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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. I vote for @Jarrod_Uncut to find a new occupation that might please him a bit.
  2. 45 years later you want to criticize Feinstein for this? Hell, two people were just murdered and you expect perfection?
  3. That might include me as I never tested positive and don't believe I ever had Covid.
  4. Hey, soulless, I am not claiming to be an expert on anything except recognizing trolls. What I said here involves my experience. Six visits has as much credibility as one wants to give it. Note that I said "your mileage may vary." If you want to discourage travel to Rio, be my guest.
  5. I just spent 12 days in Rio and 4 in Sao Paolo. Not once did we feel a sense of danger, even while waiting in a lonely Metro station at night. Six visits to Rio now and no mugging. I understand that your mileage may vary, but I wouldn't let these incidents in this thread stop me from enjoying Rio!
  6. I doubt that you will need a whole month to read this compelling novel. It took 2 days for me as I found it hard to stop reading.
  7. He last posted on September 14th. I doubt that makes him a "missing" member! That's just 9 days ago!
  8. If any of us were arrested for pursuing commercial sex, I don't think we'd want our picture spread across the internet. That makes me wonder why the pictures are posted here. It's totally unnecessary, and, I think, a disservice to men who hire.
  9. I see nothing wrong with it if it helps identify with his character.
  10. Once again, assault allegations from 20 years ago cripple a man's career. The women are automatically believed. Innocence until proven guilty is a faded concept. which isn't to say that I know anything about Russell Brand.
  11. You can buy an antenna that sits right inside your house and brings you live TV. No roof needed.
  12. It used to be such good eye candy..the catalogue, that is. I once visited their San Diego store, but that was all clothing and no eye candy!
  13. How does that affect the tourist experience?
  14. The study upon which the NY Times article is based is poorly cited. The article says only, in blue line print- "a recent study." But when you click on that link, you see the study and that it is about a singular statin- pitavastatin calcium.
  15. Not all statins have this benefit. According to this study, pitavastatin calcium is the one that helps fight for aging Hivers.
  16. If you could tolerate it... https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/10/health/hiv-aging-statins.html?action=click&module=Well&pgtype=Homepage&section=Health
  17. Photographer Rick Castro is featured in this LA Times article today about his Santa Monica Boulevard photography of male hustlers: Cruising Santa Monica Boulevard with the fetish photographer who shot L.A.'s male hustlers WWW.LATIMES.COM Rick Castro's fetish photography has gone mainstream. A new book, 'S/M Blvd,' collects photos from another fringe — Santa Monica Boulevard's long-gone male hustlers
  18. I broke one phone (charger port) and lost the other. So I need to rapidly buy new ones. Companies often offer free phones if you sign with them so I thought to inquire here if you are aware of any good offers? Thanks!
  19. Not sure as I am not at home. It’s a pepper tree.
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