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Everything posted by MasssageGuy

  1. Actually this "Dude", is a distinguished PhD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._Colin_Campbell He has published fact based scientific research on how important plant based diets are to our health. Humans are a unique species in that we can decide what we ingest or not. We also have a highly developed brain so we can learn and decide what we put into our bodies.
  2. “Let food be thy medicine.” —Hippocrates
  3. Actually, I have eliminated any added oils whatsoever. https://nutritionstudies.org/plant-oils-are-not-a-healthy-alternative-to-saturated-fat/
  4. Excellent. Research is showing that artificial sweeteners screw up our body's endocrine system.
  5. Naked juices owned by Pepsi. Way high in sugar. Don't drink them! Eat fruit that is not processed.
  6. Anyone have the pleasure of a session or sessions with Sean Long? https://rentmasseur.com/SEANLONG
  7. I'm sorry to hear about your diabetes diagnosis. The best advice I can give you is to switch to a plant based diet. Having just watched the video "Fed Up", I don't trust any of the processed food companies. A great book that will help you get on the right track is https://www.amazon.com/Whole-Foods-Diet-Lifesaving-Longevity/dp/1478944919/ref=pd_ybh_a_13?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=TZJQH3EDRD0Z03E1PFVJ Also, if you are an Amazon Prime member, you can watch loads of videos on the benefits of plant based diet on health. I'm also reading
  8. Watched this video last night. It is eye opening. We have our own man made epidemic on our hands and no one has the courage to do anything about it. Sugar is the new tobacco. If you don't believe me, watch the video and present a cogent argument that we don't have a clear and present danger to our health. If a foreign nation did to our children what the food industry is doing to them, we would be at war with the perpetrator for selling poison (sugar) to our kids.
  9. Totally agree. Forks Over Knives is an outstanding way to help people improve their diet.
  10. You and your partner have a great approach to diet.
  11. Just ordered the DVD. Thank you very much for turning me on (LOL - hippie speak) to this.
  12. It is not ridiculous. I suppose folks said the same things about tobacco documentaries. Smoking tobacco (which by the way is laden with added sugar) even in moderation is harmful. Here is an interesting article... Eating Toward Immortality https://getpocket.com/explore/item/eating-toward-immortality-1597909330
  13. You are absolutely correct in your observation. In fact, there is a documentary on called "Super Size Me" that speaks to the bigger-is-better society. It is astounding to see the psychological and physiological changes that the guy that makes the documentary goes through as he eats "super size" fast food for 30 days. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1NnrXknRNg
  14. Unfortunately, I agree. Think about it... All the ads on TV for fast food and DIABETES medicine... What a cozy relationship... It's up to us to choose what we put in our mouth... Wink, wink... Nod, nod...
  15. BTW - That is how "Whole Foods" (the store) got it's name. Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Shares the Diet that Got Him Back to His Teenage Weight https://people.com/bodies/whole-foods-ceo-vegan-diet-book/
  16. All the more reason to stay away from processed foods and eat whole foods.
  17. I bet they were all height/weight proportionate. Were they?
  18. Very hot hands free... https://www.xvideos.com/video32635069/prostate_anal_massage_cute_twink#_tabComments
  19. http://www.takepart.com/sites/default/files/styles/tp_gallery_slide/public/NakedJuice416_2-itok=mvszhhXg.jpg
  20. Naked is owned by PepsiCo (named Brad's Drink Company in some alternate universe) and it's all right there on their website. All of Naked's most popular flavors — the ones you'll find lining the enormous coolers of stores like Costco — have an incredibly high amount of sugar. Yes, Naked his super high in sugar! The problem is that it is processed food. You are better off eating the apple. Processing concentrates sugar and takes out fiber.
  21. I totally agree. It is the added sugars that are in so much of our food. High Fructose is seriously bad.
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