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Everything posted by MasssageGuy

  1. This may be a twist, but I've had my "therapist" say he loved me. I think that as the trappings of clothing, electronic interruptions melt during a session, we experience the essence of our humanity. Sharing both physical and emotional energy is, in my humble opinion, love.
  2. Gotta Love It! I really appreciate it when people are so creative and forward thinking to plant "seeds" or "bread crumbs" for us to find...
  3. Brook's Law. Adding manpower to a late software program makes it later....
  4. Gardener's Rule of Society. The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water....
  5. Big Stud American Pharoah to Get $200,000 a Pop in Breeding Shed.... Now how is this rate for an escort??? http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-06/big-stud-american-pharoah-to-get-200-000-a-pop-in-breeding-shed
  6. As they say in Real Estate, location, location, location.... For the big cities, expect big rates.... In the country and suburbs, different story....
  7. My own personal preference and experience is that kissing is paired with cuddling. Without kissing and cuddling you are left with the mechanical aspects of sex/massage. I'd agree with WisconsinGuy that kissing is a blend of emotions and sexual sensations. It serves as the wrapper, ribbon and bow of the entire package of the experience.
  8. Thanks for sharing this OceanSunshine. It is heart wrenching to see what is happening in this country. Empathy for our fellow citizens and neighbors has been extinguished by the hatred pumped out by Fox "News" Propaganda machine. "Since the end of the 1970s, something has gone profoundly wrong in America. Inequality has soared. Educational progress slowed. Incarceration rates quintupled. Family breakdown accelerated. Median household income stagnated." I was lucky enough to "re-invent" myself and get a job in the IT field during the "go-go" years. Now, even the IT jobs are going to India. I'm glad I'm living "off the grid" at this point in my life.
  9. Why do cars have "head lights" and "tail lights"??? Lights on the head of the horse and the tail!! Do you "Dial" a phone number? There is not dial? You gotta love the evolution of the language!
  10. Here is Bob's direct milking link. http://www.ultramassage.com/milkmassage/index.html
  11. Milk(ing) Does A Body Good.... Had a great session with Bob Patrick who knows how to Milk. Perhaps he worked in a dairy barn in his youth. Extremely pleasurable IMHO. http://www.ultramassage.com/ If you every get the opportunity to work with Bob, you will enjoy the milking. Perhaps that is cows run into the barn?
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