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Everything posted by MasssageGuy

  1. I've revised the post a bit for a more sensual bent...
  2. I need some advice from members of this forum. Where would you advertise therapeutic/sensual massage services? Where do you think you get the largest return on your investment of marketing dollars? Feel free to PM me if you need. I'm sure all members would benefit from information shared publicly however. Thanks!
  3. So I guess the question really is does compounding provide a more effective transport mechanism into the blood stream than digestion via swallowing?
  4. Viagra is way expensive in my opinion.
  5. This is interesting. Do they compound Revatio with an ingredient that makes absorption much more effective?
  6. The reviews on Amazon of this product indicate it is not very effective.
  7. Anyone have experience with Dave? Feel free to PM me with information. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/35427/
  8. Yes, that's true. Lots of guys are moving to A4A.
  9. If you are into muscle worship and lots and lots of steroids, he's your man. He has done porn. Somewhere there is a thread with links to his porn work.
  10. If you really want to have fun, do a three way call by patching them to "Lenny". Lenny, the bot that tricks telemarketers.
  11. Sounds "Goofy" to me or a "Mickey Mouse" operation.
  12. Variety is the "spice" of life. Yes, I do. Each has their own unique style that I value and cherish. It's fun to catch up with them on what's new in their lives and it feels like the first session sometimes. I also think is helps to spread the wealth so to speak.
  13. There isn't any evidence based research on if high cholesterol is bad for you. I'd discontinue all the cholesterol drugs. I've been on Lisinopril for years and no side effects. You definitely should get your Testosterone levels checked. FunGuy gives great advice on HRT.
  14. You are correct. He has been discussed before. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/phoenix-recommendations.114686/ He is highly recommended as noted in the last post in above thread.
  15. I had considered at one point. Now, no way! There is a reason so many citizens from PR are leaving the island... No health care, no electricity (and when there is - cost is obscene), corruption, high cost of living, and the list goes on.... Go visit! Stay in a bed and breakfast. Talk to people who live there...
  16. MasssageGuy

    VPN Anyone

    Your Internet Service Providers track and can sell (just like Facebook) ALL of your browsing history. I use WWW.PRIVATEINTERNETACCESS.COM There are many providers out there.
  17. I agree. Just imagine that you call for a car or SUV or Pickup truck from your phone and it shows up at your door to take you where you want to go. Why need to pay car insurance, car payments, etc... Should be very interesting!
  18. Perhaps Facebook can be used creatively... https://www.facebook.com/pg/M4Mnet/about/?ref=page_internal
  19. Any creative ways to use Facebook? After all, the Russian trolls had no problem...
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