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Everything posted by Kippy

  1. Yummy or as a subtitle: "Just another day in Minnesota"! I'm waiting for the first stupid ass polluter to start complaining about racism-- "Blonde, blue eyed people are not the only ones in Scandinavia you know." Peace, Kipp So blonde until age 5 my hair was almost white!
  2. Be still my heart....or is it kick my ass? Diggin' these pics! Peace, Kipp
  3. Shit, one more wholesomely hot than the next. I would never have thought that moving to the south could be a good thing. I wonder if any of these boys with open minds and short on cash realize they could make a fortune in escorting. I suspect many have no idea... Peace, Kipp (of southern charm:rolleyes:)
  4. He's cute enough but that damn purse falls out when he opens his mouth Peace, Kipp
  5. New and improved Brian Kevin-- we like! Congrats, Kipp
  6. The attached entire thread is dedicated to what would be perfect "bi" trade in a gay escort world. Str8 acting and appearing but willing to hook up with guys at least for a fee. The long term emotional solution for most of them is to land a woman and have kids (if they haven't already). Advertising as bi means there is no threshold for effeminate behavior or characteristics. This recent thread is the pictorial documentation of the type (if only they were all willing) http://www.companyofmen.org/threads/some-good-ol-boys.116068/ Peace, Kipp
  7. AZ you have out done yourself. This crowd of pics has a 90% approval rating of just my type. Imagine if any of these people escorted how prosperous they would be! Peace, Kipp
  8. So convenient with the drain and all!
  9. Let's dedicate this to Seaboy4hire! Peace, Kipp
  10. #1 is perfect. It's like the best rentmen, backpage, M4Rnow and Craigslist ad selection. # 1 and # 15 are just right. If only it were this easy, fine and select... Peace, Kipp
  11. The models are great, as usual. I don't know what it is but I have this personal thing that just makes my libido go limp when I'm around water. Water pictures, pools, hot tubs, showers are all boner killers for me... Peace, Kipp
  12. If he were still available. Chad Knight would be at the top of the monster list!
  13. I suppose he might be gay, perhaps bi, to quote our next president Hillary Clinton "What difference does it make? Peace, Kipp
  14. https://rentmen.com/John_Atlanta Fantastic guy! Kipp
  15. John has been a guest in my home and is a first class guy. Big as they come and can/will charm your pants off! Peace, Kipp
  16. I'm wondering if this is the same same club in East St. Louis I would have visited 25+ years ago (I forget the name then). It had big crowds on the weekends and a jam backed "paradise" black room off the lower level bathroom. Quiet on week nights but huge crowds Friday and Saturday. It was like driving through bombed out Warsaw to get there. One night upon leaving someone had come by with a baseball bat and smashed the windshields of 20 or 30 cars all around the building. Fortunately, I had parked far enough away to not have had a smashed windshield. Yikes! Peace, Kipp
  17. http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/f5/5a/65/f55a6529fd547bdcda4d80ae0ab947e7.jpg I don't know whether I should laugh, cry or throw up! Peace, Kipp
  18. As they say in Fundamentalist LDS circles..."Stay Sweet..." Peace, Kipp P.S. It's still all about the sex!
  19. My dear, it's all about the sex... Peace, Kipp
  20. Strangely this place has been around for years. No alcohol and gets spendy fast...the guys turn over slowly. Some are a bit interactive in the quasi private section. Which can reach $200.00 quickly. Check out their discount nights in ion.az magazine. Peace, Kipp
  21. Steve Kuzj KTLA Ch 5 Los Angeles http://static1.squarespace.com/static/56345ba8e4b09819231b4181/56387e57e4b0c0c519856f4f/56387e76e4b07c4dab7964f5/1446542983056/Outdoor+USE+3.jpg?format=750w
  22. Kevin, Glad to hear of your recovery and looking forward to your next stop in Phoenix-- missed you the last time! Peace, Kipp
  23. What about David Muir from ABC? My hopes are dashed! Peace, Kipp
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