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adventurous old guy

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Posts posted by adventurous old guy

  1. Grazie. Here's my contribution: I know two people who have gotten meningitis. One was the wife of a colleague -- she died at 29. The other was a teenage boy who survived because and only because his parents trusted their gut that his flu symptoms were different than anything he'd had before, more severe, and they sought diagnosis instead of waiting, hoping for the best. Meningitis is like sepsis -- if you have it you're in a race with time. Wait too long and the antibiotics are too slow to turn the tide. So my cautionary tale: Don't take flu symptoms that come from nowhere lightly. Go to your doc, or urgent care.


    As for sex, geez -- its like life blood. Can't quite imagine life being worth living without it, so I'll continue to be as careful as I can.


    Btw, I've never had a cold sore and I'm 62. Does that mean its likely I don't have HSV1?


    Love this forum. So full of useful information Even when its scary.

  2. Who: So the guy I''d put on this list, now retired, is Arek from NY.


    Why: Handsome, built, intensely in the moment, as reflected in eye contact and body language. Hungry kisser, while being an eager bottom. I remember pulling out of the intensity from time to time to grin and laugh about what a good time we were having, and he grinned back. When the fun was done, wow what a nice, interesting, engaging guy. Only saw him twice before he retired, hope he's having a great life now.

  3. BP... stay away

    Right M1940. I've never connected with someone who advertises only on BP. So concur there,


    btw, B A no longer advertises on B P. He's on m4rn, with most recent review Oct 2016. Still not much out there about BA as an escort, main source of info is BA as a porn actor, which doesn't necessarily translate to what he'd be like in person.

  4. Bumping this. I like his ad, especially the welcoming video. Just a great combo of sexy and intelligent. But we're not a fit if his major offering is opportunity for muscle worship. I've asked the direct questions, so we'll see.


    Meanwhile, any recent experiences with Logan to share?

  5. Bumping this thread. I'm looking for a quality therapeutic massage in addition to the extras referred to above. Can anyone vouch for his massage skills? Thanks!

    David, his massage skills worked much better for me than what followed. He's very wholistic, and into the whole massage/aromatherapy/alt med milieu. As for the rest, I hired him as a bottom and he prepared and fulfilled the commitment. I just didn't think he was at all into it -- probably because he's a top -- whereas he was into the massage.

  6. Several years ago I ran into Vince Ferelli, naked in the locker room at my gym. Looking fine! It was Sunday night, an hour before closing and practically empty -- so the fantasy machine went 0 to 60 in no time flat. Alas, I only have permission to play out of out town, never in. Damn. So said hello, and that was it.


    See other guys on the street here in Chicago from time to time. And during IML those odds go way up. Agree that the guys I've seen look better than their photos as a general rule, but are generally shorter than I'd pictured them to be.

  7. I had a similar experience. Apparently I passed the test as he responded to my request for a full escort experience after getting a face pic -- I'm old and gray btw, not a young hottie. I passed, didn't like the screening process and there was an "I'll see if I can fit you into my busy schedule" kind of response that came across as high-handed.


    Related point. I typically offer to text a face pic after getting a promising response to an email inquiry. Think it levels the playing field for them, and helps establish expectations for both of us. And have made my peace with the fact that there just is no privacy anymore.


    Sometimes a guy's "private" sexual life and his "professional" sexual life are two very different things.


    All I care about is his "professional" life.


    Some guys I've hired are total tops in private, but are worried about getting hard with guys

    that they're not sexually attracted to, so they're total bottoms professionally.....works for me!


    I liked this ad because I respect the ability to "become" someone different in one's service work than who one is in real life. The thought is exciting.


    BUT, are there REALLY guys who are great professional bottoms even though straight or tops in real life? :rolleyes: Urban myth I suspect.

  9. You've hit a nerve here. When I see an ad that interests me, I reach out and kick the tires. Often find that someone who advertises as a "good/great communicator" is anything but. I guess interpretations vary, sort of like measurements of penis size LOL.


    Usually I just find this amusing -- kids say the darnedest things! But I did just have the following experience with a self-described good communicator that crossed the line from amusing to annoying. Was in Baltimore last month, where selection is limited. Saw a new ad from a visiting escort. Friendly prose, good pics, listed offered activities with some specificity, professional fees set forth, all pretty clear but no reviews anywhere. So I reached out with a message that described what I was looking for and included the statement that I always play safe. When he responded, the fee schedule was $100 higher and an added offer that for that price he'd let me "breed him." So he clearly hadn't read my message plus he completely misgauged me. And just maybe he didn't remember his own ad or somebody else wrote it, who knows? Anyway he wasted both his time and mine -- that was the annoying part.


    Btw --the new ask was $400/hr -- highest advertised cost for anyone in Baltimore that day, on top of no reviews. Backed out and wished him luck with his business!

  10. Speaking of the genetically blessed, what about Benjamin Bradley? Did he every escort? If so, anyone here have experience to share?


    In contrast to JA, BB always strikes me as someone who genuinely and consistently is into it when having sex with men, at least on camera. Wonder if he is that way in real life? And if so, whether he shares or ever shared that beautiful ass with admirers?

  11. brad thats it.. maybe becuase i was the "John" haha


    TJ, first I've heard that Brad Patton ever escorted. Wow, he's at the top of my all time fantasy list. I already envied your experience with Pietro Roselli. Now this!


    While I can appreciate those impressed by his his "take no prisoners" equipment, what particularly turns my crank about Patton are the few times he bottomed on camera, for Jason Kingsley and Tom Chase most memorably. He was so into it, either that or those were Oscar calibre performances.


    but joni mitchell also resided is a very different very special place inside of me... sometimes dark, sometimes light(er), but always a place of growth, negotiation, contestation.


    Oh I concur! Perfect example here:


    A strange boy is weaving

    A course of grace and havoc

    On a yellow skateboard

    Thru midday sidewalk traffic

    Just when I think he's foolish and childish

    And I want him to be manly

    I catch my fool and my child

    Needing love and understanding


    What a strange strange boy

    He still lives with his family

    Even the war and the navy

    couldn't bring him to maturity...


    We got high on travel

    And we got drunk on alcohol

    And on love the strongest poison and medicine of all

    See how that feeling comes and goes

    Like the pull of moon on tides

    Now I am surf rising

    Now parched ribs of sand at his side


    From Strange Boy, Hejira album

  13. Andy2 I am sorry about your experience. I did not say he was a good person only that I had a couple of good times with him. If I had known about the things people were saying about him I probably would not have hired him and I guarantee you that I knew nothing about this forum before hiring him. Our sessions could well have been before he started getting a bad reputation. In fact the last time I saw him out in LA, without telling me, he bought along a friend that looked like he had just been released from prison. That was all it took for me to never call him again. I also suspect that he gave my name and number to a friend of his in NJ that out of the blue called me up for a session. I believe everything that people said about him. I just got lucky.


    The Andy and Search posts remind me why I like this forum so much. When I see someone critiqued here I tend to jump to the defense, speak up for the underdog. Twice now thoughtful members have taken the time here to send me PMs sharing information I didn't have, and it made a difference. MUCH appreciated!

  14. Couldn't have said it better myself. While some of my escort experiences have been mediocre, my one experience with Ransome was the only one where I felt threatened. Couldn't get out of his apartment quickly enough.


    Wow, so much for the All American Boy film persona!

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