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    nylund reacted to + Just Sayin in 411 on AlexanderSD in San Diego *NEW*   
    I saw him last month; nice guy, beautiful body; sexy; I believe I'd see him again
  2. Like
    nylund reacted to MassageLoverSD in COVID precautions   
    Haha!! This is the best thing I've read all day!
    In response to the OP... If the masseur is COVID positive, then there's a very strong chance of transmission even with a mask on. The most recent data suggest that COVID is transmitted not just by large respiratory droplets but by very fine particles via aerosol transmission. In other words, sharing "air space" with someone is enough, even if they don't cough or sneeze. And unless the mask is a medical grade N95 mask, it probably won't do much to prevent aerosol transmission. I'm not an expert in infectious disease, but I do work in medicine, and this is the most up-to-date thinking on COVID transmission.
    Obviously getting a massage right now is a risk, but like other risks in life the goal is to 1) minimize that risk as much as possible and 2) figure out what level of risk you're comfortable with, then proceed accordingly. While there's no way to know for sure that the masseur is COVID negative, I do think it helps going to someone you've seen before, whom you trust will be honest about any possible exposure and who will cancel if they are feeling even a little ill. Also, some masseurs see 5 guys a day, some only see 5 a week. I think this makes a big difference, too...
  3. Like
    nylund got a reaction from + db66 in COVID precautions   
    I'd avoid traveling masseurs, especially those coming from 'hot spots'. Just stick to the local ones. Ask them if they have traveled or been in a large crowd gathering recently.
    The predominant way of transmitting the virus is still through aerosols exhaled through the nose and mouth. Putting on a mask for both parties is a pre-requisite in reducing the majority of the risks if you really have to see a masseur now.
  4. Like
    nylund reacted to Wanderoz in 411 on Marcus in SF   
    I'd certainly respond to him!!!
  5. Like
    nylund reacted to musclvr in Is it too soon   
    So much truth in what others have said here. We are still in the first wave of infections in the US; the geography just changed, and maybe the demographics as more Millennials and Gen Zs get infected. Younger people appear to have a lower hospitalization rate, maybe as low as 4% while for older people >65 years, it may be 20%. Proportionally, people of color appear to be getting hit harder than Caucasians but that may be amplified by socioeconomic and co-morbidity factors. But, all in all, the virus doesn't care who you are, and whether it makes you symptomatic or not - for its success strategy, it's better having people up and about and spreading the infections person-to-person, which makes Millennials and GenZs (our favorite phenotype of masseur) prime vectors for transmission.
    We are learning a lot about the virus incredibly fast. But with speed comes a lot of preliminary conclusions that turn out to be wrong - a lot of headlines are coming from scientific preprints that have not completed the review process. The popular press takes the preliminary conclusions, amplifies them, and maybe politicizes them. Then when something turns out to be false, there usually isn't the same amplification of the correction. Or, if it fits a political agenda, it's over-amplified to discredit science in general.
    I think we've still got a potential for a huge wildfire of infections, with too many hotspots. and a high pressure system building (red states, too fast relaxing of lockdowns back to normality, and general non-compliance with whatever the locals rules are), and a high wind warning (resumption of travel, lack of social distancing). Our air tankers aren't ready (no vaccine, no good treatments yet), our firefighters aren't on the ground (no contact tracing), and our backfires and fire lines are weak (non-compliance). (As a Californian, I love my wildfire analogies). A lot of people ignore risks and fewer understand statistics. I have a sinking feeling that late September and October are going to be very ugly.
    So for now and the foreseeable future until this first wave subsides, I'm jerking off, best I can while my dog is scratching at the bedroom door. If this goes on for many more months, my thirst for human physical contact and my little head may take control, and I may get a massage. But it would be with a masseur that I trust; in SF, I'm lucky to know educated masseurs with some experiences in real health education, including an ICU nurse. And if I do get a massage, it will be much more subdued in the sensual nature than I usually am looking for. And then I will be extra careful about my exposure to others for at least one week, so that my risk-choice is solely on me and not foisted upon unsuspecting others.
  6. Like
    nylund got a reaction from RubMyThighs in When will it be safe to get a massage?   
    One more precaution I would add (even though I haven't dipped my toes back yet) is I will be staying away from the traveling masseurs, especially those coming from 'hot spots'. Nowadays when I check RM/MF and I see those masseurs still traveling all over the place, I can't help but smh.
    Also, this week I reached out to one of my go-to guys after not having a massage for 4 months to see how he's doing. He has discreetly 're-opened', only seeing a few long term clients but not to anyone else until the state properly okays it. I was tempted but then I am very hesitant pulling the trigger. What if the masseur is exposed after seeing clients and pass it to me and I bring it home and infect my partner??
  7. Like
    nylund got a reaction from Redwine56 in When will it be safe to get a massage?   
    One more precaution I would add (even though I haven't dipped my toes back yet) is I will be staying away from the traveling masseurs, especially those coming from 'hot spots'. Nowadays when I check RM/MF and I see those masseurs still traveling all over the place, I can't help but smh.
    Also, this week I reached out to one of my go-to guys after not having a massage for 4 months to see how he's doing. He has discreetly 're-opened', only seeing a few long term clients but not to anyone else until the state properly okays it. I was tempted but then I am very hesitant pulling the trigger. What if the masseur is exposed after seeing clients and pass it to me and I bring it home and infect my partner??
  8. Like
    nylund got a reaction from Smokey in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    Right!? You'd think they care more about the content of their ads. The importance of first impression. I am kind of hoping some masseurs will be reading this thread and improve their profile pages, not just pictures but also the text of the introduction.
  9. Like
    nylund got a reaction from Dallas Jayson in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    Since all our massage actions have been suspended, I am killing time browsing the sites and imagining in the not too distant future who I can hire. I can't help but notice how bad some profile pictures are. I mean that's the first impression a masseur will make on me, future potential patron, and a picture says a thousand words! So I wanna know what you guys like to see in those pictures a masseur put up to introduce himself.
    For me, I wanna see:
    1) A clear and recent face pic. That's the most important. No face pic, no deal. Also some masseurs use pictures from decades ago. I understand that they wanna appear younger but with the quality of phone cameras exponentially better, who are they kidding by putting up pictures from 15 years ago?
    2) A couple of shirtless pictures so I will know what to expect. If the masseur has the body to flaunt it, a pic in some sexy underwear will be nice. This also is where MasseurFinder is coming up short these days but not letting the masseurs post shirtless pics.
    3) Also very important is I wanna see how the massage table is set up. I wanna see a clean, comfortable, professional environment. I understand rent in SF is high and it's a luxury to have a lot of space. But it's still nice to see a table properly set up with clean sheets etc
    What I don't wanna see;
    1) A messy room. That implies bad hygiene and unpleasant experience. It's pretty much a deal breaker for me.
    2) A million gym selfies and/or travel pics. This is not FB/Insta and not what I am looking for. Maybe they wanna project a well-traveled persona, I don't know?
    Anyone wanna chime in?
  10. Like
    nylund got a reaction from wbtravis in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    So true about the LA glamor shots observation. I always wonder, does everyone in LA have a portfolio of them? LOL How awesome though if the masseur is dreamy and yet has great skills, both therapeutic and sensual
  11. Like
    nylund reacted to BeefyDude in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    quality pics would be nice. Its 2020 and everyone has a decent cell phone camera. No blurry, bad crops etc
    GOOD post btw
  12. Like
    nylund reacted to Scott Dixon in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    I don't know whether it's "a thing" or not; however, just in the course of conversation with some of these guys--once I've seen them a time or two and we've become somewhat familiar--I've mentioned my profession and offered to edit or even write copy for their ad(s) and Web site(s), if they have the latter. The best of these deals lasted for two years. The masseur had terrific skills and also offered "manscaping," at which he was superb. He was hot as a firecracker, too. I wound up creating a new resume for him and it helped him land a new job in the oil-and-gas industry. Fortunate for him and unfortunate for me!
  13. Like
    nylund reacted to wbtravis in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    Amen to the above. Pics that do not look like the masseur are awkward. One provider asked me for a review. Answered all review questions on RM honestly - and he was very offended that I said his pics did not look like him. It was AWKWARD....
    I don’t mind travel pics - but a clear face with a smile is minimum requirement for me. I have noticed a ton of unkempt bearded faces. Def not my type - but then I’ll see here sometimes where someone is asking about a “hot” masseur, I click the link - and messy beard guy shows up. I am reminded not everyone is into clean cut like me.
    The LA providers are guys I can usually spot before looking at location. While often beautiful, most look like they are only here because the acting thing isn’t working out. Glamour shots usually indicate someone is not well trained. Not always, but I have a good track record at sorting them out:)
  14. Like
    nylund reacted to bendable2019 in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    I can’t get over those using other people’s profile photos as their own just because they’re not so “good looking“... I know one on rentmen that’s in the DC area. Am not naming him here but you know what you gotta do... :)
  15. Like
    nylund reacted to Scott Dixon in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    I agree with all the above and would add:
    1. A pleasant, friendly, welcoming facial expression. No duck lips, bad boy snarl, or anything that "tries too hard."
    2. To compliment the compelling photos, I want to read text that is clear and concise with correct grammar and spelling. Granted, I'm an editor (and have done some good bartering for massages in exchange for writing/editing masseurs' ads) and perhaps pickier than most about this part of an ad; however, with all the technology available, it isn't that hard to string together a few comprehensible sentences.
  16. Like
    nylund got a reaction from Clintbr in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    Since all our massage actions have been suspended, I am killing time browsing the sites and imagining in the not too distant future who I can hire. I can't help but notice how bad some profile pictures are. I mean that's the first impression a masseur will make on me, future potential patron, and a picture says a thousand words! So I wanna know what you guys like to see in those pictures a masseur put up to introduce himself.
    For me, I wanna see:
    1) A clear and recent face pic. That's the most important. No face pic, no deal. Also some masseurs use pictures from decades ago. I understand that they wanna appear younger but with the quality of phone cameras exponentially better, who are they kidding by putting up pictures from 15 years ago?
    2) A couple of shirtless pictures so I will know what to expect. If the masseur has the body to flaunt it, a pic in some sexy underwear will be nice. This also is where MasseurFinder is coming up short these days but not letting the masseurs post shirtless pics.
    3) Also very important is I wanna see how the massage table is set up. I wanna see a clean, comfortable, professional environment. I understand rent in SF is high and it's a luxury to have a lot of space. But it's still nice to see a table properly set up with clean sheets etc
    What I don't wanna see;
    1) A messy room. That implies bad hygiene and unpleasant experience. It's pretty much a deal breaker for me.
    2) A million gym selfies and/or travel pics. This is not FB/Insta and not what I am looking for. Maybe they wanna project a well-traveled persona, I don't know?
    Anyone wanna chime in?
  17. Like
    nylund got a reaction from KeepItReal in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    Since all our massage actions have been suspended, I am killing time browsing the sites and imagining in the not too distant future who I can hire. I can't help but notice how bad some profile pictures are. I mean that's the first impression a masseur will make on me, future potential patron, and a picture says a thousand words! So I wanna know what you guys like to see in those pictures a masseur put up to introduce himself.
    For me, I wanna see:
    1) A clear and recent face pic. That's the most important. No face pic, no deal. Also some masseurs use pictures from decades ago. I understand that they wanna appear younger but with the quality of phone cameras exponentially better, who are they kidding by putting up pictures from 15 years ago?
    2) A couple of shirtless pictures so I will know what to expect. If the masseur has the body to flaunt it, a pic in some sexy underwear will be nice. This also is where MasseurFinder is coming up short these days but not letting the masseurs post shirtless pics.
    3) Also very important is I wanna see how the massage table is set up. I wanna see a clean, comfortable, professional environment. I understand rent in SF is high and it's a luxury to have a lot of space. But it's still nice to see a table properly set up with clean sheets etc
    What I don't wanna see;
    1) A messy room. That implies bad hygiene and unpleasant experience. It's pretty much a deal breaker for me.
    2) A million gym selfies and/or travel pics. This is not FB/Insta and not what I am looking for. Maybe they wanna project a well-traveled persona, I don't know?
    Anyone wanna chime in?
  18. Like
    nylund got a reaction from Scott Dixon in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    Since all our massage actions have been suspended, I am killing time browsing the sites and imagining in the not too distant future who I can hire. I can't help but notice how bad some profile pictures are. I mean that's the first impression a masseur will make on me, future potential patron, and a picture says a thousand words! So I wanna know what you guys like to see in those pictures a masseur put up to introduce himself.
    For me, I wanna see:
    1) A clear and recent face pic. That's the most important. No face pic, no deal. Also some masseurs use pictures from decades ago. I understand that they wanna appear younger but with the quality of phone cameras exponentially better, who are they kidding by putting up pictures from 15 years ago?
    2) A couple of shirtless pictures so I will know what to expect. If the masseur has the body to flaunt it, a pic in some sexy underwear will be nice. This also is where MasseurFinder is coming up short these days but not letting the masseurs post shirtless pics.
    3) Also very important is I wanna see how the massage table is set up. I wanna see a clean, comfortable, professional environment. I understand rent in SF is high and it's a luxury to have a lot of space. But it's still nice to see a table properly set up with clean sheets etc
    What I don't wanna see;
    1) A messy room. That implies bad hygiene and unpleasant experience. It's pretty much a deal breaker for me.
    2) A million gym selfies and/or travel pics. This is not FB/Insta and not what I am looking for. Maybe they wanna project a well-traveled persona, I don't know?
    Anyone wanna chime in?
  19. Like
    nylund got a reaction from + glutes in Masseurs replying to comments   
    No, cuz the only comments I value nowadays are the ones posted by this community.
  20. Like
    nylund got a reaction from AndyDandy in Masseurs replying to comments   
    No, cuz the only comments I value nowadays are the ones posted by this community.
  21. Like
    nylund got a reaction from big dale in Masseurs replying to comments   
    No, cuz the only comments I value nowadays are the ones posted by this community.
  22. Like
    nylund got a reaction from + aeikaryoko in Masseurs replying to comments   
    No, cuz the only comments I value nowadays are the ones posted by this community.
  23. Like
    nylund got a reaction from + HornyRetiree in Masseurs replying to comments   
    No, cuz the only comments I value nowadays are the ones posted by this community.
  24. Like
    nylund got a reaction from down_to_business in Will Corona curtail your hiring?   
    Absolutely taking a break even though I am itching to get a massage right now. I think eventually when i get one (like going out after suffering from cabin fever), I will only go to my trusted familiar provider, not a random traveling masseur.
  25. Like
    nylund reacted to Trick in Will Corona curtail your hiring?   
    Here’s hoping both clients and providers take necessary precautions to keep themselves from being infected. I’m wary of traveling providers coming from affected cities who may not know they’re infected. It seems like that was the case in Seattle. The virus has been going around undetected for weeks before the symptoms started showing up. No offense meant to Seattle based providers.
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