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Everything posted by sincitymix

  1. All indications I've read are that he is a genuinely nice guy, however I do not think you’re going to get a fun-sized experience. He is straight and has limitations. Unless your a hyper femme Asian twink, I doubt he’s going to top you. I also believe he doesn’t kiss, and is mainly into muscle worship and receiving oral. If he topped I’d hire him in a heat beat.
  2. That is only if you label the transaction as goods or services.
  3. In person he is quite verbose and very intelligent, I enjoyed our pre and post cuddle pillow talk but text wise? no... get to the point.. he has had many people do the 1000 text messages that go nowhere.
  4. I love his tats! imagine that hand around your throat.. Mmmmmm.. however from the ad looks like he really prefers a redirection to his OF?
  5. When i joined this board i was new to everything, I lurked for awhile and read from both clients and providers. This forum is a wealth of information, and the people who populate it is as unique and varied. When I message a provider, if the answers I am looking for can't be found on the boards, I am very succinct in what I want and what I am looking for which has served me well. Ie: Hello my name is SCM, I saw your ad on XX. I am into insert kinks/fetishes/etc etc (by stating what you are into rather than asking the provider what they will do seems to be a better tactics from what I read on here.. lower chance of the provider thinking your LEO or some such). I am interested in an Incall ( or simply asking if they can host.. or come to me etc). What are your session rates. This is the format that others on the boards have advised on... 😛
  6. for clarification if you are using the 6.0 version, its under contact me.
  7. Reminds me when i tried to make a pie from scratch ala martha stewart. Bitch lied.. that pie dough was not easy nor simple.
  8. That one star review he has sure is a red flag.
  9. I like them. He's actually very kind and not at all big mean bad boy 😂
  10. Thank you. I’m on my cell and forgot to add the link 😂
  11. So I’m in Indianapolis right now and I met up with Brandon. Yes he has had name changes and yes he did name change due to the negative review, however in his defense at that time he was using an agent who did not fully communicate what the client requested with him… basically the agent agreed to anything and everything without consulting Brandon.. who did tell the client upon meeting that he would try what the client wanted but it didn’t work out. I didn’t ask for specifics.. He may not smile much in the pics but he’s all smiles in person. Trying not make this a review but I had a fun time with him tonight
  12. Unfortunately the news, especially Fox news is screaming its head off that this is a GAY disease. My mother asked me about it. She and my father watch exclusively FOX. 🤮 She wanted to know if it was true that it was a gay only disease.. I had to explain to her what Monkey Pox was and that anyone can catch it. Its a respiratory virus so wearing a mask is a must.. and if she sees anyone with sores all over them , she should avoid being near them or even touching anything they came into contact with.. its a very highly transmittable virus. She of course kept responding.. but the news says its only gay people. Sigh.. Deep sigh.
  13. for some odd reason i have never hired brian.. despite living in vegas.. lol but i have heard a lot of very nice things about him.
  14. Hmm I looked at his ad and he has a lot more information then I remember from before .. though I'm certainly interested if anyone has any thing to say about him
  15. I see he's coming to Las Vegas. I hope I can find the time to set something up. 6'6" and from what I've read hung to hurt,. sounds like a good time and he kisses!
  16. sorry cant tell you about his bdsm, but ive been with him and really enjoyed my experience wish he came to las vegas
  17. I probably wouldnt. I found out recently after trying to pay a contractor for a bathroom upgrade that zelle has transaction limits.. so i paid in cash.
  18. If its beyond the agreed upon time, I would reach out.. the least he could do is a courtesy im running late.. hope he doesnt ghost you.
  19. i know hes visiting vegas right now, and he has said in his twitter to let him know if you want to hang out.. so who knows? 😛
  20. Personally i think he should be banned from the forum. The forum is meant to bring us all together and his actions slap in the face of what we are all here for.
  21. His graphs are certainly something to see
  22. I do not like his new look. his older pictures are a 1000% better. he looks like he had way to much plastic surgery.. and his hair..nope. He needs to lay off the filter effects.
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