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adventurous old guy

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Posts posted by adventurous old guy

  1. So my impossible hire is Pietro Roselli -- Kristen Bjorn model from way back, perhaps the most beautiful man ever in porn. Impossible because he's probably retired by now, living in Argentina or who knows where? Also he may bottom only in movies. Some member here has talked about hooking up with him in the past as a bottom (pavlovian response here), but long ago.


    And if by any chance, he's not impossible -- contact info please! I can get to Argentina. :D

  2. Lots of threads about Orlando today. Are we planning our winter vacations?


    So, BrentAlex advertises on M4RN, where he has three reviews. One negative, but he responds to it. Also advertises on BP, not on RM, not on GPScort. Has done a handful of films for Lucas E


    Any experience to share?







  3. Love this one, the fun, elegant way she captures emotion. Just the way I feel about my partner of 35+ years...


    My Old Man from Blue


    My old man he's a singer in the park

    He's a walker in the rain

    He's a dancer in the dark

    We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall

    Keeping us tied and true no, my old man

    Keeping away my blues


    He's my sunshine in the morning

    He's my fireworks at the end of the day

    He's the warmest chord I ever heard

    Play that warm chord, play and stay baby



    But when he's gone

    Me and them lonesome blues collide

    The bed's too big

    The frying pan's too wide


    Then he comes home

    And he takes me in his loving arms

    And he tells me all his troubles

    And he tells me all my charms


    We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall

    Keeping us tied and true no, my old man

    Keeping away my blues

  4. A fun one..

    My analyst told me

    That I was right out of my head

    The way he described it

    He said I'd be better dead than live

    I didn't listen to his jive

    I knew all along

    That he was all wrong

    And I knew that he thought

    I was crazy but I'm not

    Oh no


    My analyst told me

    That I was right out of my head

    But I said dear doctor

    I think that it's you instead

    Because I have got a thing

    That's unique and new

    To prove it I'll have

    The last laugh on you

    'Cause instead of one head

    I got two

    And you know two heads are better than one

  5. Just before our love got lost, you said

    I am as constant as the Northern Star, and I said

    Constantly in the darkness, where's that at?

    If you want me I'll be in the bar...


    Oh you are in my blood like holy wine

    You taste so bitter and so sweet

    I could drink a case of you darling, and

    I would still be on my feet, oh I would still be on my feet

  6. I've only hired one escort on two separate occasions, Derek Atlas. I can't speak for anyone else but me, but both times I've hired him (once for 2 hours, then an overnight) he's been beyond understanding of my physical limitations (I have cerebral palsy), very eager to please, a great conversationalist, and just all around wonderful. Hopefully my second review will be published soon, as I go into much more detail.

    Shiloh, noticed your review of DA today. Very nice. I've not considered him before because his mixed reviews leave an overall impression that he's kind of a self-centered jerk. Your review brings out a very different side of who he is. Very thoughtful review, grateful for it.

  7. Haus and I were in communication at one point, fairly local to each other, and I regret not following up, didn't hire him :(


    Other "regrets" and misses from this thread and my past :


    Steve Fox

    Steve Fox though so beautiful might have been a lucky miss. I've read that he was mentally ill, alternatively that he was deeply conflicted about being gay for religious reasons. Have no way to verify any of that, so its hearsay. My personal experience: I almost hired him on a visit to Atlanta, but he was so clearly drunk or high on my initial call that I told him I needed to finalize my schedule before making an appt. Called back the next day, and he was just as wasted and he was desperate for a meeting as soon as possible -- "I can come over right now, I will do anything." I felt so sad for him, but realized he was a substance user who needed cash. His death was suicide, right?

  8. Here is my stroll down memory lane!


    Haus Weston – Loved how he kissed. He did something with his upper lip that I will never forget!

    Tony Cummings

    Tom Chase


    Tom Chase, what was he like? Top or bottom? My Tom stroll: He used to live on my block in Boston before he got into film. Hottest guy on the block for sure. Then I noticed him in print, then on film then that bottom debut in California Kings. wow...always turned my crank.

  9. I've only hired one escort on two separate occasions, Derek Atlas. I can't speak for anyone else but me, but both times I've hired him (once for 2 hours, then an overnight) he's been beyond understanding of my physical limitations (I have cerebral palsy), very eager to please, a great conversationalist, and just all around wonderful. Hopefully my second review will be published soon, as I go into much more detail.

    My opinion of Derek Atlas jumps way high after this post. Thanks for posting. Look forward to your review!

  10. He used to go by just Cohen. It was his first RM name. Then he was RalphDC for a short while. I think someone found out his real identity because of that name being a name he goes by in non-escort life, so he changed it to RobDC. Now he's combined his first moniker and the last one so now, voila, he's Rob Cohen.

    Whatever name/s he goes by he is a very handsome guy with a beautiful body and great personality, believe me.

    Sold! Thanks Rex.

  11. My review on Rob Cohen (AKA RobDC, AKA Ralph) just ran this week on September 15, 2016. Ralph is back in DC now. His ad is live as Rob Cohen in DC.


    Thanks for the review. Reinforcing to know he's not a fake. Why do you suppose he changes his name so often -- testing different profiles in the market? Are we his focus group, LOL?

  12. Just found this Joni thread. Wow, I'm in. My fave (from Blue):


    The last time I saw Richard was Detroit in '68

    And he told me all romantics meet the same fate someday

    Cynical and drunk and boring someone in some dark café

    You laugh he said you think you're immune

    Go look at your eyes they're full of moon

    You like roses and kisses and pretty men to tell you

    All those pretty lies pretty lies

    When you gonna realize they're only pretty lies

    Only pretty lies just pretty lies

  13. A few years back he was legendary as a great bottom. Several older reviews to that effect - Search Daddy's for all (including inactive) reviews for Tony in Tampa -- that's him. I tried to book him just a couple weeks ago when we both were in DC, made my preference as a top clear and he was responsive and enthusiastic, but we couldn't make it work. He was there for a regular, and told me he had to give preference to them when scheduling. Understandable. He offered to see me late one night, but I could tell from the interchange that he was just coming off a mulithour appt and was spent, so passed. Definitely still on my list though.

  14. I was with him in May, and he bottomed for me. Just realized that I didn't review. Will do that now. Quickly, he is a really nice guy -- looks kind of stern or macho in his pics, while in person he was sweet, intelligent too. Very experienced masseur into holistic healing, we started there and progressed. Although my guess is that top is his preference, he clearly has experience as a bottom and didn't hesitate in agreeing before hand, and was well prepared in person.


    Will do that review now.




    PS -- Though I'm don't pay especial attention to how hung someone is, I do remember noticing this attribute of his.

  15. Well if he's a top who advertises as versatile, complete with tantalizing bumm pics, it could explain the wide variation in reviews. Those with a great experience of Ivan as a top -- 5 stars, those expecting him to bottom not so happy.


    Marylander, I'm AMAZED at the shifts in attitude about BB. The first time a guy I hired asked me NOT to suit up was in early 2013, and I was really taken aback. Rationale: It must feel better for me, it felt so much better for him as well, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to squirt if I kept it on. What ran through my mind is this guy is telling me he is already positive, buried in his request is the tacit question are you + too?, and if so let's go for it. Now I find it more the rule than the exception that somebody let's me know he is willing to bottom without protection. Three out of the last 5.


    I play when I travel with permission from my partner -- encouragement actually, he tells me when I do to learn something new LOL. If i were to do it unsafely, I'm confident I'd be IMMEDIATELY divorced. So I have a clear rationale/reply of my own and always have supplies at hand.

  16. I haven't had any experience with him because he's a top. But imagine my surprise when he showed up on my FB as a suggested friend. We have quite a few friends in common, good friends, so that's a sign that he's a decent guy in my book!


    DTCG82, thanks. But may I ask how you know he's a top -- hearsay or does Ivan himself confirm this? I'm not the least bit interested in him as a top. He advertises as versatile, and its the multiple pics of his rear end that continue to pique my interest.

  17. My turn to bump this thread. He has two strong reviews here, but both first time reviewers I don't recognize. Has 11 RM reviews that run the gamut from 1 to 5 stars. What's up with this guy? Surely someone here has some experience.

  18. Appreciate this PA, think I'm probably one of the many who have the virus but have never had an outbreak.


    Feel a tad bad about distracting from the the topic -- hot Chris Daniel! So moving on.

  19. Did some research, hoping to find that one could get cold sores only if the receiver has a break in the skin while swapping spit with a carrier with an active sore. Sad to say that our mouths are mucous membranes which allow the virus in even when there is no ulcer. 50% of people in the US have it, 70% in the UK. Apparently most of us get it as kids by being kissed by parents or relatives.


    More here: http://www.ashasexualhealth.org/stdsstis/herpes/oral-herpes/


    Opens up a new vista on my thoughts about kissing. Probably a borderline hypochondriac here, know herpes simplex is not a huge life threatening deal, but have gone 61 years without adding it to my viral load. At least as far as I know! Both my parents had the virus -- now surveying my sibs to see if any of us do!

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