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    thickornotatall reacted to kingsley88 in How old do you want to live to be?   
    Congrats on being together for over 30 years! Does your husband want to retire or perhaps work part-time? Working long hours can be stressful (at least to me.)
    Then again... hey if he loves to work, that's awesome! I just realized Joe Biden is age 78!
  2. Like
    thickornotatall got a reaction from kingsley88 in How old do you want to live to be?   
    I'm missing my friends! Some have moved away...some have passed away...It's difficult to make new friends with similar interests. My husband is now 77 and I'm 72. We've been together since 1990 and have a great time together. He works long hours..I'm retired... I take care of the house and dogs....
    I am fortunate....lucky....greatful...but miss my friends...?
  3. Like
    thickornotatall got a reaction from + Charlie in How old do you want to live to be?   
    I'm missing my friends! Some have moved away...some have passed away...It's difficult to make new friends with similar interests. My husband is now 77 and I'm 72. We've been together since 1990 and have a great time together. He works long hours..I'm retired... I take care of the house and dogs....
    I am fortunate....lucky....greatful...but miss my friends...?
  4. Like
    thickornotatall reacted to schltguy in 411 on HairyRugby in Palm Springs   
    He's going to be in Daytona Beach next week. He looks just my type.
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    thickornotatall reacted to + Ace in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I've been trying to "find the words" since hearing the news....
    I WILL say: he loved "his kids" as he called us...
    He was a friend, mentor, & the architect of a guy named Ace. He will be missed and ALWAYS appreciated & remembered fondly.
    Mine will be the first glass raised in Palm Springs on April 10th!
  6. Like
    thickornotatall reacted to + peterhung85 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I have just seen this topic. I still don't want to believe it...
    It was 2009, San Francisco, and my first ever review was published on Daddysreviews by a long-standing member here. I had no idea what this site was so I went to check it out and shortly after my cell phone rang. A gentleman introduced himself as "Daddy" and told me that my review got published on his website. He asked me a few non-intrusive questions that were geared towards finding out whether the money I make through this means is being invested for my future. Again, and I must emphasize this, he did that in the most non-intrusive way as one possibly could have. I felt that he just genuinely wanted to ensure that I am on the right path to creating financial independence for myself in the long run. We covered a few other aspects of the industry and he offered me a helping hand in case I ever needed a piece of advice.
    Soon after my first published review came the second, third --- 20th, and 30th, and my business has exploded and I was full of quality inquiries. Surely, providing a great service doesn't hurt but without the ability for people to research their next "date" on a platform like his, how would anyone know about my abilities?
    But business (while obviously in our lives is key) was truly NOT what Daddy was all about. He was in it to help people. Genuinely.
    I had the pleasure to meet him on numerous occasions at a variety of restaurants and many times at his apartment in Las Vegas. We even met during the pandemic (the chair was waiting for me at the entrance to sit on) while he distanced himself from me by being in front of his computer on the other side of the apartment and we were both wearing masks. The "HOW" never really mattered, but every meeting with him was always highly insightful and entertaining.... and very genuine. Many of you probably didn't get the chance to truly know who was behind this nickname/website and I am very grateful that I had the pleasure of conducting more than just superficial chit-chats with him.
    For those of you who don't know, he was a computer whiz and had incredible talents at forensics and used to be retained as a forensic expert in multi-billion dollar lawsuit cases back in the day. This speaks volumes of the in-depth knowledge he had about certain fields in computers.
    Talking about talent, he used to be an escort himself (waaaaaaaaaaay) back in the day. He wasn't always overweight and was rather hot. He told me so many funny stories about providing services in LA/Beverly Hills to some of the Hollywood elites. They were extremely entertaining stories.
    He never cared about the money. He went as far as to flat-out decline highly lucrative promotional/marketing/advertising offers if he disagreed with how the company conducted its business in the gay world, whether we are talking about advertising practices, treatment of others, or the mission the company stood for. He was a principles guy, yet - needless to say - non-judgmental.
    Every time we talked - without an exception - he had his "routine" questions:
    - Are you happy?
    - Do you put a certain percentage of your money aside and invest it?
    - Do you take time out to have fun and enjoy life too?
    This should tell you about the type of person Bill was.
    (With names redacted), he showed me all kinds of escort inquiries where the guys offered him free sessions in exchange for promotion/bad review removal/self-review postings. He NEVER abused his position and always maintained his integrity.
    He was a big fan of Latin guys with muscles and cute butts. Who can blame him, right?! Yet... never ran out of compliments for me when we met.
    We talked about a few side projects of his too. Some of you may not know, but a few years back he was running a website that was teaching the transgender community about proper accessorizing / makeup / wigs and how to start out. He was also running it on his own dime and received no compensation for it.
    On my last in-person visit during COVID, we actually started discussing either a joint business venture or a certain promotional opportunity about a website that would have served as an extension of DaddysReviews. We have never finalized the details and sadly, that will not happen anymore. It would have been great to work with him I am sure.
    I just want you gentlemen to understand how this person sacrificed most of his life to help our community. He never asked for anything in return and I know exactly how much of his life he sacrificed for others. He changed my life, and probably many of your lives I am certain or the very bottom line, his work made your life a little easier in this crazy world.
    I hope that he is in a good place now, his contributions, his helping hand, his guidance, and the amount of care and love he put out for all of us will be remembered (at least by me) for a LIFETIME.
    When @Cooper reached out to me, I was shocked to hear that I was probably the only person who knew his address. He was so loving, welcoming and open that I thought he kept company often times at his home. I also would like to take this opportunity to thank Cooper for taking immediate actions and for keeping everyone posted. I am so truly sorry it ended this way. :-(
  7. Like
    thickornotatall reacted to wsc in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I took comfort each time I came here of late to not see a thread title beginning with RIP. That comfort is, and can be, no longer .
    A man's life is like ripples in the water, expanding out ever more widely to touch all who can feel them. The measure of a man's life is how many lives his ripples touched and changed for the better, and his legacy is that last ripple which brings both the sadness of a loss and the smile of having been graced by his life.
    Daddy's ripples are an enduring testament to the measure of the man and the entries here are proof of their effects. He will live on in the hearts and minds of those he served and who loved him. And that number will include me.
    And I thank Cooper for all he has done to help Daddy, and to support, comfort, and inform this community in these difficult days. It's been said that no navigator ever distinguished himself in a calm sea, and you, sir, have shown to be a navigator of great distinction. My thanks to you for what you've done for all of us.
  8. Like
    thickornotatall reacted to + stevenkesslar in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    My escort career and all the joy that came from it would have been impossible without both Hooboy and Daddy and the websites and community they nurtured. I never got the chance to thank Hooboy to his face. I'm glad I did with Daddy. And I got to know him and help him celebrate some birthdays and successes. God bless him for everything he did. I will always be grateful for this labor of love that he built.
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    thickornotatall reacted to tj_forplay in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Sad news. May he rest in peace. Didn't know him like many of the others, but I've grateful to have found this site he built.
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    thickornotatall got a reaction from caliguy in 411 jockstarr   
    Hahahaha and ha!
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    thickornotatall got a reaction from + Charlie in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    Same happened to me...I thought they left the TV on and then saw they weren't even in the room...Turned out thet were on the floor....HELP!!!!
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    thickornotatall reacted to Stormy in Did Your Parents Give You The Talk About "The Birds And Bees"?   
    I walked in my parents room one night that I couldn't sleep. I still have trouble with my eyes after I witnessed what I found out was intercourse. That was the so called talk for me
  13. Like
    thickornotatall reacted to + Lucky in A Rain of Kisses   
    A protest of “kisses and hugs against homophobia” is being organized for this weekend. This follows the attempt by police in the beach town of Tulum, Mexico, to arrest two gay men for kissing on the beach. The arrests were thwarted when bystanders protested loudly to the police attempting the arrests.
    Here's the story: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/ny-tulum-beach-gay-couple-arrested-armed-police-kissing-public-20210226-2t2s37vfynfglnvs5lxhkbcljm-story.html
  14. Like
    thickornotatall reacted to + Charlie in Scenes from movies that make you cry   
    Final scene on the beach in Longtime Companion.
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    thickornotatall reacted to Merboy in Scenes from movies that make you cry   
    I love Barbara Stanwyck's performance in this movie - and that ending is wonderful!
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    thickornotatall got a reaction from Leyte2019 in Brian Ford   
    Reminds me of hot street trade....yum!
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    thickornotatall reacted to + Snbrd in Brian Ford   
    Does anyone have any information or experience? Pushes all the right buttons.
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    thickornotatall reacted to Jeffster in 411 on Adrian Cotez   
    If he wants extra $ for cumming, it’s a hard pass for me. I had an escort text me as I was heading up to his hotel room, “By the way, it’s $100 extra for me to cum.” This was after he agreed to cum when we were setting up the session and after we agreed on a price. This kind of last-minute upcharge was a deal-breaker. I texted back that I was going to the ATM to get more money. I never returned. i enjoyed leaving the upcharging bastard hanging.
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    thickornotatall got a reaction from orville in 411 jockstarr   
    Hahahaha and ha!
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    thickornotatall reacted to Lchnsf in Who here had the oldest parents?   
    My dad is currently 97 and my mom is 89. My mom’s birthday is in July, my dad in August. So far it looks like they wii each be here a while.
  21. Like
    thickornotatall got a reaction from marylander1940 in 411 jockstarr   
    Hahahaha and ha!
  22. Like
    thickornotatall got a reaction from + bigjoey in 411 jockstarr   
    Hahahaha and ha!
  23. Like
    thickornotatall reacted to Jeffster in 411 jockstarr   
    I can get on Scruff right now and get better than him for free.
    Hard pass.
  24. Like
    thickornotatall got a reaction from JulianLondon in Drawn to younger boy next door types   
    I wonder if you live in a small town or large city...That make quite a difference....My uncle lives a few streets away from me in The Village...We were taking the train uptown and a very cute young guy asked us if we are a couple......I said no.....mind you he is quite a bit older that I am....He was a dancer on Broadway for many years and is in great shape...very active...lots of energy....and almost 80!....I introduced them....The young man just turned 36 years old and is now with my uncle 2 years....Not my cup of tea....But they are out there....Someone for everyone....
  25. Like
    thickornotatall got a reaction from + Lucky in David Boreanaz Dick   
    Mario Lopez has had significant facial work....not a good idea....
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