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Everything posted by augustus

  1. It's the economy. The women are feeling it too. https://nypost.com/2022/06/03/onlyfans-models-sex-workers-feel-pinch-of-sluggish-economy/
  2. If the situation arises where you need LTC in a facility, calculate the 5 year cost from your assets and give the rest immediately to your sister. The 5 year look back period will be satisfied, but you will need at least 500k to put in reserve for the LTC care.
  3. You are probably right but the breakup of the families is really sad in re the children.
  4. Your nearest and dearest are patiently waiting LOL.
  5. Good Lord, I just found out that Steve Bronski died in a fire in his London apartment this past December. He was a great musician and one of the first openly gay musicians and band. Here is a great pop e-music song from 1984.....
  6. Even before I was a teenager LOL. I knew I was feeling something was up when I was watching him on The Wild Wild West TV show at 9 or 10 years old.
  7. OMG, he's naked: Actor Jesse Williams lets it all hang out during his 'Take Me Out' performance - OMG.BLOG
  8. Wow, that's terrible. People have their issues but seriously. I hope he recovers mentally and physically.
  9. Don't forget if you have a nearest and dearest, you can buy 10K and put him/her as POD and they can buy 10K and put you as POD.
  10. @Cooper Be very careful. These folks make money on commissions. They will always push annuities, which may or may not be a good deal for. If you still need tax deferral, then it's an option. Blue chip mutual funds and cash are the best I believe. And beware of "managed funds". My aunt when she was in her 80's was convinced by a broker at Charles Schawb to invest in a managed fund, mostly commodities, which is outrageous for someone her age. He promised that there would be no losses in the managed fund because of the use of derivatives, which turned out to be true but her return was only 2% for each of the 2 years she was invested. The S&P 500 rose by double digits in each of those 2 years. I found out that the brokers commission was 1% of all the money she had in that fund (about 800k), as opposed to a commission of 1/10th of 1% if she were just in mutual funds.
  11. Yes they are a "good" deal right now, but we must remember it only matches the inflation rate (the fixed rate is 0). Pretty sad commentary on our times that there is no real return, but at least it maintains your purchasing power. You used to be able to buy 30K a year with savings bonds.
  12. Just remember.....these projected outsized returns are ALWAYS based on a model that uses LEVERAGE, which is why they often blow up.
  13. Omicron itself is by far the best booster for 95% of the population. Those at low risk never needed one in the first place, let alone two. That reality is Not good for Big Pharma's bottom line though or Fauci's relevance, or what remains of it.
  14. This is what real privilege looks like. You can assault someone on live TV, win your award, have everyone cry and applaud for you, blame your action on something else and then brag about it later. He didn't do anything to the guy who had an "entanglement" with his wife. And best actor, what a joke!! No wonder no one watches the Oscars anymore.
  15. No. I meant Smith was out of line. It's not like she has cancer.
  16. While Will Smith is slapping Chris Rock’s cheeks, someone else is slapping Jada Pinkett’s.
  17. Yes, he did laugh at the joke at first, THEN dramatically walked up on the stage and slapped Rock. Will's indignation was BS. He did it because he then saw that Jada was pissed. Will Simp defending his wife that cheated on him lol. If your wife can handle all those "entanglements", then she can handle a joke.
  18. Will Smith has done his share of mocking people. He was out of line.
  19. Does that mean they mix the drugs up themselves in the back?
  20. augustus


    Don't let it. We have all been scammed.
  21. augustus


    @GoldenGrill Are you really sure you've been duped? I only say that because you sent him payment just last evening. If he is a scammer, try to stop payment asap.
  22. In case no one's heard his father is in the cement business in NYC. You gotta be mobbed up to sell cement in NYC.
  23. Also what's amazing is that the government is using the banks, pay pal, etc to do the dirty work of enforcement under the threat of up to 25 years in prison as a facilitator of sex trafficking.
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