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adventurous old guy

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Posts posted by adventurous old guy

  1. One more think about Fabio -- he insisted in the gentlest way on safe sex and had the supplies at hand. That was refreshing. Given the PrEP sea change, I'm the one that usually has to do the reminding/insisting. Not this time.

  2. How long was your session with him? Been trying to arrange a session with him and he seems quite responsive.


    Right, his responsiveness was what sealed the decision for me. Email, text and phone. I'd recommend a phone chat -- he answered my questions and retained what I told him about what I wanted in the experience.


    Booked for an hour. He's wasn't a clockwatcher. Was there about an hour and fifteen -- first 15 was chat, last 15 was more chat as I used his shower to clean up.

  3. OK, saw Fabio last night. He's very built and very genuine. It wasn't a muscle worship session -- not my thing -- but I think he'd be great for that. Nice combination of masculine, friendly engaging, straightforward, sexy and ready to deliver. He's boyishly handsome, very built, the biggest person I've ever been with, which was a learning experience for me. I hired him as a bottom, and it just didn't work that well because of his bulk LOL. But we adjusted and still had a good experience.


    Hope this post isn't too close to a review. I'll do that too, but wanted to meet the demand for real time info here.


    As for the accent, his English is challenged, very thick accent, though he tries very hard in that eager to connect way that a lot of Italians have. I really had to slow down my speaking cadence for him to understand me. I don't think the cute speech patterns are put on.


    If you see him in Chicago, beware that he made a misstep in booking an Air BNB in the Pilsen neighborhood, which is off the beaten path. Hadn't been down there in years. His trip bridged from the Chicago Marathon to the Cubs playoffs, and the city is packed. He could 't find anything else affordable so ended up in a kind of dump, with entrance through an alley. Clean though. He told me that in Europe most people prefer to meet in flats rather than hotel rooms.


    Hope this helps. Ciao.

  4. Yeah I'm almost positive it's just an act (I guess it's just part of his charm). Thank you for sharing your exchange with him BTW


    PLS let us know how the one-to-one goes ;) : I'm particularly interested about his phisical conditions LOL he looks very yummy & muscular!!

    And since we're at it, let me know if his Italian accent is just as cute as his written skills :D

    Well, I can report that the accent is sweet. He asked me to speak slow so "we have no double meanings." Seems like a very nice, straightforward man. Now we'll see if the body language is as charming as the written and verbal communication channels. ;) :rolleyes:

  5. It's strange that a person who, based on his Romeo profile, usually spends approximately 6 months a year linving in London has difficulties with the language... I just think he wants to pass for the "cute hunk" type :p;)

    Well I don't know. Learning a second language is one of those things that's relatively easy for some, a real struggle for others, myself included. But you could be right, his written English comes off as cute, and he could be working that. First lines of his response:


    "Hi, I reply now. Thanks very much to contact me. Thanks for your appreciation. You write many things but is better and more human speak in person or by phone then mail. In particular when we speak a lot personal things..."


    When I set up a time to speak by phone, he texted back: "Good. We are perfect then" with emojis


    Rather adorable...

  6. Update: Fabio did get back to me, with a long message explaining in very broken English why it was "unfair" to contact me earlier because he was with a client. Seems like a very nice guy. Said age seems to be more a problem for me than it is for him, which was both funny and nice. A for effort in writing in a language with which he clearly is not proficient.

  7. Wondering about this guy too. Emailed him with my age (62) and interests, which include him on the bottom. No response other than an unlocking of his private pics. Wonder based on Epigonos's experience whether he's a man who prefers younger clients. Or he may prefer not to bottom in actuality, though his ad states otherwise. We'll see if he responds further.

  8. Used them twice with nice results. :)

    Me too. Once you connected with them, information and responsiveness was good in the setup, and the two or three guys I met through them all delivered good experiences too. But getting PJB to respond to an initial inquiry seemed haphazard. Like BnT, I've met guys who worked with them starting out who moved on for reasons that sound a bit troubling.


    One thing I've wondered, how do they find their service providers? They seem to regularly surface really hot, nice guys despite being an agency that is always sort of hard to find. How? Also, could never figure out their geographic home.


    And what is Apollomen --just a new name, or did they pre-exist as another hard to find agency? Curious.

  9. It really depends on what shape I'm in. My sister is disabled and lives in a nursing home. Her roommate is 99 and while she uses a wheelchair, that's only because of balance issues. She can still stand and go to the bathroom etc herself and has her marbles. I'd be happy to live that long as functional as she is. My sister, who is not yet 60, has a catheter, wears a diaper, can't walk, and now her arms are starting to go. And she is fully aware of it. I would not want to live like that. Though I suppose if it happens gradually you learn to put up with it.

    Sobering. Does she want to keep living? My heart goes out to her.

  10. Earlier this year I was at a health focused conference where both Bill Clinton and Joe Biden spoke. Biden was astonishing, not surprisingly very focused on cancer. He had everyone's hearts in our throats as he shared that he is devoting the rest of his life to beating it and that his life goal is to live long enough to see the cure. He was very well informed, and talked us through with fact and examples how much progress has been made since the first war on cancer during the Nixon administration. One example: Back then the premise was that cancer was a pretty consistent thing cellularly that grew in different parts of our bodies. Now we know that different cancers are not the same cellularly, and each cancer is being approached by researchers and innovators as its own thing. We're very close to cracking the codes according to Biden. Then Clinton spoke -- and essentially said that for people who get good healthcare and are focused on wellness, once cancer is beat the biologists say that average lifespan should approach 120 before everything wears out.


    Personally, I don't want to live that long, especially if my mind wears out first which I think it will! I believe we recycle in some way -- article of faith, can't explain beyond that -- and I've had fun this time around. Wonder what's next!

  11. I've been blocked too, and found it odd just as you did. Didn't know what the "profile inaccessible" message meant, so viewed without logging in and sure enough it was there. Odd because its not someone I'd checked out often or with whom I'd ever communicated. I do have a profile on RM the states my age, ethnic background and preference to top, so I just took his blocking me as a shot across the bow that we were not compatible. I processed as win/win, like he did me a favor.

  12. Not so sure your theory works here, although generally guys do that to reinvent themselves. I've had Ivan saved in my buddies list on RM for a long time, and although his name has changed, he remained in my list without me doing anything. I've noticed that when guys delete their ads and come back as a new persona, they don't remain in my buddy list.

    I have no idea really. Just speculating given all the threads on this guy, which seem all over the place.

  13. Oh, the Hungarian Ivan who used to advertise as IvanStud? That makes sense. He had mixed reviews because he seemed to send a lot of mixed signals. International man of mystery:rolleyes:, probably trying to clean the slate and reinvent with a new name/ad/pics.


    Thx Navy

  14. Gosh, have to say I'm sad to hear about their break-up. Didn't follow them enough to know there were abuse issues in their relationship. But they seemed to have fun with one another, and despite all the comments about attitude one sees here and elsewhere I found myself rooting for them to keep on keeping on.


    Hopeless romantic here! :rolleyes:

  15. So you're worried about Hepatitis E?

    How many people do you know who have gotten that from rimming?

    In Feb I heard Bill Clinton talk about how many unidentified viruses there are, once regional now increasingly spread as a consequence of international travel. So there probably are Heps Non-A-B-C that someday will be a Hep E through Z. The Clinton Foundation has prioritized research and diagnosis according to Bill.


    Bill rambled for 45 minutes btw, an unprepared garrulous sage on the stage. The nugget above was one of the few facts in the fog of folksy rhetoric. In stark contrast to Joe Biden, same conference, who has laser-like focus on achieving a cure for cancer before he dies. Came across as absolutely genuine and compelling, total connection of head and heart, mission driven in a race with his own mortality. My heart was in my throat as I listened. I digress, and know this is the wrong forum, but geez I wish he were our President.

  16. Sorry, ALL cold sores are Herpes Simplex Virus 1. You have Herpes 1 if you have Cold Sores, funguy.

    Just navigating the discrepancy/confusion here. There's a difference between cold sores and canker sores. Canker sores are inside the mouth, usually caused by trauma like biting the inside of your cheek when chewing. They are not caused by a virus. Cold sores are often (always?) on the lip or outside of the mouth, caused by a herpes virus. I think this has been known for a long time. My mom had got cold sores, and explained this to my siblings and me way back in the late 50s in the context of why she couldn't kiss us or daddy when she had a sore on her lip. When I asked her how she knew this, she told me "Home Ec class." Might have been a fib, LOL.

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