much lower too.
  22. Is this new strain more dangerous?? All viruses mutate. And unfortunately there's no way to stop a bug. It even exists on cash for weeks. I'm not staying home. Also, hospital admissions in NY and NJ are actually down.
  23. Yes. But their reaction might not be pleasant.
  24. "decorum" LOL. It's the sex business.
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